Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of disabilities does the AAC department typically serve?
- Hard of hearing/deaf
- Mobility challenged
- Learning Disability
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Visual impairment
- Memory/organization problems
- Communication disorder
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Psychological disorder
How can I apply for AAC services?
Students may apply for AAC services through the online AAC Application or by contacting the AAC Office at (661) 362-3341.
Please be prepared to upload your Verification of Disability (IEP, 504 Plan, or Diagnosis from a Medical Professional).
What services can AAC offer its' students?
- Priority registration
- Test-taking accommodations
- Deaf/Hearing Impaired Interpreters
- Assistive Computer Technology
- Alternate Media
- Counseling
- TTY Access
How can I contact AAC?
The AAC Office is located in Seco Hall, room 103.
AAC Office Phone Number: (661) 362-3341
Telephone Devise for the Deaf (TTY): (661) 362-3726