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Tools for Assessment

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Canvas' built-in tools for assessments include Quizzes, Assignments, Discussions, Roll-Call Attendance, the Gradebook, and Speedgrader.

Explore the Assessment Resources on this page for guides and best practices in designing and delivering effective online student assessments in Canvas, including workshop recordings and assessment course checklist.

Turnitin logoTurnitin can help prevent and check for Plagiarism, provide student feedback, and provide an automated spelling and grammar review. Visit Creating an Assignment with TurnItIn to learn how to use the TurnItIn tool in Canvas.

Honorlock logoHonorlock is an online proctoring tool designed to monitor students' activities. Visit the Online Proctoring page to learn more about the tool and determine if Honorlock or another proctoring solution such as in-person proctoring at TLC is best for your class.

Respondus logo

Respondus 4.0 can convert quizzes to and from multiple formats, such as uploading a quiz in a Word document to Canvas, and downloading a quiz from Canvas into a Word document that can be printed out.

Assessment Best Practices & Resources

Faculty Resource Course - Canvas Studio

Authentic Assessments Online Factulty Resource Course

The idea of "authentic" assessment refers to activities that focus on demonstrating competencies as they take place in-or in an environment emulating-the real-world. It is both sound pedagogy and naturally protects assessment integrity (meaning it's harder for students to engage in cheating).

Visit the Authentic Assessment in Online Learning faculty resource course to learn about:

    • What comprises an "authentic" assessment
    • Benefits and myths of authentic assessment
    • Guidelines for creating authentic assessments
    • Specific examples of authentic assessment in different disciplines
    • Considerations to increase academic integrity in your classes.

Course Assessments ChecklistWoman looking at computer screen taking notes

The following checklist is from the "Assessments" section of the College of the Canyons Course Design Checklist, designed to enable you (the instructor) to compare your courses with the best practices for online education established by the Online Education Initiative (OEI)'s Course Design Rubric.

In my course, I ...

  1. Design assessment activities that lead to the demonstration of learning outcomes.
  2. Use both formative and summative assessments.
  3. Include multiple modes of assessment throughout the course.
  4. Provide clearly written instructions for all assessments with exemplary detail (and examples, when applicable) to ensure understanding.
  5. Give students clear instructions on accessing feedback in Canvas and guidance on applying feedback to improve learning and performance.
  6. Provide multiple opportunities for student self-assessment with regular, substantive feedback from me.

graphic arrow pointing downAssessment Workshops & Webinar Recordings

  • A well-written rubric can be an invaluable tool when it comes to grading and assessment. They provide students with a set of guidelines to help them meet your expectations for an assignment and they provide you with a simple method to streamline your feedback and grading. But when not set up well, a rubric is no use to anyone! Come explore what makes an effective rubric effective and learn how to use them (dare I say, effectively?) in Canvas.

  • How to Make Sure Your Online Assessments Are Doing Their Job

    While many instructors link assessments to grades, the real power of assessing our students lies in the insight we can get from the results. Regularly evaluating students' performance allows us to identify what they've mastered and where they may still need help. Come learn strategies to help you design a process for evaluating student work that supports teaching and learning through thoughtful assessments and rich feedback.

    ⇒ Watch: How to Make Sure Your Online Assessments Are Doing Their Job

    Resources shared in this workshop:

  •  It's Time to Rethink How You're Using the Canvas Grade Book

    Working in tandem, the Canvas Grade book and Speedgrader can make grading assignments, discussions and quizzes a breeze. Not only that, they can be powerful assets in your feedback and communication strategies. In this webinar we'll explore a bevy of tips and tricks (that many folks are not even aware of) for getting the most out of these complementary tools. You'll be glad you joined us!

    ⇒ Watch: It's Time to Rethink How You're Using the Canvas Gradebook

    Resources shared in this workshop:

graphic arrow pointing downCanvas Guides, Release Notes, and Incident Reports

Is there a tool or resource that should be included on this page? Have a question that's not answered here? Please let us know! Contact the Online Education team.

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