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Apply Now!    

Fill out the application* then email it to or bring it in-person to the ISP office.

*If above link does not work, try accessing the application here.


Application Deadlines

Semester Rapid Approval Standard Approval Special Approval
Fall (August) Start May 1st June 1st July 4th
Spring (February) Start November 1st December 15th January 15th
Summer (June) Start March 1st May 1st May 15th

Rapid Approval is as fast as 24 hours
Standard Approval
is up to 10 business days
Special Approval
is case specific

*If you miss the application deadline contact the ISP office

School Calendars

Visa Preparation Tips 

Please note: It is very important to have reliable access to a computer in order to be successful in your College of the Canyons classes.
Please plan on having a laptop upon your arrival to the U.S.

  • Types of International Applicants

    Full-Time Student
    (from Outside the U.S.)

    An applicant outside the U.S. who wishes to study in-person and full-time at College of the Canyons on an F-1 (student) visa, and who does not yet have an active F-1 visa.

    Full-Time Transfer Student
    (from Inside the U.S.)

    An international student who wishes to study full-time at College of the Canyons on an F-1 (student) visa, who is currently studying at another DHS-approved school in the United States, and who is applying from inside the United States.

    Part-Time Student for Concurrent Enrollment
    (from Inside the U.S.)

    An F-1 student who is enrolled at another DHS-approved and SEVP-certified school in the United States under their F-1 sponsership and wishes to concurrently enroll part-time at College of the Canyons.

    Part-Time F-2 Student
    (from Inside the U.S.)

    An F-2 dependent of an F-1 student, and who is applying from inside the United States.

    NOTE: F2 sponsorship is restricted to persons that qualify to attend the College.

    Online-Only Student from Home Country
    (from Outside the U.S.)

    Applicants who will be studying online only at COC from outside the U.S.

    NOTE: The items required from online-only students outside the U.S. are the ISP Application with Photo and Passport, Proof of Secondary Education, and Proof of English Proficiency.

    High School Students ONLY: Must submit the International Student Special Population Form.

    Click here for more information about online learning for international students


  • Email documents to ISP at or submit documents in-person at the ISP Office at the Valencia campus.

    Students Required to Submit Documents to Submit Additional Information

    All Students

    ISP Application Form

    (Google Drive link) (Dropbox link)



    *Student VISA (If you already have one)

    Passport, photo, and VISA (if you have one) must be included with application.

    Must submit a clear copy of your pasport's picture page(s) and must show the expiration date, name, picture, and date of birth.

    Must submit a clear current photo of yourself. Must not be the same as your passport photo. Must be recent and may be either a selfie or a photo someone else has taken of you.

    Full-Time Students

    (May be required for Part-Time Students)

    A Bank Statement

    Must be dated no earlier than 180 days from the start of classes and no more than 60 days before the issuance of the I-20. The bank statement must show at least the amount listed here for tuition and fees for the academic year. Please be prepared to send updated bank statements upon request.

    Full-Time Students

    (May be required for Part-Time Students)

    Affidavit of Financial Support
    (Dropbox link)

    *I-134 Form (If you are being sponsored by someone inside the U.S.)
    (link to Form)

    This specifies who will be paying for your education. If you are being sponsered by someone inside the U.S. you must submit the I-134 Form in addition.

    Full-Time Students

    (May be required for Part-Time Students)

    Proof of Completion of Secondary Education

    *U.S. School Transcripts (If you have attended any U.S. Educational Institutions)

    Transcript Translations and Evaluations (not required unless recommended by an academic counselor or advisor for the purpose of using foreign courses to fulfill graduation requirements)

    This may include a graduation certificate, diploma, or transcript. If you have not yet completed your secondary education, but will do so before classes start at COC, you may send us a letter from your school principle telling us that you are on track for completion.

    If you have attended a high school, college or university in the United States, submit transcripts from each school. To receive college credit for classes taken at another institution submit two official transcripts.

    Full-Time Students

    (May be required for Part-Time Students)

    Proof of English Proficiency

    Click here for details.

    Transfer and Part-Time Students

    (link for retrieving form)


    Submit a copy of your most recent I-94 form.

    Submit a copy of pages 1 and 2 of your most recent I-20.

    Transfer Students

    Transfer Clearance Form


    Will be provided to you by COC then completed by your transfer-out school.

    Students studying Part-Time at COC concurrently with another U.S. institution

    Concurrent Attendance Authorization Letter

    Completed by your current status-sponsoring school.

    F-2 Students

    Proof of Relationship to Primary Status Holder

    Letter from the primary status holder's educational institution verifying the status holder is maintaining F-1 status.

    A copy of the Primary Status Holder's:

    Proof of relationship can be a birth cirtificate, marriage license, adoption certificate, etc.

    F-1 Students who wish to bring an F-2 dependant to the U.S.

    Proof of Relationship to F-2 Dependant

    A copy of the F-2 Dependant's Passport

    Proof of relationship can be a birth cirtificate, marriage license, adoption certificate, etc.

    Required of students from the following countries:

    • China, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa

    Tuberculosis Test

    Students from the listed countries must submit a tuberculosis test. The test result does NOT have to be negative for a student to be admitted. If there is no test available in the student's home country, then the student can request to test at the COC Student Health Center upon arrival.



  • All F visa students must demonstrate their English levels through a proctored test.

    Test results are used to ensure proper placement of a student's classes with the purpose of optimizing the student's academic success.

    To optimize student success, ESL100 is the required starting point of all students that both test CEFR C1 and originate from countries where English is not the native language. Exceptions to this rule may be requested from the ISP Director. CEFR C2 students may begin with ENG101.

    Students that completed secondary education at an institution that provides all instruction in all courses in English may be exempt from testing requirements with approval of the ISP Director.

    College of the Canyons uses the Common European Framework of Reference system for student placement.

    NOTE: Students automatically progress from ESL to Pathway to Study I-20.


    A2 B1 B2 Low B2 High C1
    Course IELP IELP ESL 90 ESL 100 ENGL 101
    I-20 Level ESL ESL Pathway Pathway Study
    Duolingo 55 60 90 100 116+
    TOEFL iBT   42 72 83 94
    IELTS 4.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
    PTE Academic 23 29 36 49 56

    Other tests are also accepted. Send your test results to for evaluation.

    Language Training:
    Intensive English Language Program (IELP). Prepares students for the rigors of university study.

    ESL/University (Pathways): Students take a mixture of ESL and freshman level university classes.

    University (Associates): Students begin with English 101.

    • Movement between levels is facilitated by the College on behalf of the student.
    • Completion of University level qualifies for 2+2 California.
    • 2+2 California guarantees a placement at a California State University bachelor's degree program and positively increases the chance at acceptance at University of California institutions.


  • The information below is for the purpose of establishing the minimum financial demonstration necessary to qualify for a student visa interview. Costs may vary significantly depending on lifestyle, availability of low-cost housing, and course load. Costs for most students are typically higher.

    Students are required to always have health insurance while in the USA. Health insurance costs are included in the estimates. Click here to get Health Insurance.

    Financial Demonstration For I-20

    2 semesters
    24 units
    10-month residency

    Tuition and Fees (2 semesters) $11,002
    Books and Supplies $1,498
    Living Expenses $19,500
    Total $32,000

    *Actual costs may vary based on student level, personal expenses, and units enroll




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