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WE-186 and WE-189 Registration

Thank you for your interest in College of the Canyons Work Experience Education (WEE) program!

Students participating in the WEE program register in a WE-186 or WE-189 course to earn credit for their internship or job. Students are required to fulfill a number of academic assignments, as well as, a required number of hours in the workplace, while earning college credit.

Be sure you fully understand "Important Policies" before registering in any WE course.

* Students must complete all paperwork and enroll in the course before the one-time WE class meeting takes place. Refer the schedule of classes for exact dates/times classes meet.*

The Internships/Cooperative Work Experience courses are governed by California Education code, Title 5; students unable to meet one or more of the department policies may be administratively dropped.

  1. Internships staff will verify employment using information provided on the WE Course Application.
  2. Attendance on the first day of class is mandatory.
  3. Students employer must agree to allow the student to use their workplace to execute a class assignment via a workplace project.
  4. Students employer/supervisor must agree to meet with the CWE faculty to establish the students workplace project.
  5. Students are required to complete work hours before the section ends.
  6. Students must submit timesheet(s) electronically to Canvas by the date indicated in the course syllabus.
  1. Students must secure an internship or job with an employer either through our job & internship database, Jobspeaker or another source. Students without a secured internship or job will not be permitted to enroll.
  2. If you are not a current student at College of the Canyons, submit an Admission Application online.
  3. Complete the Work Experience Online Orientation and required forms available at the end of the video. Allow yourself approximately 10 minutes.
  4. Complete the WE Course Application. If this is a remote internship or job, provide the companies physical address.
  5. Students participating in an unpaid internship must complete a Workers Compensation Pre-Designation of Physician form. Unpaid interns should contact the Internship Office to request a copy of the Workers Compensation form:
  6. Once the steps above are complete, the Internship office will adjust student records to grant permission to register for a WE-186 or WE-189 section. Students may register for class on or after their Admissions and Records assigned registration date and time, through their MyCanyons account (this is separate from Jobspeaker).
College student sitting on bench looking at iPhone.