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This site contains a computational knowledge search engine. Enter your question or calculation, and Wolfram|Alpha uses its computational power and ever growing collection of knowledge to compute the answer. Discover new information about the world, and integrate expert knowledge into any facet of your life.
Use this tool to find integrals of any function. When you type in an integral,the Integratoruses webMathematicato send the integral to theMathematicakernel, which computes the result using the Integrate function. The result is then embedded into the web page as typeset output.
This site has a lot of useful information including links to other math resources. Near the bottom of the home page there is a list of hot topics. Click on these links to get further instruction on the topics.
This site has video clips of various teachers providing instruction on a vast array of math areas. There are also video clips available in Spanish.
This site has written descriptions of math concepts with examples provided to illustrate the concept. Some math areas have video instruction included, while others do not.
This site is geared towards students that are working on fractions, one variable equations, slope of a line, etc. This site actually provides various links to other sites that address the math area.
This site has a tremedous amount of videos on math as well as many other disciplines.
Plusis an internet magazine which aims to introduce readers to the beauty and the practical applications of mathematics.Plusprovides articles and podcasts on any aspect of mathematics
This site provides more practice than actual instruction. Math 025 students should click on the "Skill in Arithmetic" link on the homepage to get started.
This site provides games and flash cards for students doing basic arithmetic.
This site is geared towards children; however it does have useful arithmetic and algebra lessons, information and practice. The site contains lessons with graphics, practice and math games.
This site is geared toward children. The video instruction is a bit limited, but still helpful.
This site is also geared toward children, mainly on financial mathematics. Discovered and recommended by local children. Thanks, Aubree and Aria.