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Support our Theatre Department and the work that we do throughout the year.


Susan Hinshaw Theatre Scholarship

Susan Hinshaw was the full time theatre faculty that developed the theatre department at College of the Canyons.  For nearly 25 years, Susan was dedicated to building a dynamic foundational theatre program, creating opportunities in drama, comedies, musicals, and solo performance.


The Susan Hinshaw Scholarship is an emdowed scholarship to support theatre students in their pursuit of training and learning, and open to all theatre students.


Click this link to make a donation:

Or Scan this QR code to
make a donation to the
Susan Hinshaw Theatre Scholarship




David Stears Student Development Fund


This endowed scholarship fund is to provide support for student attendance to plays, events, and conferences as part of their ongoing professional development.

David Stears was a an adjunct faculty for 18 years, becoming fulltime faculty in 2018.


Click this link to make a donation:

Or Scan this QR code to
make a donation to the
 David Stears Student Developent Scholarship




Theatre Production Fund 

This is an ongoing fund in support of our theatre productions, guest speakers, special projects throughout the year.

TheatreFund QR CodeClick this link to make a donation:

Or Scan this QR code to
make a donation to the
 General Theatre Fund