Online Computer Science
( These instructions apply for ALL semesters, only the start date changes )
( Scroll DOWN for Javascript Programming )
Online Orientation for CMP SCI 192 PHP Programming
Class Start Date:
This is a 100% online class. I will set up your account and email your log on instructions on . All you need to do at this time is have a current email address on file with College of the Canyons and check that email on . WARNING: This address should be your '' email.
If you do not receive your email with log on instructions, email your instructor at after
To check your email address on file at College of the Canyons use this LINK
This course will use the instructors web site, Canvas to post important messages, and other ONLINE resourses.
If you want to start early!
I am not a big fan of starting an online class early, , is the start date for this class. However, if you want to get a jump on the course, here are three things you can do to prepare:
1. Buy/Order your Text Book
It is available at the College of the Canyons bookstore, or can be ordered online:
Title: Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours
Edition: 3rd
Author: Matt Zandstra
Publisher: Sams Publishing, Copyright 2004
ISBN: 0-672-32619-1
2. Set up a PHP Web Page
If you want to get a jump on the class you can set up a PHP web page. Not all web pages allow the user to upload and use PHP on their web site. A web page at AOL or other ISP may NOT work for this class. The web page for this class MUST support PHP.
If you DO NOT have a PHP web page, you can set up a FREE PHP web page account at the following web host:
The schedule of classes and the catalog both clearly state: Experience creating Web pages with HTML is strongly suggested prior to taking this course.
If your web page and HTML skills need work, please brush up on them now, before the class starts.
3. Download PHP For YOUR Computer
The ability to program PHP and run it on YOUR computer is very important. This will allow you to program and test your scripts WITHOUT having to upload them to a web host. The link below is an integrated, easy to use, PHP for YOUR computer:
Download PHP/Apache/MySQL at
Note: Edge and Safari browsers DO NOT work well with my system, Please DOWNLOAD Firefox
Of course, you do not have to do any of this until class starts.
Please note, scheduled courses can and do change, these courses are NOT guaranteed. You can check the current schedule at College of the Canyons
Online Computer Science
( Scroll UP for PHP Programming )
Online Orientation for CMP SCI 190 Web Programming: Javascript
Class Start Date:
This is a 100% online class. I will set up your account and email your log on instructions on . All you need to do at this time is have a current email address on file with College of the Canyons and check that email on . WARNING: This address should be your '' email.
To check your email address on file at College of the Canyons use this LINK
It is very important to keep your email address up to date !
If you do not receive your email with log on instructions, email your instructor at after
This course will use the instructors web site, Canvas to post important messages, and other ONLINE resources.
If you want to start early!
I am not a big fan of starting an online class early, , is the start date for this class. However, if you want to get a jump on this course, here are three things you can do to prepare:
1. Buy/Order your Text Book
It is available at the College of the Canyons bookstore, or can be ordered online:
Title: Teach Yourself Javascript in 24 Hours
Edition: 5th
Author: Moncur and Ballard
Publisher: Sams Publishing, Copyright 2013
ISBN: 0-672-33608-1
2. Set up a Web Page
If you want to get a jump on the course you can set up a web page. A web page at AOL, your ISP, or Google will work for this class. If you already have a web page you can use that page for this course.
If you DO NOT have a web page, you can set up a FREE web page account at the following web host:
The schedule of classes and the catalog both clearly state: Experience creating Web pages with HTML is strongly suggested prior to taking this course.
If your web page and HTML skills need work, please brush up on them now, before the class starts.
3. Download Mozilla Firefox For YOUR Computer
We will use Firefox for this class (and test with other browsers). However, Firefox has a built in Javascript debugger which will be very important for locating problems with your code:
Note: Edge and Safari browsers DO NOT work well with my system, please use Firefox
Of course, you do not have to do any of these things until class starts.
Please note, scheduled courses can and do change, these courses are NOT guaranteed. You can check the current schedule at College of the Canyons