Model United Nations Club
The Model United Nations is a course offered by the department of Political Science (PS210). The Model United Nations Club was initially created to provide members of the College of the Canyons Model United Nations (COCMUN) a place to continue developing their speaking skills outside of the classroom setting. Over time, the Model United Nations Club also welcomed students who aren't currently enrolled in Political Science 210 but want to get an idea of what the Model United Nations is all about.
Model United Nations Club Information
MUN Club Officers:
President: Benjamin James
Vice President: Diego Staben
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
ICC Representative: Samantha Dalton
PR: Vacant
Contact Information:
Meeting Time:
Thursdays from 1:00-2:00pm (PST) in Hasley Hall, Room 206 on the College of the Canyons Valencia Campus