Board Policy
Santa Clarita Community College District
Board Policy 5541 - College Assistants
5541.1 Definition
The Santa Clarita Community College District will employ students, currently attendingclasses at the District, for support, assistance, and tutoring positions. Such student workers and the positions they hold will be known as College Assistants. Such students, employed for a specific assignment, will not be part of the classified service, regardless of the length of their employment.
5541.2 Conditions of Employment
The employment of College Assistants will immediately terminate if any of the following conditions of employment is breached:
5541.2.a - Minimum Units
- Except as listed below, College Assistants are required to maintain a minimum of six College of the Canyons' units, at all times during their employment
(exceptions to the required unit minimum may be made by the Dean with administrative responsibility for student employment). - Non-credit students must be currently enrolled in a Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) certificate program course and must have successfully completed (with a passing grade) the prerequisite CDCP course in the prior term.
5541.2.b - Minimum Cumulative GPA
- College Assistants are required to maintain a minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA, for their College of the Canyons earned units, at all times during their employment.
- Non-credit students must be currently enrolled in a Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) certificate program course and must have successfully completed (with a passing grade) the prerequisite CDCP course in the prior term.
5541.2.c - Minimum Semester GPA
- College Assistants are required to have a minimum of 2.0 GPA at College of the Canyons, in each semester during their employment.
- Non-credit students must be currently enrolled in a Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) certificate program course and must have 2 successfully completed (with a passing grade) the prerequisite CDCP course in the prior term.
5541.2.d College Assistants are restricted from concurrently occupying any other position in other classifications at the District.
5541.2.e Credit status will take precedence for students enrolled in both credit and noncredit courses.
5541.3 Maximum Work Hours:
College Assistants may work up to a maximum of twenty (20) hours per week while classes are in session. During the summer sessions, and during breaks between instructional periods when no classes are scheduled and during recess periods within a semester, College Assistants may work up to thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours a week. College Assistants are not allowed to earn overtime hours. No College Assistant shall work in excess of the standard 7.5 hour workday or 37.5 work week. Exceptions may be made by the appropriate area administrator.
To work as a College Assistant during the Summer, students must be enrolled in at least three (3) units during any Summer session, or either have been enrolled in at least six (6) units during the previous Spring semester, or be enrolled in at least six (6) units for the upcoming Fall semester, or be enrolled in a non-credit class in a certificate program during summer or the previous term. To work as a College Assistant during the Winter intersession, students must be enrolled in at least three (3) units during that session, or either have been enrolled in at least six (6) units during the previous Fall semester, or be enrolled in at least six (6) units for the upcoming Spring semester, or be enrolled in a non-credit class in a certificate program during the winter or the previous term.
Students found culpable of violating District policy 5529 (Student Conduct Code) may be barred from securing and holding employment with the District.
5541.4 Fingerprints and Tuberculosis:
College Assistants working at the District's Child Development Center (CDC) must undergo fingerprinting and Tuberculosis testing prior to the start of employment. Proof of other immunizations may be required. Clearances must be secured prior to the first day of employment.
Board Approved: June 28, 2017
Next Review Date: Spring, 2023