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Manufacturing Technology

CAD design of car.
Course Descriptions

Check out Course Descriptions to see what CAD/CAM, CNC (and more) application and calculations using appropriate equipment and knowledge required for a variety of manufacturing industries.

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Will I be able to get a job? Does the program provide job placement services?

The program does not provide formal job placement services however the Career Services office on campus can assist students (free of charge) with finding employment including resume writing/review, job searches, workshops, interview practice, etc.

Additionally we work closely with local industry to develop and offer internships. When we receive job announcements from industry, this information is passed along directly to all the students in the program. Check out the Manufacturing Institute.
Manufacturing training - faculty with student.

Manufacturing machinery.
The manufacturing industry is making great strides in producing parts directly from computer aided design models. In the next 10-20 years, CNC machine tools will have a new role in the way parts are produced, which may restrict machining operations to just finishing.
Manufacturing machinery.
Manufacturing Technology is a career technical education program designed to prepare students for a variety of entry-level positions in a manufacturing environment. These positions may include manual machine operator, computer numerical control operator, CAD/CAM designer, or programmer.

Classes are designed for first-time college students, re-entry students, and current industry employees requiring skill enhancement or upgrade training. Learned skills may include the ability to operate conventional and CNC machinery, program CNC machinery, operate various CAD/CAM systems and interpret blueprints.