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There is a right way and a wrong way to conduct a job search. If you are filling out online applications and not getting interviews, you may not have the right resume or approach. A Job Developer can help improve your job search techniques to gain employment.

Employment Center faculty member helping student with employment opportunities.

Make An Appointment 


Schedule your 1:1 appointment

with a Job Developer (in-person or online)

to get help with your resume, LinkedIn profile, job search or interviewing.*

* You must have a COC student ID number to schedule an appointment.

Employment Resources

Job Search
Jobspeaker logo

Access/login to Jobspeaker (COC Job Board):
• Go to
• The username is your MyCanyons email address: ""
• The password is your my.canyons email password

Recent Job & Internship Postings

Employment Center faculty helping with Resume & Cover letters.

Resumes and Cover Letters

A resume is a brief personal summary of your skills, knowledge, training, experience and education. It should be targeted to a specific job and/or career field as much as possible. The cover letter on the other hand is an additional document used to further market your interest in and fit for the position you want. It is customized for each job you apply to or connect to through your networking efforts. 

Check out the below Resources and LinkedIn Learning Videos to help you when building your resume/cover letter. Access to LinkedIn Learning (online workshops & trainings) is available for free to COC Students. To request access, please click HERE.

LinkedIn logo

Networking and Job Interviewing

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site and the best place to make your professional network visible and begin developing your personal brand. Learning how to build your professional network is the most effective skill to have to connect to employment opportunities.

Access to
LinkedIn Learning (online workshops & trainings) is available for free to COC Students and recent graduates. To request access, please click

Interviewing | Check out the below links and LinkedIn Learning videos to prepare yourself for the next job interview.

Use this tool to practice answering industry specific interview questions:

  • Click Interview Prep link > Interview Prep
  • Register using your COC email address
  • Select Conduct Interview
  • Select Custom Interview to choose an industry specific interview

Salary Negotiations

Access to
LinkedIn Learning (online workshops & trainings) is available for free to COC Students and recent graduates. To request access, please click

Targeted Resources

Resources for...

Career Service Websites for Veterans

Veteran Focused Job Boards


Additional Services Beyond the Employment Center

The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) at College of the Canyons guides veterans through the process to receive education benefits including priority registration. Call the VRC at (661) 362-3469 to schedule an appointment with either an Academic Counselor or a Wellness Counselor, or to register for the Education Benefits Orientation.

Legal Aid at Work has developed a California Fair Chance Toolkit for Job Seekers with Records. In it, you will find information about laws in California that protect job seekers with criminal records as well as sample letters and materials that can be used to exercise those rights.

The toolkit includes:

  • Know your rights information about the California Fair Chance Act (also known as “Ban the Box”)
  • Practical tips on preparing to apply for jobs and for the Fair Chance process
  • A template for a personal statement and sample personal statements
  • Sample support letters job seekers can take to healthcare providers; past employers; probation officers; professors or teachers; religious leaders; volunteer supervisors; service providers, including job training and workforce development support and instructors; and anyone else who might be able to help convince an employer to hire them
  • Information on how to file a complaint with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing
  • Link to toolkit:

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA)

CHIRLA is a Los Angeles county-based organization working to support the needs of immigrants while providing a voice for immigrant rights. 
• Provide legal services for immigrants at low cost
• Help with DACA renewal, family petitions, asylum requests, and deportation defense
• Community & Education Outreach
• Policy & Advocacy
CHIRLA es una organización en el condado de Los Ángeles que trabaja para apoyar las necesidades de los inmigrantes y al mismo tiempo dar voz a los derechos de los inmigrantes. 
• Proveer servicios legales para inmigrantes a bajo costo
• Ayuda con la renovación de DACA, peticiones familiares, solicitudes de asilo y defensa de deportación 
• Alcance comunitario y educativo
• Política y promoción

Contact Information/ Información de Contacto 
CHIRLA San Fernando:
11243 Glenoaks Blvd #9, Pacoima, CA 91331

Central American Resource Center (CARECEN)

CARECEN is the largest Central American immigrant rights organization in the country, working to defend the rights of Central Americans and all immigrants. 
• Low-cost immigration legal services
• Education and leadership services for children, youth and adults
• Support for employment and labor rights
CARECEN es la organización de derechos para los inmigrantes centroamericanos más grande del país, que trabaja para defender los derechos de los centroamericanos y todos los inmigrantes. 
• Servicios legales para inmigración de bajo costo
• Servicios de educación y liderazgo para niños, jóvenes y adultos
• Apoyo para empleo y derechos laborales

Contact Information/ Información de Contacto 
In the San Fernando Valley:
16501 Sherman Way Suite 220, Van Nuys, CA, 91406
213-385-7800 ext. 122

Immigrants Rising

Immigrants Rising works to provide educational and career opportunities for undocumented youth to succeed, regardless of their limitations. 
• Resources and support for undocumented young people to get an education, pursue careers, and build a brighter future for themselves and their community 
• Mental Health Support
• Making Money through building your own business
• Beyond DACA: possibilities for those without DACA

Immigrants Rising trabaja para brindar oportunidades educativas y profesionales para que los jóvenes indocumentados tengan éxito, sin importar cuales sean sus limitaciones. 
• Recursos y apoyo para los jóvenes indocumentados pueden obtener una educación, seguir carreras y construir un futuro mejor para ellos y su comunidad 
• Apoyo de Salud Mental
• Ganar dinero construyendo su propio negocio
• Más allá de DACA: posibilidades para quienes no tienen DACA

Contact Information/ Información de Contacto 
Legal Services Director, Alejandra Guillen

Dreamers Center at COC
College of the Canyons has a Dreamers Together center with staff ready to help you!
For further information and upcoming events, you can check their website HERE
Employment Assistance
1:1 support is available for employment assistance with our Job Developers, who are bilingual in English and Spanish. Contact Us to learn more