Financial Aid Programs - Community College Completion Grant
The Community College Completion Grant was a financial aid program for Full Time Student Success Grant (FTSSG) recipients. The intent of the program was to support student persistence, retention and success by providing students enrolled in a minimum of 15 units per term additional assistance in order to complete their programs in "scheduled time frames".
Beginning with the 2018-19 academic year, the Full-Time Student Success Grant and the Community College Completion Grant have been replaced with the new Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG).
How Much Can A Student Receive?
The maximum annual award for the Community College Completion Grant (CCCG) is $1500. Due to limited funding, the Community College Completion Grants (CCCG) are awarded on a first, come first serve basis.
What are the Eligibility Requirements?
To be eligible for the Community College Completion Grant (CCCG), a student must:
- Be a Cal Grant recipient receiving a Full Time Student Success Grant (FTSSG) in the fall and/or spring semester and
- Must be enrolled in at least 15 units per term and
- Must maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least a 2.0 and
- Must maintain pace and adhere to his or her qualifying comprehensive Student Education Plan and
- Must have financial need.
How do I apply?
You must get a comprehensive student educational plan from the Financial Aid Counselor and submit it to the Financial Aid Office for review. To get a comprehensive student educational plan please call the Financial Aid Office at 1(661)362-3215, and make an appointment with the Financial Aid Counselor.
Disqualification - Loss of eligibility
Disqualification from participating in the Community College Completion Grant occurs when a student fails to adhere to his/her comprehensive Student Education Plan or when the student no longer meets the above eligibility requirements. There are no appeals provided in education code for disqualification or loss of eligibility.
Click here for more information about the Cal Grant program.
Click here for more information about the Full Time Student Success Grant.