Department Staff
Full Time Instructors
- AWS Vice Chair - AWS National Education Committee
- AWS Laser Welding committee member (C7.4)
- FMA Certified Education Council Member
- Weld-Ed Regional Partner Representative
- AWS Certified Welding Inspector
- AWS Certified Welding Educator
- AWS Certified Robotic Arc Welding Technician
- LADBS Certified Welder (Structural Steel, reinforced steel and light gauge steel)
LEEPS/NC3 Certified for:
- Welding Safety
- Principles of Welding
- Introduction to SMAW
- Advanced SMAW
- Introduction to GMAW
- Advanced GMAW
- Introduction to FCAW
- Advanced FCAW
- Introduction GTAW
- Advanced GTAW
- AWS Certified Welding Inspector
- AWS Certified Welding Educator
- ASME Section IX Pipe Certified Welder
- LADBS Certified Welder (Structural Steel)
LEEPS/NC3 Certifications
- Welding Safety
- Principles of Welding
- Introduction to Pipe Welding
- Introduction to SMAW
- Advanced SMAW
- Introduction to GMAW
- Advanced GMAW
- Introduction to FCAW
- Advanced FCAW
- Introduction GTAW
- Advanced GTAW
Part Time Instructors
- AWS Certified Welding Inspector
- AWS Certified Welding Educator
LEEPS/NC3 Certifications
- Welding Safety
- Principles of Welding
- Introduction to SMAW
- Advanced SMAW
- Introduction to GMAW
- Advanced GMAW
- Introduction to FCAW
- Advanced FCAW
- Introduction GTAW
- Advanced GTAW
LEEPS/NC3 Certifications
- Welding Safety
- Principles of Welding
- Introduction to SMAW
- Advanced SMAW
- Introduction to GMAW
- Advanced GMAW
- Introduction to FCAW
- Advanced FCAW
- Introduction GTAW
- Advanced GTAW
- FMA Certified Education Council Member
- AWS Certified Welding Inspector
Lab Technicians
William Mouton
Lab Technician | Part Time Instructor
LADBS Certified Welder (Structural Steel)
LEEPS/NC3 Certifications
- Welding Safety
- Principles of Welding
- Introduction to SMAW
- Advanced SMAW
- Introduction to GMAW
- Advanced GMAW
- Introduction to FCAW
- Advanced FCAW
- Introduction GTAW
- Advanced GTAW