Course SLO Assessment Guide
The semester before you assess
Working with other faculty (Course Coordinator, Lead Faculty, Department Chair, and other faculty in the discipline), you should:
1. Collaborate to develop an assessment and a rubric.2. Participate in norming sessions (if more than one section is to be assessed.)3. Attend workshops on authentic assessment.
The semester you assess
Working with faculty who are teaching the same course that are to be assessed, you should:1. Select the correct assessment tool and rubric.Course coordinators or Chairs will distribute assessment tool and rubric.2. Submit the assessment at the agreed upon time.3. Evaluate the assessment with the rubric tool.4. Report assessment results. This is done for each student, on each section's roster in eLumen.
After the semester you assess
Working with other faculty (Course Coordinator, Lead Faculty, Department Chair, and other faculty in the discipline or division), discuss the results of the assessment. Then you, Course Coordinator, Lead Faculty, or Department Chair should:1. Complete Assessment Analysis by completing the Action Plan.
2. Monitor progress of Action Plan, complete the Action Plan Prompts in eLumen.
3. Report progress of Action Plan in Program Review.