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Emeriti Faculty

The College has been built and sustained by the dedication and commitment of our colleagues, whose service and sacrifices should not be forgotten and fade away after they retire. The Academic Senate has developed the Faculty Emeritus program to recognize retired faculty members. While it is appropriate for each constituent group (Faculty, Classified, and Administrators) to develop their own method of recognizing retirees, the Senate recognizes that there are some common recognitions that should extend across all three groups. The Academic Senate invites the District administration and Board to join with us as we celebrate and recognize our retired faculty members through their support of the Faculty Emeritus program


Emeriti Faculty List

Faculty Emerti List


Resolution on Faculty Emeritis Program

For more information please see the Resolution on Faculty Emeritus Program passed and approved by Academic Senate on, November 10, 2016 

Faculty Emeritus Procedures

Faculty Emeritus is a recognition1 bestowed by the Academic Senate to recognize our retiring academic colleagues for their service to the college, students, and peers; as well as an acknowledgment that their service will not be forgotten after they leave the college.

For more information on qualifications and the selections process please see Faculty Emeriti Procedures


Honorary Faculty Emeritus

Honorary Faculty Emeritus status is a recognition from the Academic Senate for an individual who, while they did not earn faculty tenure at COC, has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to working collegially with the college faculty as well as a long and successful history of dedication toward student success here at the college. 

For more information on qualifications and the selections process please see Faculty Emeriti Procedures

Honorary Faculty Emeritus Resolutions

Special Resolution To Bestow Honorary Faculty Emeritus Status For Guido Santi