Our offices on the Valencia campus are now open Monday-Thursday from 9AM-6PM and FRIDAY 9AM-1PM . Office hours in Canyon Country are available upon request. Come visit us!
Established in 2021, the Undocumented Resource Center (URC)’s mission is to provide a safe, supportive, and social-justice space for all undocumented, AB540/2000, DACA, TPS, out-of-status, asylum-seeking, and immigrant students at College of the Canyons.
The URC’s intention is to meet the needs of students and support their personal, academic, and career goals. We are committed to provide undocumented students access to resources in academic; financial-aid; legal-referrals; mental health/wellness referrals; and healthcare information from COC and our community partners. Our purpose is to support undocumented students as they process their own intersectional identities. We utilize an equity-lens to build community with undocumented students and allies at COC.
You are resilient and we will help you navigate through structural barriers in higher education and beyond!
Undocumented Resource Center supports Spanish speaking students & families. Apoyamos a estudiantes y familias de habla hispana. Haga clic aquí para enviar un correo electrónico a nuestra oficina para obtener más ayuda.