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The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) program, provides resources and support necessary for disadvantaged, single, head of household, CalWORKs/TANF recipients to improve their educational opportunities and seek to enhance their employability, minimize their welfare dependency, and establish self-sufficiency through enrollment and completion of a degree or job training program. Students MUST be eligible for EOPS in order to join CARE.

CARE Eligibility Requirements

  1. You are a recipient of TANF/ CalWORKs (ATTENTION: Student or child must be receiving cash aid)
  2. You are at least 18 years of age
  3. You are single head-of-household
    • Note: if you are married but your partner is currently incarcerated or disabled, you may be considered head-of-household by the county
  4. You have at least one child in your custody
  5. You MUST meet EOPS eligibility requirements

CARE Services

  • CARE unmet need grants
  • Car repair (mechanical) reimbursements
  • Gas assistance in conjunction with CARE grants (subject to funding)
  • EOPS services and resources