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Dual Enrollment Program - Castaic High School

Castaic High School - iCAN Academy

Dual Enrollment Student Checklist and Timeline

  • New students interested in participating in the iCAN (Canyons Academy North) program for the 2024 - 2025 academic year, will need to submit an iCAN interest form to Castaic High School. These steps must be completed BEFORE starting the admission process with College of the Canyons.
  • New students will need to complete the below steps by the listed completion date.
  • Students currently participating in iCAN (enrolled in a Fall 2024 dual enrollment course) do not need to reapply with the college. A Spring 2025 Dual Enrollment Special Admission Form will be emailed to your My Canyons student account the week of Monday, September 30th to complete and sign. This form is due to the college by Friday, October 4th.
  • Applying is easy and FREE! Complete and submit the California Community College application using the OpenCCC website.

    Within 24-48 hours of submitting your application, you will receive an Admissions Acceptance email from with instructions on how to complete the remaining steps.

    Important Information:

    • The application is best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer, not your phone.
    • Utilize Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Do not use Safari.

    Start at the OpenCCC website by using the button below:


    First time applying? Here's a video to help you!

  • Start by completing the Dual Enrollment Student Interest Form.

    This form will gather contact information for you and a parent/guardian needed to launch the electronic Dual Enrollment Special Admission Form.


    Once you have applied and received the college's "Admissions Acceptance" instruction email, you are ready to set up your student account in My Canyons.

    How to set up your My Canyons Account:

    1. Activate your CanyonsID login at (or click on the button below).
    2. Click on Log In at the top.
    3. You will enter the CanyonsID username and password as instructed in your "Admissions Acceptance" email.
    4. Once you have successfully logged in, you will need your Student ID number to continue through this checklist. You can find your Student ID number by clicking on the 'My Profile' tile in your My Canyons account.

    Click on the button below to set up your My Canyons account.

    My Canyons

  • The Online Orientation is designed to provide you with information about college procedures, programs, support services and policies. Please give yourself about 30 minutes of quiet time to complete this step. You will be required to log in with your CanyonsID account. Please be sure you have set-up your CanyonsID account (details above) before starting your Orientation.

    Important Information:

    • This is a one-time orientation.
    • The orientation is best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer, not your phone.
    • Utilize Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Do not use Safari.
    • You must use your COC student ID number. Do not mistake this number for your OpenCCC number, a confirmation number or your high school student ID number.

    Start your orientation now!

    Online Orientation

  • The electronic Dual Enrollment Special Admission Form is an electronic form that will need to be completed and signed by the student, parent and high school counselor.

    Once all parties have signed the document, everyone will receive a copy of the Dual Enrollment Special Admission Form.

    Receive Email with your Special Admission Form
    Complete & Sign Special Admit Form Electronically
    Receive Copy of Special Admission Form after all parties sign


  • The Early College Program will register you into the dual enrollment course upon completion of the admission process and confirmation by your high school.

    We expect to complete all dual enrollment registration the week of Monday, November 11th.

    During the week of Friday, November 15th, you will receive an enrollment confirmation email from This email will contain your course meeting information, instructor contact information and link to their orientation letter, information about the textbook (if required), and available student support services and resources designed to help you succeed.

  • If your dual enrollment course requires a textbook and/or materials provided by the college, we will provide instructions in the enrollment confirmation email on how to check out your textbook/material from your high school prior to the start of class.
  • For all Spring 2025 courses, it is very important that you read the instructor's ORIENTATION LETTER for each class you register for, in order to be aware of the type of class you're in. Read your Instructor's orientation letter for information about their class, such as their required textbooks(s), instructional materials, important dates, proctored exams, or other course requirements.

    You may find yourself using Canvas for the first time. Explore our Canvas Guides to learn how to navigate and be successful in your online classroom.


Helpful Information

  • Course Rigor

    • Courses move at a faster pace.
    • College courses have homework - for every 1 hour in class you will have 2 hours of homework.
    • You are enrolling in a college class because you WANT to not because you NEED to.
    • College tests - mastery is seen as the ability to apply what you've learned in class.

    Student Responsibility

    • Attend every class and be on time.
      • Excessive tardiness can be counted as an unexcused absence.
      • Excessive absences can result in being dropped by the instructor. This could negatively impact your college transcripts and jeopardize high school graduation.
    • Come prepared to every class.
      • Be familiar with the instructor's course syllabus
      • Complete all required reading assignments and homework assignments. Participate in class discussions and/or group work.
      • If you have questions or need help, ASK! Your instructor also has office hours embedded into the dual enrollment course meeting time.
    • Follow college rules, regulations, and deadlines as published in the school calendar/catalog and on course syllabus.
    • Regularly check your COC student email account - this is the only email address the college will send to and receive from.

    Grades and Transcripts

    • Dual Enrollment course(s) provide high school AND college credit.
    • You are creating a permanent college transcript.
    • Grades are reported at the end of the semester; no progress reports.
    • College of the Canyons will submit your final grade to your high school to be reflected on your high school transcript.
  • If you have a disability, IEP and/or 504, you may be eligible for accommodations through our Academic Accommodations Center (AAC) office. It is the student's responsibility to contact AAC prior to the start of the semester for evaluation and approval of eligible and appropriate accommodations to a college course.

    Students seeking services through AAC will need to:

    • Complete and submit the AAC Application for Services
    • Submit a current IEP/Psycho Ed Report
    • Schedule an appointment with AAC counselor to review accommodations

    Note: Students are required to submit a college application prior to submitting documentation to AAC.

    For more information, please visit the AAC website.


To learn more about the iCAN ACADEMY at Castaic High School, click here!