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Anne Marenco

Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. ~Desmond Tutu

Office Hours and Student Hours

This is your time to come see me for any reason. I will be hanging out waiting for you to come see me. If you cannot come in person at this time, email or call me to arrange to come via Zoom or to come in person at another day or time.

My office is in room 333 at the Don Takeda Science Center at the Canyon Country Campus (CCLB333).

Summer and Winter office hours are by appointment only, please email me for an appointment.
Fall and Spring office hours are listed in the Office Hours link above.

If you plan to take an online class with me, please see my Online Orientation Letter.
Check out my Online Welcome to class video and Google Site.

If 21 is pronounced twenty-one, why is 11 not pronounced onety-one?

About Anne

I have been teaching at College of the Canyons since 1998. I have a BS in Family and Consumer Sciences with an emphasis in Teaching and an MS in Family and Consumer Sciences with an emphasis in Family Relations/Child Development from CSUN and an MA and Ph.D. in Sociology with emphases in Aging and Family from USC.

​My sociological interests include relationships, aging, social psychology, research methods, and quantitative analysis. My professional interests include assessment, Open Educational Resources, and distance education. My research interest is marital satisfaction.

I have been married since 1980 and have two children, one son-in-law, four grandchildren, and two furry kids. My husband and I spends our spare time camping, and traveling, and I enjoy cooking and a variety of crafts (quilting, crocheting, knitting, weaving, painting).

When deciding whether to say something or not, ask yourself these three questions: Is it true? Is it kind? Does it need to be said? (Inspector Gamache)

Preferred pronouns: she | her | hers