Posting Policy
Santa Clarita Community College District
Section 5000, Date Adopted: April 10, 2019
First Amendment of the United States Constitution Article 1, Section 2 of the California Constitution
1. Persons wishing to post non- instructional materials on College premises must have materials date-stamped through the Campus Life & Student Engagement office and follow proper Administrative Regulations Procedures for posting of materials.
2. Posters, advertisements or other written materials that are obscene or libelous according to current legal standards, or which so incites students to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on the College premises, or the violation of lawful community college regulations, or the disruption of the orderly operation of the College, are prohibited. This prohibition, however, extends only to expression that falls outside of the bounds of protection of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article I, Section 2 of the California Constitution.
3. This Policy and all implementing regulations regarding speech or other expressive activity shall be applied equitably and fairly. This Policy is intended to be content neutral. No restrictions shall be placed on subject matter or viewpoints expressed by any person except as described above.