Frequently Asked Questions
- Where can I get help with my student account, or student email?
- Where can I get help with Canvas as a student?
- Where can I get help with Canvas as a staff/faculty member?
- How can I access my email from off campus?
- What do I do if I have forgotten my email password? (Faculty/Staff)
- What are my login credentials for
- How do I use online conferencing (ConferZoom)?
- How do I get access to a department network share?
- How do I get discounted personal tech purchases?
- How do I get access Adobe Creative Cloud products?
- How do I check out equipment?
- How do I get a Colleague Account?
Where can I get help with my student account, or student email?
For student account support please contact the Welcome Desk at
(661) 362-3398 or
Students can also visit the Welcome Desk, located on the 1st floor of Canyons Hall.
Where can I get help with Canvas as a student?
Students can contact Canvas Support at
(661) 362-3344 or
For after hours help (5pm-8am) please call (877) 889-9052
Where can I get help with Canvas as a staff/faculty member?
Staff and Faculty members can contact Online Education at
(661) 362-3600 or
Online Education is located in the Valencia Campus Library, 2nd floor (Rooms 245 - 248)
Remote 24/7 Faculty support please call (833) 286-2864
How can I access my email from off campus?
To access your email from off campus, please visit
What do I do if I have forgotten my email password? (Faculty/Staff)
Please log into CanyonsID to reset your password.
If you need help with CanyonsID, please click here.
What are my login credentials for
Your login credentials for the Canyons intranet is your CanyonsID.
Username: staff\lastname_first initial (ie. staff\Smith_J)
Password: (CanyonsID password)
How do I use online conferencing (Zoom)?
Please visit our Zoom Information and Resource page.
For other training documents and how to's, please visit our Resources page.
How do I get access to a department network share?
To obtain access to a department network share folder, please have your supervisor contact the Help Desk at
How do I get discounted personal tech purchases?
Please click this link to see personal tech purchases that are available to you.
How do I get access Adobe Creative Cloud products?
All COC educators qualify to have access to Adobe Creative Cloud. To sign into your enterprise account provided via CanyonsID, please click here for more information.
How do I check out equipment?
Contact the Help Desk at (661) 362-3953 for further assistance.
How do I get a Colleague Account?
Please visit the online account request form.
Other Questions:
Call: (661) 362-3953