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Campus Safety Sexual Assault Student Conduct Code

Students are expected to comply with the general law as well as College policies.

A student may be disciplined for various causes which may occur on either College site or elsewhere off-site. In cases involving alleged rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking, in which both the alleged complainant and the accused are both students, College jurisdiction extends to matters which may occur either on or off campus, and not necessarily in conjunction with a College-sponsored activity or event. A list of grounds for disciplinary action are fully outlined below in Policy 5529 (Student Conduct).

Any student found in violation of the student conduct code may be subject to disciplinary measures in accordance with Policies 5530 and 5531.

Board Policy (BP) Title
BP 5529 Student Conduct
BP 5530 Disciplinary Action
BP 5531 Due Process - Student Disciplinary Action