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Committee for Anti-Racism in English (C.A.R.E.)


Plan of Action to Implement Anti-Racist and Culturally Responsive Practices

in the COC English Department



For the past 20 years, the English Department has foregrounded culturally responsive pedagogy. However, in response to recent social justice issues in America, we have renewed our commitment to cultivating equity-minded, anti-racist, and inclusive department materials and practices for all students and faculty. The English Department is dedicated to investigating how the educational environment at COC can address the equally devastating crises of systemic discrimination and inequalities. To achieve this goal, the English Department formed the Committee for Anti-Racism in English (CARE), which focuses on developing culturally responsive practices and curriculum. 


  • of the communities and people around us (demographic mindfulness) and their voices and perspectives, which include but are not limited to people who belong to groups that may be based on race, ethnicity, social class, religion, disability, and/or gender and sexuality.
  • a message of inclusivity to all English students and faculty by developing inclusive course syllabi and curriculum, creating department events, and offering professional development opportunities.
  • in culturally responsive teaching by adopting literature and curriculum that better align with student experiences by applying anti-racist critical thinking to literature and creative writing.
  • students to develop as culturally responsive writers and readers who advocate for themselves in educational and professional environments.
  • students to various campus resources for support, community building, and professional opportunities, such as student alliances, clubs, Honor’s Society, and academic support services. Campus resources can empower students to see themselves as people who can change the world for the better.
  • this Plan of Action into Program Review and department discussions. We will continue to revise our current plans to ensure we are contributing to the existing national discourse on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • future English Department faculty who foreground and practice equity-minded and anti-racist pedagogy.