Faculty & Administration | MLT Office: (661) 362-3557
Hencelyn Chu, PhD, MLS (ASCP)
Program Director and Department Chair of MLTCourses Taught: Clinical Chemistry I and II,
Microbiology, Hematology, and Clinical Practicum courses
Office: Towsley Hall 104A | (661) 362-3777
Hours: Varies, by appointment
Bridget Wallace, MLS (ASCP), SBB
Adjunct ProfessorCourses Taught: Clinical Coagulation and Clinical Immunology/Immunohematology
Office: Towsley 102 | (661) 362-3777
Hours: By appointment
Desiree Tan-Castillo, MBA, MLS (SH)
Adjunct ProfessorCourses Taught: MLT 114-Clinical Coagulation Lecture and Laboratory Immunology portion of MLT 118-Clinical Immunology/Immunohematology
Office: Towsley Hall 102 | (661) 362-3777
Hours: By appointment
David Chu, MLS (ASCP)
Adjunct ProfessorCourses Taught: Clinical Chemistry I and II and Clinical Immunology/Immunohematology
Office: Towsley 102 | (661) 362-3777
Hours: By appointment