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Cal Grant Program

Cal Grants are free money for college that you don't have to pay back. You can use your Cal Grant at any qualifying college in California. Depending on the Cal Grant you receive, the money can be used to pay for tuition, fees, books, supplies, housing, food and even transportation costs to and from classes. You must submit your FAFSA or California Dream Application AND your verified Cal Grant GPA by the March 2.  Students who miss the March 2nd deadline AND who plan to attend a California Community College in the Fall, have until September 2nd to apply.

College of the Canyons submits most GPA verifications electronically. Check with the Financial Aid Office to verify that your GPA will be included in the submission. Otherwise, a GPA verification form completed by your high school or prior college would be required.

General Cal Grant Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for a Cal Grant, a student must:

  • Submit the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application and your verified Cal Grant GPA by the deadline;
  • Be a US citizen or eligible non-citizen or meet AB540 criteria;
  • Be a California resident for 1 year;
  • Attend a qualifying California college;
  • Be in a program leading to an undergraduate degree or certificate, and not currently have a bachelor's or higher degree;
  • Have financial need at your college;
  • Have family income and assets below the established ceilings;
  • Be attending school at least half time;
  • Have registered with the US Selective Service, if required;
  • Not owe a refund on any state or federal educational grant;
  • Not have a delinquent or defaulted federal student loan;
  • Not be incarcerated;
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress.
  • Meet any minimum GPA requirement;

Cal Grant A or B Entitlement Grant for High School Seniors

Starting with the 2000-2001 graduating class, every high school senior who meets the academic requirements may be eligible to receive a Cal Grant A or B Entitlement award:

  • 3.0 GPA for Cal Grant A
  • 2.0 GPA for Cal Grant B
  • Meet the qualifying income & asset ceilings
  • Apply by March 2nd of your senior year in high school or the year following graduation

In addition, students not selected for a Cal Grant A or B Entitlement award have an opportunity to compete for Cal Grant A or B Competitive award.  

Cal Grant A and B California Community College Transfer Entitlement Grant

The Cal Grant A and B Transfer Entitlement Awards are for students who plan to transfer directly from a California Community College to a 4-Year University that offers a bachelor degree in the academic year that they are applying for the award.

Who is considered for a Transfer Entitlement Award:

  • Students who plan to transfer directly from a California Community College to a qualifying baccalaureate-degree granting university.
  • Students who are under the age of 28 by December 31 of the award year.
  • Students who graduated from a California High School after June 30, 2000 and were California residents at the time of graduation.
  • Students with at least a 2.4 California Community College GPA.
  • Students who meet the qualifying income & asset ceilings.

Cal Grant C

The Cal Grant C award, is for students that are vocationally oriented and are pursuing an Occupational or Technical Program.

Who is considered for a Cal Grant C:

  • Students pursuing eligible Occupational or Technical training programs of at least 4 months in length.
  • Students who are low to middle income.
  • Student must apply by the March 2nd deadline.  No Cal Grant C awards are offered during the September 2nd deadline.

Students who are being considered for a Cal Grant C will be notified by the California Student Aid Commission and will be instructed to complete the Cal Grant C Supplemental Form and return it directly to the commission by the requested deadline.

Additional Cal Grant Information

Click here for the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form

Student Website For Cal Grant Status or
Phone 1-888-CA-GRANT