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Interpreter Short Term Hourly Employee

  • Interpreters are short-term employees who provide interpreting services in an instructional or non-instructional

    capacity and on a temporary basis through Human Resources or the Academic Accommodations Center (DSPS).

    Range Interpreter Classification Base Rate (A) Rate After PD Completion Hours of Approved PD
    1 & 1A Level I $31.00 $33.00 30
    • Has completed Interpreter Training Program or has equivalent interpreter training/experience
    • Two skill-related letters of recommendation from Professional ASL references, at least one of whom is Deaf
    • Receives a score of at least 80% on COC Interpreter Assessment
    • Knowledge and understanding of Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Code of Professional Conduct
    2 & 2A Level II $38.00 $40.00 30
    • Meets all Level I qualifications
    • Receives a score of at least 85% on COC Interpreter Assessment
    • Has at least 2 years professional interpreting experience
    3 & 3A Level III $45.00 $47.00 30
    • Meets all Level I and II qualifications
    • Receives a score of at least 90% on COC Interpreter Assessment
    • Has nationally recognized interpreter certification (NIC, CI/CT, EIPA 4.0, ESSE 4.0, CDI or equivalent) or 3-5 years professional experience
    4 & 4A Level IV $52.00 $54.00 30
    • Meets all Level I, II and III qualifications
    • Receives a score of at least 90% on COC Interpreter Assessment
    • Has nationally recognized interpreter certification (NIC, CI/CT, EIPA 4.0, ESSE 4.0, CDI or equivalent)
    • 5+ years of professional experience

    Rate (A) Professional Development (PD) Requirements:

    In order to move from the Base Rate to Rate (A) in the following column, interpreters must complete a total of 30 hours of approved professional development activities.