Library Policies
Borrowers are limited to 20 items at a time. Borrowers are limited to 3 DVD/VHS and to 1 one 3-hour reserve item (plus related materials if reserve item is consists of multiple pieces) at a time.
- Books (including audiobooks): 2 weeks (two renewals allowed)
- Course reserve materials: In-library use only or instructor-designated check out period (no renewals allowed)
- DVDs/VHS:3 days (no renewals allowed)
- Music CDs: 2 weeks (two renewals allowed)
- Permanent Reserve collection: In-library use only
- Periodicals: In-library use only
- Reference Books: In-library use only
- Special Collections: In-library use only
- All other circulating materials: 2 weeks (two renewals allowed)
Items other than course reserve materials may be returned to either library. Course reserve items must be returned to the library from which they were borrowed. Books may be placed in book drops when the library is closed. There are book drops located outside the library on each campus.
Borrowers must present an official photo ID, such as a COC card or a government-issued ID, in order to borrow items.
Children in the library
The library welcomes children of all ages; however, for their safety and comfort as well as in recognition of the rights and privileges of other library patrons, parents are asked to observe the following:
- Any child under the age of 14 must be supervised by a parent or caregiver* at all times while inside the library. The library does not act in loco parentis (in place of the parents) and staff cannot take responsibility for monitoring the safety or behavior of unattended children.
- If any child visiting the library experiences a problem and the parent or caregiver is not present in the building or cannot be reached by telephone, Officers from Campus Safety will be contacted to take charge of the situation.
- The library strives to provide an atmosphere conducive to study and research, and children as is the case with all library users are expected to behave in a quiet, orderly manner. Loud, noisy, or disruptive behavior is inappropriate, and any library user, as well as their responsible adult if there is one, will be asked to leave if this type of behavior persists.
- The Library is dedicated to providing all of our patrons with free and equal access to information; as such, there are no filters on access to the internet on library computers. Library staff does not monitor access to or use of such resources. Parents who wish their children not to have access to certain types materials should accompany their children to the library and monitor their use of its resources.
*A caregiver is defined as any individual 18 years of age or older who has been given the authority and responsibility to care for a child by the child's parent or legal guardian.
Collection Development
The library provides a collection of materials, including print and non-print resources, to support the college curriculum. To a lesser extent the library will provide materials to meet the personal and recreational needs of students and staff. Librarians will select materials that reflect a diversity of human culture and opinion and the ethnic, racial, and linguistic composition of the college community.
Librarians have overall responsibility for the development, maintenance, and weeding of the collection. The recommendations of teaching faculty will be given a high priority in the collection development process. The input of individual students and student groups will also be considered. Faculty, staff, and student suggestions for purchase can be submitted by e-mail, phone, in-person, or sent by campus mail.
The Library is committed to the principles of intellectual growth and freedom as expressed in the American Library Association's Bill of Rights. Objections to materials should be directed in writing to the head librarian, signed by the person raising the matter, and indicate specific objections (including citations). Prior to submitting a request for reconsideration of any library material, it is expected that the material will have been read or viewed by the individual making the request. Material will not be removed from the collection while a request for reconsideration is being evaluated. Anonymous complaints will not be investigated. Questioned materials will then be reviewed by the full-time librarians. At the completion of the review, the head librarian will respond in writing to the complainant and forward copies of the letter to the Dean of Learning Resources, the Chief Instruction Officer, and the College President. The complainant may accept the review or present an appeal through the College President to the Board of Trustees.
- Librarians will use standard review sources such as Choice or Library Journal to ensure that high-quality books are selected. Librarians will also use award lists as further sources. In addition, the following considerations will apply:
- Books should support the college curriculum.
- Books should be appropriate for community college students.
- Books should be recently published or a recognized classic in a field.
Periodicals (print and electronic):
- Periodicals should be indexed in standard indexes.
- Periodicals should be applicable to the curriculum.
- Expected or actual use of a periodical will be a determining factor in whether or not the subscription is started or continued.
- Priority will be given to requests for print subscriptions to periodicals that are not available in full-text through the colleges online periodical databases.
Non-print formats.
- The library will order formats that the College can support technically with appropriate equipment.
- Selection criteria for non-print materials are the same as the criteria for print materials.
The library will not routinely purchase current required or supplementary textbooks. Exceptions may be made in some circumstances, such as when funding dictates such purchases.
The library welcomes donations; however, materials inappropriate to the collection will be discarded. The library cannot guarantee to keep donated collections intact or keep donated materials on the shelf indefinitely. Donations will be acknowledged using the College Foundations standard gifts-in-kind form. The donor will be responsible for assigning a monetary value to the gift.
Librarians will periodically evaluate the collection to weed and discard obsolete materials. When appropriate, non-library faculty will be consulted in evaluating and weeding the collection.
The following criteria will be used to determine which materials should be removed:
- The use of materials (amount and frequency of circulation)
- The date of copyright or publication. New editions of valued works will be purchased to replace older editions.
- The physical condition of the material.
- The relevance of the subject matter to the current curriculum.
Confidentiality of user information
The College of the Canyons Library respects the privacy of all its students, faculty, staff and other patrons regarding the use of any of the library, in person, or online. All library records that identify a patron as having requested or obtained specific materials or services or has otherwise used the library are considered to be confidential. Confidentiality may extend to information sought or received, and materials consulted, borrowed or acquired and includes such records as electronic resource usage, reference interviews, circulation records, interlibrary loan records and other personally identifiable records of the use of library materials, facilities, and services. This information includes the name of a person to whom a book is charged, past circulation records (including interlibrary loan, course reserves, and audio-visual materials), personal information contained in circulation patron records, or otherwise identify users of any library services, including users of computer terminals on the library premises.
Library records may, however, be consulted and used by library employees and agents in the course of conducting library operations and by authorized college employees to determine compliance with college policy. Library records may be disclosed
- pursuant to the requirements of federal, state, and local laws, including law enforcement subpoenas, court orders, or search warrants
- pursuant to Board Policy and Administrative Procedures
- with written consent of the patron.
Library users should be aware that the use of computer terminals and other COC information technology resources accessed through library terminals is subject to the Board Policy and Administrative Procedures on computer and network use. Library users should also be aware that the use of networked resources (e.g., the internet, third-party databases, software) may result in the creation of records that are not controlled by the library.
Library patrons who have questions, concerns, or complaints about the library's handling of their privacy and confidentiality rights should file written comments with the library.
Filming and photography in the library
The library permits filming and photography in certain circumstances:
- Students working on assignments requiring staged filming or photography must have their instructor contact the library and secure permission. Filming and photography may take place only when library staff are working in the building. The library may request that an instructor be present.
- Students working on assignments requiring simple filming or photography (such as capturing a presentation on a phone camera) do not need permission.
- No person working in or using the library may be captured in filming or photography without express written permission being given. The college, however, reserves the right to capture such images in the interest of news and similar college publications.
- Those who are not students or employees of the college wishing to film or take photographs in the library should work with Civic Center staff to make the appropriate arrangements.
Fines and fees
The library does not charge daily overdue fines for items other than course reserve materials. If regular circulating items are kept more than 14 days past their due date, the borrower shall be billed for the replacement cost of the items. Failure to return an item will also result in the borrowers college account being encumbered. Encumbered students may not register, add/drop course, get grades, get transcripts, or receive financial aid.
Fines or replacement costs may be paid at the Student Business Office, at which point the account is unencumbered.
Food in the library
Library users are allowed to bring food and beverages into the library so long as they consume them responsibly. Food consumption is not permitted in the group study rooms.
Food brought into the library should be wrapped or in containers (no open plates). As a courtesy to others we ask that any food that is especially pungent be consumed outside the library.
In order to protect library resources and equipment we ask that food not be consumed at or around the computers or book shelves.
Library users are required to clean-up after themselves. This includes disposing of any waste in trash receptacles and cleaning up crumbs or spills on desks and tables. If food or beverages are spilled on the floor or on books or equipment, we ask that you immediately notify a member of the library staff so that they can respond to the situation.
Library users disregarding the food policy will be asked to leave the library.
Group study rooms and other library rooms
Study rooms are for the use of current students only. The Head Librarian or designee may make exceptions. All persons using the group study room must present a student ID.
- Study rooms are available on a first-come, first serve basis and may not be reserved in advance.
- Study rooms are for use by groups of two or more students, not for individual study.
- The time limit for study room use is for two hours per group.
- Consumption of food is not permitted inside the study rooms.
Room 242 at the Valencia campus library is neither a group study room nor a meeting room. The room is designated for quiet, individual study. Students observed to be working in a group in that room will be asked to relocate.
The Special Collections room (room 235 at the Valencia campus library) is not available for group study. It may be requested for use for meetings on a non-regular basis.
The second floor computer lab at the Valencia campus library is intended for library instruction sessions. Requests for other use must be made to the Head Librarian or designee.
The Head Librarian or designee may make exceptions. To make a request for usage, please contact Pola Pardon at and provide the room, date, and time of your request.
Public use of the library
The community at large is welcome to use the library at either location; however, only College of the Canyons students or employees, or those with a formalized college affiliation may borrow materials. Certain resources, such as course reserves, and facilities, such as group study rooms, are not available to members of the community at large.
Renewals and holds
Any library item that may be renewed can be brought to the service desk on each campus for renewal. Borrowers may also renew items by phone when the library is open.
Overdue books may not be renewed. Items with holds cannot be renewed. Course reserve materials may not be renewed.
Borrowers may place holds on items other than course reserve materials, reserving the right to check it out at the end of its current circulation period.
SCILNET (reciprocal borrowing agreement)
Temporary borrowing privileges can be arranged with a SCILNET card available through Santa Clarita Public Library or CalArts. COC students may get a SCILNET card for temporary access (two weeks) to these other libraries. Students must demonstrate that a specific item is available in the other libraries in order to request a card.
Social media
The library uses multiple social media platforms to promote awareness of its services, facilities, materials, and staff. The library also uses those platforms to promote college news and awareness of campus activities and events. A further use of social media is to communicate matters germane to libraries and librarianship.
Postings to social media spaces should reflect awareness of and respect for copyright rules and licensing. Privacy of individuals is a further consideration, and identifying individuals in postings other than news items or announcements of events and activities will require the permission of the individual.
The librarys social media presence is not explicitly guided by policy from the colleges public information office or any other campus body; however, directives from that office supersede any of the policy written here.