Computer Science 236 C++ Object Oriented Programming
Course Syllabus
Course Description: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) using the C++ language. Topics covered will be C++ classes/objects, input/output streams, overloading, inheritance, templates and exception handling. This is a second semester course in C/C++; students entering the course should already be familiar with the C programming language.
Please check the web page each week for:
- Weekly Lecture Notes
- Weekly Reading Assignments
- Project Assignments and Deadlines
Required Text:
Grading: Grading will be based on the following breakdown:
Quiz 1 10% 20 points
Midterm 20% 40 points
Quiz 2 10% 20 points
Final 30% 60 points
Projects (3) 15% 30 points
Online Coursework 15% 30 points
Needed Point Totals: A – 175 points, B – 150 points, C – 120 points, D – 100 points
Makeup exams will not be allowed.
Surfing the Internet during class time is reserved for class related web sites. EBay, chat rooms, sports sites and other non-class related surfing is strictly prohibited and may result in penalty reduction of points.
Important Dates:
Please be sure to avoid scheduling conflicts with these dates.
See Back/Below for more Info
Student Learning Outcomes:
Design, analyze and evaluate computer programs using the C++ programming language.
Course Outline
- 'C' Programming language review
- C++ pointers, address arithmetic, array pointers, references, passing addresses
- Classes, objects, user defined types, constructors, this pointer, UML, object oriented design
- streams, cout/cin, overloading <<, class conversion, class scope, static data, static member functions,
- class inheritance, private/public/protected, polymorphism, virtual functions, abstract classes
- Overloading vs. overriding, multiple inheritance, file streams, friends, Object Oriented Design and Patterns
- structures, records, dynamic allocation, new/delete, linked lists
- Exception handling, overloaded constructors/functions/operators
- Template classes/functions, Standard Template Library (STL), namespaces, type casts
- C# (C Sharp)