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All of our services are available for you to complete online!

Complete each step in the order they appear. Click on the items to learn about what is required to complete the step.

Have questions? Need support?

  • Applying is easy and FREE! Complete and submit the California Community College application using the CCC Apply website.

    Within 24-72 hours of submitting your application, you will receive an email from the college and instructions on how to complete the remaining steps. Once you have received this email, you will need to create a My Canyons student account at

    Important Information:

    • The application is best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer, not your phone.
    • Utilize Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Do not use Safari.
    • If you want to take classes the summer before your first fall semester, you must submit two applications: one for summer and one for fall.
    • When creating your CCCApply account, it is recommended that you use a personal email address and not a cell phone number as your primary verification method.

    If you need help completing your application, you can watch our Application Video.

    If you need help with the verification, please visit the following page for resources:

    To apply, start at the CCC Apply website by clicking on the below button.



  • Once you have applied and received the college's "Admissions Acceptance" instruction email, you are ready to set up your student account in My Canyons.

    How to set up your My Canyons Account:

    1. Activate your CanyonsID login at (or click on the button below).
    2. Click on "Log In" at the top.
    3. You will enter the CanyonsID username and password as instructed in your "Admissions Acceptance" email.
    4. Once you have successfully logged in, you will need your Student ID number to continue through this checklist. You can find your Student ID number by clicking on "My Canyons Profile" and select "What's My Student ID?"

    Click on the button below to set up your My Canyons account.

    My Canyons


  • Financial Aid can help you pay for your tuition and educational expenses. We recommend all students complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at Or, if you are an AB-540 eligible student, you can complete the California Dream Act application. Start your application soon after you apply to the college as the processing time can take weeks to complete.

    Important Information:

    • COC's Federal School Code is 008903 and should be included on your FAFSA.
    • Regularly check your My Canyons student email account for requests and updates from the Financial Aid Office.
    • For some FAFSA tips and information, click here.

    Complete FAFSA today!

    Financial Aid

  • Assessment services are available for students to complete ONLINE! You will be required to log in with your CanyonsID account. Please be sure you have set up your CanyonsID account (details above) before starting your Assessment.

    Notice: During all major holidays, assessment results and email responses from our programs will be delayed in processing, as staff will be on vacation during those times.

    Assessment will provide you with your course placements in math, English/ESL, and Chemistry (for majors that require Chem), as well as resources that may be a good fit for you. Our assessments are not tests, but are instead questionnaire-based. This system relies on "multiple measures," which include your academic history. For this reason, we suggest you gather a copy of high school transcripts if available (if not available, you can take your best guess). The online assessment module will first show you a short instructional training, and then you will be provided with information on how to access and start the assessment itself. The entire process takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Additional resources can be found on the Assessment homepage. If you need help, contact

    Start Assessment

    Important Information:

    • These online services are best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer, not your phone. If you only have a phone, they are still accessible.
    • Utilize Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Do not use Safari.
    • If you are having trouble logging in with CanyonsID, please visit the following: CanyonsID Login for Students.
  • Advisement services are available for students to complete ONLINE! You will be required to log in with your CanyonsID account. Please be sure you have set up your CanyonsID account (details above) before starting your Advisement.

    Advisement will provide you with the tools you need to learn how to select the right courses and programs to meet your educational goals. The online advisement module will help you make connections between your assessment results, career goals, majors, and the courses you should take in your first semester. For this reason, you should complete your assessment prior to starting your advisement. At the end of the Advisement module, you will be given the opportunity to request follow-up services with an Academic Advisor for one-on-one support. Additional resources can be found on the Advisement homepage. If you need help, contact

    Start Advisement


    MAP Icon My Academic Plan (MAP) is an online educational planning tool that will show you the classes you need to take to meet your educational goal. Within MAP, you will build your first semester educational plan utilizing the knowledge you gained during your advisement. This should be started once you have completed your assessment and advisement.


    Important Information:

    • These online services are best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer, not your phone. If you only have a phone, they are still accessible.
    • Utilize Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Do not use Safari.
    • Assessment results will typically be available in MAP within 48-72 business hours after you have completed assessment.
    • If you need assistance with building your MAP, our Academic Advisors are here to help at
    • If you are having trouble logging in with CanyonsID, please visit the following: CanyonsID Login for Students.
  • The Online Orientation is designed to provide you with information about college procedures, programs, support services and policies. Please give yourself about 30 minutes of quiet time to complete this step. You will be required to log in with your CanyonsID account. Please be sure you have set up your CanyonsID account (details above) before starting your Orientation.

    There are two ways to access the online orientation. You can access it through your My Canyons account. Log in to you student My Canyons account, click on the "Admissions & Records" tile then click on the link for "Online Orientation". Or, simply click on the "Online Orientation" button below.

    Important Information:

    • The orientation is best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer, not your phone. If you only have a phone, they are still accessible.
    • Utilize Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Do not use Safari.
    • If you are having trouble logging in with CanyonsID, please visit the following: CanyonsID Login for Students.

    Start your orientation now!

    Online Orientation

  • Registration occurs online, and may be completed on or after your assigned date and time, which can be found in your My Canyons account.

    Once you have submitted a college application for the given semester/term you are planning to attend, your assigned registration date and time will be posted on your My Canyons account under the 'My Registration' tile on or after:

    • On or around January 31 for Summer
    • On or around April 15 for Fall
    • On or around August 30 for Winter
    • On or around September 30 for Spring

    If your "My Academic Plan" (MAP) is complete for the term you are registering for, you can register directly from your plan. This is the best way to register for your classes.


    Additionally, you can register for classes using My Canyons. You will select 'Register/Add Classes' from the Registration menu.

    My Canyons

    Notice: Payment for your classes is due at the time you register. Your registration process is not complete until you have paid for your classes. To view your semester statement, please select Student Bill/Reg. Statement in My Canyons.

Complete your steps as soon as possible for best possible registration date.