OER Revision Funding Request Form
Looking to revise or customize an existing OER? Let COC's OER team know how we can support you by completing this OER Revision Funding Request Form. Thank you!
Exploring OER & Open Pedagogy COC Faculty Resource CourseThis resource course contains resources and guides on finding and using Open Educational Resources to support student learning and engagement! Explore this course, to learn how to use, find, and embed OER:
There are many excellent OER resources, we have compiled a list of what we believe to be the top five. This ranking is based on: ease of use, breadth of content, and how often the repositories are updated.
What does it mean if an academic resource is openly licensed? These resources explain open licensing under creative commons and how this kind of licensing allows educators to freely use and share educational resources.
To create a creative commons license click here.
The College of the Canyons Open Educational Resource (OER) / Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Style Guide contains everything you need to begin branding and creating OER on your campus, including:
- ZTC Textbook Start-up Checklist
- Phases of ZTC Textbook creation
- Textbook Covers & Graphics
- ZTC Style Guide (in Docx & PDF)
We recommend that you:
- Begin with the Style Guide Handbook Introduction - It will explain why this style guide was created and the values that stand behind it.
- Feel free to use these materials as they are or remix them, they are all under a CC-By license
These resources will help explain the steps it takes to create an openly licensed teaching material.
- Open Learn offers a free in depth tutorial on understanding and creating OERs.
- The Open Education Consortium has been a pioneer in the world of OER for the last decade, their Faculty: Creating OER's webpage includes direct simple information on the creation of openly licensed materials.
- COERLL Guidelines for Creating and Sharing Open Educational Resources offers a brief, big picture overview of the OER creation process.
- BC Campus has created a Self Publishing Guide a reference for individual educators or institutions wanting to write and self-publish an open textbook. This guide provides details on the preparation, planning, writing, publication, and maintenance of an open textbook.
- Pressbooks is an OER publishing tool. Pressbooks software helps educators and authors create aesthetic, properly formatted, texts for a one time publishing fee.
The OER Student Advocate Toolkit was created by OER student leaders in the CCC and CSU systems. The toolkit's purpose is to motivate students to get involved in OER advocacy and the Open Education movement.
- ATD OER Library
- American Institute of Mathematics Approved Textbooks
- Arabic Language Learning
- ASCC Open Educational Resources Initiative
- BC Campus Open Ed Textbook Search
- BC Campus Open Education Virtual Lab and Science Resource Directory
- Bay College Library - OER
- California Social Work Education Center Hub
- Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning
- Center for Human Services Resource Barn - UC Davis
- Cool 4Ed
- Common Core OER
- Connexions
- Community College Consortium for OER
- Digital Public Library of America (Art, History, Literature)
- Directory of Open Access Books
- Flat World Knowledge Books (2012)
- Free Tech Books (Computer Science)
- Fundamentals of Business (Virginia Tech)
- George Mason OER Metafinder
- Green Tea Press (Computer Science + STEM)
- Humbolt OER Page
- InTech (STEM)
- Kirkwood Community College
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- LibreTexts
- Michigan College Hub
- NSDL - National Science Digital Library
- OERs Used In Various Colleges and Communities
- Ohio State University
- Open Oregon
- Open SUNY Textbooks
- OpenStax College
- Open Text Bookstore (Mostly Math)
- Open Textbook Library
- Open Textbook Library (eCampusOntario)
- Open Washington
- PLOS (Scientific Journals)
- Portland State University
- Sacred Heart University - List of OER Books
- SmART History (Art History)
- Writing Spaces (College Level Writing)
- Allgo Plus-Size
- Black Illustrations
- Burst
- CC Search Beta
- Disabled And Here
- Dollar Street
- Images of Empowerment
- Indigenous Peoples in Education Stock Photo Collection
- EdiPic.net
- Flickr
- Gender Spectrum Collection
- Images of Empowerment
- The Met
- Morguefile
- Nappy
- NASA Archive
- PhotoPin
- Pictoscope
- Pixabay
- Redifining Women Icon Collection
- StockSnap.io
- University of Texas - Maps
- Unsplash
- World Images Kiosk
- #WOCinTech
- Academic Earth
- Boundless
- Carnegie Mellon University - OER
- Free Canvas Courses
- Lumen - Open Courses
- My Open Math (Math)
- Open Education Database
- Open Learning Initiative
- Open Yale Courses
- Peer 2 Peer
- Saylor Academy
- Sketchfab
- Sofia Open Content Initiative
- Tufts Open Courseware
- American LGBTQ Rights Movement
- Antiracism Inc. Why the Way We Talk about Racial Justice Matters
- Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies
- Cultural & Ethnic Studies Textbooks
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Documenting Racism
- EDUCAUSE Inclusive, Bias-Free, Equitable Language Guide
- Everyday Social Justice
- Indigenous Peoples in Education Stock Photo Collection
- Introduction to Design Equity
- Mastering the Hidden Curriculum
- My Slipper Floated Away: New American Memoirs
- Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.: An Intersectional Approach
- Slavery to Liberation
- What We Now Know about Race and Ethnicity
- Writing for Change
OER/ZTC Presentations
You've heard the acronym OER and seen the ZTC filter in the schedule, but what do these actually mean? This session will introduce you to OER - Open Educational Resources - and ZTC - Zero Textbook Cost classes. You'll learn why faculty engage in OER and ZTC, what forms they take, and how they help to reduce the equity gap.
If you're familiar with Open Educational Resources (OER), but wonder what's next at COC and other colleges, this workshop is for you. You'll hear about the impact of 'going OER' at COC, including the ways that OER reduce equity gaps, and find out what's next both at COC and across the US.