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Canyon Country Campus 10 Year Events

10th Anniversary Events

The occasion of the 10th anniversary is an opportunity to reflect upon the remarkable impact of the Canyon Country Campus upon our community. The campus has clearly enabled College of the Canyons to provide academic and workforce training for a growing population in the region, and future facilities will ensure that it remains innovative and responsive to the needs of the community.

Our 10th Anniversary featured a variety of exciting events:

8/29-8/31/17: Campus Welcome Week

10/13/17: 10th Anniversary Celebration: CCC Advisory/Supporters BBQ & Music Night

10/14/17: 10th Anniversary Celebration: Community Open House Extravaganza

10/14/17: 8th Community Garden Walk

10/25/17: Joint ASG/Board of Trustees Meeting

10/27/17: 16th Community Star Party

01/24/18: CCC Science Center Groundbreaking

02/14/18: Student Success Day

04/14/18: 9th Community Garden Walk

04/27/18: 17th Community Star Party

05/06/18: Local Music Festival (CanyonsFest) & Campus Open House

Please visit our campus events page for a comprehensive list of all campus events.