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Financial Aid Links

Financial Aid General Information Aid Links

Constitution Day
September 17th is Constitution Day! To find out more, visit this informative and interactive website.

California Student Aid Commission
The California Student Aid Commission's website can help you figure out what college really costs, and what you can afford. They offer expert advice, information, and interactive tools to help you navigate the financial aid maze and figure out how to pay the bill.

Webgrants for Students
You can use the Webgrants For Students website to make inquiries about your Cal Grant and/or Chafee Grant. This site will also allow you to view updates, make school changes, make address changes and post leave of absence requests.

California Dream Act
Starting January 1, 2013, AB540 students are eligible to apply for state-funded student financial aid programs which include the California College Promise Grant and the Cal Grant program. Click here for further information.
You can use the website to make inquiries about your Title IV loans and/or grants. This site displays information on loan and/or grant amounts, outstanding balances, loan statuses, and disbursements.

ICan Afford College is loaded with GREAT information about student financial aid.

College Board
The College Board provides expert advice, information, and interactive tools to help you navigate the financial aid maze and figure out how to pay the bill. Many colleges, universities, graduate and professional schools, and scholarship programs use the information collected on PROFILE to help them award non-federal student aid funds.

Cash for College
Cash for College events are FREE financial aid workshops hosted at various school.

FinAid's custom calculators can help you figure out how much school will cost, how much you need to save and how much aid you'll need.

Selective Service System
If you're a male, age 18 through 25 and applying for federal student financial aid, you must be registered with the U. S. Selective Service System.

Applying and Publications Links

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Go to this web site to apply for federal student financial aid! COC's Federal Title IV School Code: 008903

An FSA ID is a username and password that you must use to log in to certain U.S. Department of Education websites. Your FSA ID is used to electronically sign your FAFSA.

CalVet Veteran Services - College Fee Waiver
The College Fee Waiver for Veteran Dependents benefits waives mandatory system-wide tuition and fees at any State of California Community College, California State University, or University of California campus. Students may qualify for a Special Classification California College Promise Grant (BOG Fee Waiver) based on the award letter received from Veterans Affairs after applying for the Cal Vet College Fee Waiver.

Student Loan Links

Direct Loan Program
Visit How to Apply for a Direct Loan.

Direct Loan Servicing Center and Borrower Services Department
Direct Loan Borrower Services. View your Direct Loan account information, consolidate, make a payment to your Direct Loan, and more.

ECMC (formerly Edfund) provides information on student loan borrowing, budget calculators.

Scholarship Links

Golden State ScholarShare
Student scholarship awards are invested in the Golden State ScholarShare Trust, California's college savings program until used to pay for higher education expenses.

College of the Canyons Scholarship Awards
This is an annual scholarship competition for College of the Canyons students ONLY. The online student scholarship application is available in February with a deadline in March.

California's Middle Class Scholarship
The Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) is a program that provides undergraduate students from middle class families a scholarship to attend University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) campuses.

Free Scholarship Searches
Free Scholarship Searches on our Scholarship website

Other Links

Low-Cost Student Health Insurance
College of the Canyons Health Center web page and to learn more about low-cost health insurance for students.