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 Enrollment Services for the School of Personal and Professional Learning - Start Here to Enroll

  • Si desea inscribirse en clases GRATUITAS a través de School of Personal and Professional Learning, necesitará un correo electrónico personal para completar el proceso de inscripción a continuación: 

    Paso 1: Presentar una solicitud de admisión en línea. (Para las clases que comienzan en agostoseleccione  otoño 2022.) 

    Haga clic en el botón azul "Ir a OpenCCC" a continuación cuando esté listo para llenar una solicitud de admisión para estudiantes nuevos o estudiantes de retorno. Una vez enviada su solicitud, recibirá un correo electrónico titulando, "Your COC Noncredit Application has been accepted." 

      Ir a OpenCCC     Instrucciones



    Paso 2: Inscribirse en CanyonsID (inicio de sesión único)                                                                 

    Nuevos estudiantes - Crear la cuenta de CanyonsID: recibirá un correo electrónico del Colegio con el asunto "Your COC Noncredit Application has been Accepted". Este correo electrónico contiene 1) el nombre de usuario, que es su dirección de correo electrónico única de estudiante de COC y 2) una contraseña temporal que deberá utilizar una vez para crear la cuenta.

    Estudiantes de retorno - Restablecer la contraseña de My Canyons: Recibirá un correo electrónico del Colegio con el asunto "Your COC Noncredit Application has been Accepted". Este correo electrónico contiene su nombre de usuario CanyonsID, que es su dirección de correo electrónico de estudiante del COC. Si no recuerda su contraseña anterior de My Canyons, haga clic en "Forgot Password" una vez que haya llegado a la página de inicio de sesión de CanyonsID.

     Haga clic aquí para crear su cuenta o restablecer su contraseña de CanyonsID.



    Paso 3: Elija una opción de certificado o un curso gratuito en el que desee inscribirse

    Visite para ver la variedad de cursos y certificados gratuitos disponibles para añadir a su currículum, o para completar su enriquecimiento personal.


    Paso 4: Inscribirse en las clases

     Desde, haga clic en el icono "My Canyons" en la parte superior de la página.

    • Inicie sesión con su correo electrónico y contraseña de estudiante de CanyonsID 
    • Seleccione el perfil "Student" 
    • Haga clic en el cuadro verde que dice "My Registration". 
    • Haga clic en “Search for Sections” 
    • Seleccione un Semestre luego busque alfabéticamente la asignatura "Noncredit" en el menú desplegable "Courses and Sections". (Por ejemplo, "Noncredit Business ") 
    • Haga clic en "Add" y, despues,haga clic en "Add Section " 
    • Haga clic en “Academics,” y despues haga clic en “Student Planning,” y luego en “Plan your Degree & Register for Classes.” 
    • Haga clic en el botón azul que dice "Register" para cada clase que desee añadir a su horario 


    Haga clic en Instrucciones paso a paso en PDF  para obtener ayuda para inscribirse en las clases GRATUITAS. 


    Paso 5: Explore Canvas para conocer su Clase en Línea

    Para ingresar a su portal en línea de Canvas, vaya a: El contenido del curso no es visible hasta que el instructor lo publique en el primer día de clase.

    ¿Necesita ayuda para ingresar a Canvas?

    Como ingresár a Canvas

    • Llame al (661) 362-3600 de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m. de Lunes a Viernes
    • Envía un correo electrónico a o a
    • Después del horario de trabajo el equipo de asistencia técnica de Canvas está disponible

                    las 24 horas del día por teléfono al (877) 889-9052

  • If you would like to enroll in FREE classes through the School Personal and Professional Learning, you will need to fill out an application for admission to College of the Canyons:

    Step 1: Submit an Application

    Click on the blue "Go to OpenCCC" button below when you are ready to fill out the application. Upon successful submission of your application, you will receive an email with the subject "Your COC Noncredit Application has been accepted." 

      Go to OpenCCC Step-by-step Instructions  


    Step 2: Enroll in CanyonsID (single sign-on)

    New Students- Create CanyonsID: You will receive an email from the College with the subject line, "Your COC Noncredit Application has been Accepted." This email contains 1) the username, which is your unique COC student email address and 2) a temporary password to use once to create the account. 

    Returning Students- Reset My Canyons Password: You will receive an email from the College with the subject line, "Your COC Noncredit Application has been Accepted." This email contains your CanyonsID username, which is your COC student email address. If you do not remember your previous My Canyons password, click on, “Forgot Password” once you have reached the CanyonsID login page.

    Click here to create account or reset your CanyonsID password.



    Step 3: Choose a certificate pathway or free course to enroll in

    Go to to browse through the variety of free courses to enroll in and certificates available to add to your resume.


    Step 4: Register for classes

     From, click on the My Canyons icon at the top of the page.

    • Sign-in with your CanyonsID student email and password
    • Select the profile “Student” 
    • Click on the green “My Registration” square
    • Click “Search for Sections”
    • Select a Term , then search alphabetically for the subject “Noncredit” from the “Courses and Sections” drop-down menu. For example, “Noncredit Business"
    • Click "Add," then click "Add Section"
    • Click “Academics,” then “Student Planning,” then “Plan your Degree & Register for Classes.”
    • Click on blue “Register” button for each class you would like to add to your schedule


    Click on Registration Instructions for "step-by-step" help with enrolling in FREE classes.


     Step 5: Explore Canvas to get to know your Online Classroom

    To log into your Canvas online portal, go to: Course content is not visible until the course is published by the instructor on the first day of class.

    Need help logging in to Canvas?

    How to log into Canvas

    Call (661) 362-3600 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

    Send an email to or

    After-hours Canvas support is available 24 hours a day at (877) 889-9052

  • Use our self-placement tool by clicking the Start ESL Assessment button below. The ESL Assessment is optional, as students may enroll in any course available for registration.

    Start ESL Assessment


    For a list of Noncredit ESL classes check the current Class Schedule under the subject “Noncredit ESL.”  We offer Noncredit ESL classes from beginner to advanced:

                           LOW       1A > 1B > 2A > 2B > 3A > 3B > 4A > 4B > 060 > 061 > 070 > 071       HIGH

    Cick on the button below, to view the ESL course sequence chart that begins with beginning-level FREE Noncredit classes and ends in the credit program, where courses are more challenging and require tuition fees.

    ESL Course Sequence Chart


  •  Image of Robin Behbood (Adviser)

    My name is Robin Behbood and I am an Academic Advisor for the Personal and Professional Learning Program. Each day I look forward to meeting with students with a variety of different backgrounds and life experiences. My role is to partner with students in setting both short-term and long-term goals, so they feel they have a support system at the college. It is my pleasure to help students select classes that fit into their daily schedule, assist with the process of transitioning into the credit program and provide resources to explore new job and career possibilities.

    With a variety of new classes and certificates being added each semester, it is very exciting to watch all of our students grow and progress. I encourage all students to schedule an appointment with me to discuss how our Free classes can enhance their personal and professional lives.

    Contact Info:



    For a complete report of all noncredit coursework and hours earned, you may request a free official, sealed transcript. Please allow up to 10 days for processing.  

    Official Noncredit Transcript Request Form



    If you need proof that you are enrolled in free classes, please complete this electronic Enrollment Verification Request form by clicking the blue button below. Please allow up to 10 business days to process.

    Enrollment Verification Request Form  



    If you took a credit class at College of the Canyons and received a passing grade, and believe it to be an identical course that can be applied toward earning a Noncredit Certificate, you can fill out the Course Substitution Request form. Please complete the form below and submit it to the Noncredit Enrollment Services office in Canyons Hall 167. 

    Course Substitution Request Form



    The District has discretion to exempt a student from completing up to fifty percent of
    the District-identified courses, when the student has demonstrated sufficient mastery of the course content delineated in the approved course outline of record (“Learning Parity Exemption” or “LPE”).

    Learning Parity Exemption Request Form



    If you want to enroll in a course you have already completed within the same term, please fill out the form below and return it to Noncredit Enrollment Services OR scan the completed form to JPEG images of the form (taken by a smartphone) will not be accepted. Allow 24-48 hours to process. Emails sent during the weekend will be read when staff return on Monday.

    Course Repeat Request Form  



    Before submitting a Noncredit Certificate Request, click on the link below and search under the "Programs" heading for a list of certificate titles and course requirements. You must complete all required courses with a passing grade before you are eligible to receive the award.

    If your request is approved, you will receive an electronic copy of your certificate to your student "" email address within 6 weeks. Look for an email from “Parchment and College of the Canyons,” with the subject line, “Your College of the Canyons Certificate is here!” It will take about 8 weeks for you to receive the printed copy of your certificate in the mail.  

    To request your Noncredit certificate, click on the blue button below.

    Noncredit Certificate Request Form