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Resources / Reentry Services

On Campus

  • Stress & Mental Health Services at the Health Center – Free counseling services available to students
  • Adult Re-Entry Alliance – Alliance of mentors and students who are re-entering as students as adults
  • Basic Needs Center (BaNC) – One-stop locale providing free food, clothing, personal hygiene items, and assistance with housing and social services coordinated through community providers, career Center – Resume Rally and Job Fair events, workshops on: LinkedIn profiles and use, resumes and cover letters, employability skills, effective job search, interviewing, salary negotiation, job search support, career counseling, and internship assistance
  • The Learning Center (TLC) – Tutoring, Supplemental Learning (Workshops & GLAs), Study Jams, Testing Center, Study Rooms, Computers, and Canvas Support
  • The Library – The Library carries a full range of materials to support the curriculum and the lifelong learning needs of our students, staff, and community members. Key services and collections include references, bibliographic instruction, circulation/reserves, print materials, audiovisual materials, electronic resources, internet access, and individual and group study areas.
  • Employment Center - Where students go when they want help on resume and cover letter or to practice their interview skills. 
  • CalWORKs - Program strives to assist students in obtaining educational degrees and certificates while gaining experience that leads to self-sufficiency. CalWORKs students are eligible to receive assistance with school related expenses such as books, supplies, transportation, and child care through their designated Welfare-to-Work agency. 
  • EOPS/CARE - Student support program that provides academic and developmental services to students who face social and economic barriers. (C.A.R.E)  provides resources and support necessary for disadvantaged, single, head of household, CalWORKs/TANF recipients to improve their educational opportunities and seek to enhance their employability, minimize their welfare dependency, and establish self-sufficiency through enrollment and completion of a degree or job training program.
  • Academic Accommodations Center - Students with verified dissabilities can utilize the support services offered through this office, providing a assitive technology, academic counseling, priority registration, and interpreters and more.
  • Campus Life & Student Engagement - This office issued the students COC ID card and provides other benefits like discounted tickets to local attaractions. 
  • RISE - Provides support services to eligible current/former foster and homeless youth under the age of 25. Services include; academic counseling, priority registration, textbook voucers, transportation, and food subsidy cards.
  • Financial Aid - office directs students to applicable grants, loans, fee waivers, Work-Study, and scholarship funds. In addition they assist students applying for the Free Application For Federal Aid (FAFSA). 

Off Campus