Star Party Archives
April 27, 2020
May 3, 2019
October 12, 2018
April 27, 2018
October 27, 2017
May 5, 2017
October 21, 2016
May 13, 2016
October 16, 2015
May 1, 2015
November 7, 2014
May 2, 2014
October 11, 2013
May 3, 2013
October 19,2012
May 4, 2012
October 21, 2011
October, 15, 2010
May 21, 2010
October 23, 2009
"The Sky's the Limit: Expanding Our Understanding of ExoPlanetary Systems From the Ground Up
"Fast Interplanetary Flight (Aero Gravity Assist)
"The Robotic Exploration of the Surface of Mars."
"NASA's Search for Planets, Habitability and Life in our Galaxy."
"Perseverance on Mars, the first two months!"
"Beyond the Night Sky - The Once-Invisible Universe"
Postponed - Campus Closed
"It's Rocket Science: The 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing & The History of the Space Race!"
"On the Road to a Billion Planets"
"Dirty Fireballs & Orphan Afterglows"
"Detwinkling the Stars to Study Exoplanetary Systems"
"Pathways to Space" (SpaceX, COC, Carnegie)
"Astrobiology and the Search for Alien Life"
"Fire and Ice...and Methane: Exploring Mars and Titan"
"The Truth Behind 'Gravity' (the movie)"
"More Than Your Eyes Can See Infrared Light"
"The James Webb Space Telescope"
"Beyond the Cradle: Kepler's Search for New Worlds"
"Pioneering Techniques - Optical Interferometry"
"The NASA Kepler Mission Recent Discoveries"
"Curiosity Mars Rover"
"Jupiter "Attracts"
"Finding Planet - Jupiter"
"Star Gazing in SCV and Orientation to the Sky"
"Orientation to the Night Sky and Earth's Moon"
Guest Speaker
Jennifer Burt, PHD, EPRV Investigation Scientist, JPLAlbion H. Bowers, Chief Scientist, NASA Armstron Flight Research Center (retired)
John Callas, Manager, NN-EXPLORE/Former Manager, Mars Exploration Rover Project NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Camilo Mejia Prada, Ph. D, Manager of the High Contrast Imaging Facility at NASA JPL
Jennifer Trosper, Mars 2020 Deputy Project Manager
Dr. Padi Boyd, Chief, Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory, Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center
David Michaels, Professor of Astronomy & Physics, College of the Canyons
Erik Altenbernd, PHD, Professor, Department of History, College of the Canyons
Dr. Jessie Christiansen, JPL/CalTech
Ms. Anna Ho, CalTech
Dr. Vanessa Bailey, JPL
Jessica Ta, Dr. Patricia Foley, Dr. Johanna Teske
Dr. Michael J. Malaska, JPL
Dr. Morgan Cable, JPL
Astronaut Dr. Stan Love & Dr. Susan Lederer, NASA
Dr. Luisa Rebull, CalTech
Matthew Wallace, JPL
Various, Campus Faculty, Staff, and Students
Dr. Charles Beichman, James Webb Space Telescope
Dr. David Ciardi, Keplar Mission
Dr. Gerard Van Belle, Lowell Observatory
Dr. Steve Howell, NASA
Matthew Wallace, JPL
David Michaels, COC
Dr. Kevin Grazier, NASA/CalTech
Tom Falconer & John Sepika, Adjunct and JPL
Tom Falconer, COC