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BIOSCI-100 - General Biology - Danielle Amoroso

Course:General Biology
Professor:Danielle Amoroso
  • Hybrid
Course Length:
  • 16 Week


Professor Amoroso smiling with a light green tank top on. Her hair is curly and blonde.

Hi! I'm Professor Amoroso. I earned my B.S. in Environmental Science, and went on to earn my M.S. in Biology at Cal State Northridge, studying ecology and evolution of a native plant genus. I love teaching Biology, learning new things, and helping students navigate their education. The key information I want you to learn from my course is really how amazing biology is. Think about that, the study of biology is a HUGE field! We'll talk about everything from the smallest bacteria to the largest blue whale in the ocean! We will discuss key components of introductory biology, as well as explore our role as a society on the natural world. 

When I'm not teaching Biology, I'm teaching yoga and meditation! I'll offer some pre-exam meditations for you to try if you like. 


Course Description

Students engage in a comprehensive study of the major principles of biology. Topics such as cell structure and physiology, bioenergetics, development, genetics, basic ecology, population biology and evolution are emphasized. This course meets the general education laboratory experience requirement. 

What to Expect in this Course


  • Connection to CANVAS & ZOOM, reliable wifi, reliable computer/laptop (mobile only probably won't work!), microphone for Zoom. A webcam is NOT required, but strongly encouraged! I would like to see your smiling face! 
  • Free eText: Concepts of Biology, OpenStax Resource
  • If you prefer to buy a book: Essential Biology with Physiology, 6th Edition by Simon, Dickey, Hogan and Reece.
    • Not required but will not fail if your wifi/power goes out. Purchase through the COC Bookstore, or your favorite online book seller (i.e. Amazon). An earlier edition is fine.
  • Free Lab Manual PDF posted on Canvas: BioSci 100 Lab Manual: Building Knowledge Through Experiments, 4th Ed.
    • If you prefer to a buy this, purchase through COC Bookstore- they ship to you at no extra cost.


You must be prepared for this course with the hardware and software that is required. I expect that you have consistent access to reliable internet/wifi and a computer with the minimum requirements to run Canvas and Proctorio (Secure Exam Proctor). You should be able to use Canvas, watch YouTube videos, as well as search content from the internet. I will communicate all class updates through Canvas. It is VERY important that you check Canvas daily, and/or check that your Canvas settings will email you when a new announcement or conversation is posted. Click on your Account, then Notifications. I recommend choosing the check mark for announcements and conversation messages. You should expect to spend ~3 hours/week getting through content on Canvas. You'll come to lab once a week where we'll do in person lab activities! 

Are you sure you’re ready for an online lecture course? Take a readiness assessment to find out.

Types of Assessments

The first week of the course you will be required to attempt a MANDATORY quiz just so that I know you plan on participating throughout the course. If you don't take the first quiz by week 1, you will be dropped.

I will give quizzes based on lecture material through Canvas. There will be 15 lecture quizzes to complete. Each quiz will include a few chapters worth of material and will be multiple choice/ true false style questions, and timed. There will also be Discussion boards throughout lecture and lab material. 

In addition to quizzes, there will be ~3 EXAMS and 1 FINAL EXAM. Exams will only be open for ONE WEEK. Be mindful of your coursework as you go to make sure you are studied up to where you need to be for each exam. Even though you may view lectures, labs, and quizzes anytime throughout the course- these four formal assessments ARE PACED. Think of them like checkpoints, I need to make sure you’ve gotten through the introductory material before you are ready to go deeper. It’s science man!

Lab ‘Modules’ will be available on Canvas. Within each Module you will find a ‘Pre-Lab Quiz’ (which is not actually a quiz, more of an assignment. There is no time limit and I expect you to use background information provided in the lab manual and in the Module). Then, you’ll find lab content that will help you to complete your lab notebook and the ‘Post-Lab Quiz’ (also not really a quiz). Sometimes a ‘Discussion’ will be posted for you to reflect on lab material. Study your lab material, including experimental designs, lab equipment you read about, chemicals and specimens mentioned, etc.

A Lab Midterm will be given during our normal in person lab time about halfway through the semester. A Lab Final will be given towards the end of the semester, also in person. The exams will include a variety of questions based on lab specimens, lab apparatus, and lab experiments. The questions will be similar to those on your post-lab assignments.

You should expect to participate through Canvas weekly to keep up with the course material. Although most assignments are available for you to complete at any time, there will be Exams that will only be open for a few days. I will post videos of lectures, along with lecture slides and study guides for each chapter. I'll hold office hours each week where you will be able to visit me on Zoom or in person to ask questions, introduce yourself, workshop material together, etc. 

Textbook Information

  • Free eText: Concepts of Biology, OpenStax Resource
  • If you prefer to buy a book: Essential Biology with Physiology, 6th Edition by Simon, Dickey, Hogan and Reece.
    • Not required but will not fail if your wifi/power goes out. Purchase through the COC Bookstore, or your favorite online book seller (i.e. Amazon). An earlier edition is fine.
  • Free Lab Manual PDF posted on Canvas: BioSci 100 Lab Manual: Building Knowledge Through Experiments, 4th Ed.
    • If you prefer to a buy this, purchase through COC Bookstore- they ship to you at no extra cost.
    • You must have a printed copy (or readily available digital copy/tablet) with you in lab each week. 

Other Relevant Course Information

Here are some class tips: Read through the Learning Resources provided on Canvas. Read and outline the chapter before you view the lecture video, use the Study Guides to guide your knowledge. Revisit your notes daily. Find gaps in your reading and notes, create a list of questions. Ask classmates or me. Keep up with coursework a couple of times per week. Make sure you are on track with learning prior to each Exam. Remember, Exams will come around every few weeks, and while you can attempt quizzes and assignments anytime- you must be prepared to take the Exam as scheduled. There will be due dates you must abide by to do well in this course! 

If you have questions, contact me through the Canvas messaging system, or email me directly ( I will respond within 48 hours Monday-Friday.

This is your journey; I’m just here to facilitate learning. Make time to study- book it in your schedule like a job or other class. You’ll be learning the language of biology, including some memorization- I will try to make this easy and fun, but it’s up to you to remember. Apply yourself.  

Additional Resources


This course can be accessed on the first day of class via Canvas at Log into Canvas using your CanyonsID single sign-on:

  • CanyonsID Username is your COC student email address (Ex:
  • CanyonsID Password is your COC student email password

Please visit the Get to Know Your Online Classroom page for help logging into Canvas and for tips on using Canvas and Zoom. Canvas Chat Support is also available 24/7 for any Canvas related issues.

Online Education

Check out the Online Education website for more information on a variety of topics that can help you be a successful online student such as: exam proctoring, learning styles, computer skills, and tips for student success. If this is your first online course, feel free to take our online learning readiness assessment to assess your skills.

The Learning Center (TLC)

The TLC provides FREE online tutoring resources to COC students!

Academic Accommodation Center (AAC)

College of the Canyons AAC provides educational services and access for eligible students with documented disabilities who intend to pursue coursework at COC. A variety of programs and services are available which afford eligible students with disabilities the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of the college programs and activities through appropriate and reasonable accommodations. For more information on their services visit the Academic Accomodation Center website.

Online Counseling

The Counseling Department offers appointments online. You can schedule an appointment by visiting the Online Counseling website. Counselors can help you map out a plan to reach your educational goals as well as advise you on course selection and registration.

Management of Stress and Mental Health

Often the pressure on our students is very strong, involving academic commitments, relationships, outside jobs and family pressure to name a few. The staff and faculty of College of the Canyons are here to see you succeed academically and care about your emotional and physical health. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential student services, including counseling and mental health services available on campus by visiting the Student Health & Wellness Center in the Student Services Building (across from the bookstore). The phone number is 661-362-3259 that you can call 24/7. You can also e mail for an appointment at At the Canyon Country Campus the Health Center will be in the new Student Services Building.

Also, the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number is now 988. All students at COC are encouraged to enter that phone number in their cells. You can call it when you, or someone you know, is having thoughts of suicide or is in severe distress.

You can also now use the Crisis Text Line: Just text "Courage" to 741741. Someone will get back to you immediately. Its free, 24/7, and confidential.

Veterans Resource Center

The College of the Canyons Veterans Resource Center is a department within the Student Services Division at the college, created to help veterans and veteran dependents with applying to College of the Canyons, enrolling in classes, and requesting VA Education or Vocational Benefits. For more information please visit the Veterans Resource Center website, email or phone (661) 362-3469.


The Library provides live online and in-person research help, access to a full range of e-resources and physical materials that support the curriculum, individual and group study areas, and much more!

Last updated: 11/24/2022 Sub#: 354