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AUTECH - 135 - Engine Performance - Steven Storey

Course:Engine Performance
Professor:Steven Storey
  • Online
  • Hybrid
  • InPerson
Course Length:
  • 16 Week


Hi. My name is Steven Storey and I will be your instructor for Engine Performance. I have been teaching Auto Mechanics and Automotive Technology at various adult schools and Junior Colleges since 2002. I am a re-certified Master Automotive Technician since 2003 a Certified SMOG Test and Repair Technician and a Bureau of Automotive Repair Certified Instructor. I also have a small pre-purchase vehicle inspection service (“Car-Inspectors”) and do Lemon Law Automotive Expert Witness work for several legal firms. I was also in the US Navy from 1980 – 1986 where I received Electronics and Avionics training including Search Radar system training. During my enlistment, I worked on A-6E “Intruder” weapons-control systems including the Search-Radar system as an Aviation Fire-Control Technician while serving on the USS John F. Kennedy. I also graduated from the University of Phoenix with  Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix in 2009. I really enjoy cars and teaching and have been teaching the various Auto Technology Courses at COC since 2008.

Course Description

This course presents the theory and practical application of engine, fuel, ignition, computer and emission systems including their operation, diagnosis and repair. Some topics include: Fuel Injection Systems, Air/ Fuel Ratios, Ignition System Diagnosis and repair, Engine Performance problems and Supercharging / Turbocharging.

What to Expect in this Course

This is a HYBRID course and will have weekly on-campus meeting for completing required Auto-Shop assignments plus Online assignments found at the CANVAS Learning platform. Internet access through a computer (preferred) or Mobile Device is required.  It will be broken up into 16 individual weekly sections called modules located at CANVAS.

Each module will consist of various assignments (up to 1 of each) including:

  • Lab (Auto-Shop) Assignment
  • Discussion Topic
  • Video questions
  • Electude Assignment
  • Quiz
  • Extra-Credit Assignment
  • Final Test

Class Organization:

This course will be organized into weekly Modules which will be focused on a key Engine Performance topic. Each Module begins at 9AM Monday morning and ends by midnight the following Sunday and all assignments for a particular module must be turned in by that time in order to receive credit. Every Wednesday will be the Auto-Shop day where we will meet at the Auto-Shop on campus to complete required assignments. Online assignments including required Discussion Questions (DQs) will be completed on Mondays. Other online assignments may be completed also on Mondays or other days during the week as long as the assignment is turned in by the following Sunday at midnight.  Some weeks may only have an Auto-Shop lab assignment, Discussion and Electude Assignment  while others may have Auto-Lab , Discussion, Video and a quiz as required work for the week. On the weeks when the Mid-Term and Final test is assigned, there may be only 1 or 2 other assignments. All assignments and meetings are required unless indicated otherwise by the instructor.

Types of Assessments

Auto-Shop, Safety and Labs:

We will meet  every-other week on Monday and Wednesday nights for the entire period to complete required lab assignments at the Auto Shop located in room 706 located at 17200 Sierra Highway, Canyon Country, CA 91351-1622 at 6PM. We will be completing lab assignments contained within the “Modern Automotive Technology” shop manual at that time and work in a team-structure so that everyone has a chance to work on a vehicle. Although the Shop Manual isn’t required, it is recommended for those who are planning to take other Auto Technology Courses or are planning to complete  their Automotive Technology degree since a majority of the other required automotive classes will also require using the Shop Manual. If you haven’t acquired the book yet, lab sheets will be given to those needing them on Auto-Shop day.  An Auto Shop Safety multiple-choice test which will be available at CANVAS must be passed with 100% before you will be allowed in the shop. A Safety Video will be provided with the test which should be watched beforehand. You will be allowed several attempts to take the test, but it must be passed with 100%.


Video questions will include a You-Tube, or other online video which you will watch and then answer questions pertaining to the video. Besides You-Tube, we will also use videos available at “Films on Demand”.


We will be using “Electude” interactive online automotive instructional materials which include lessons on the operation, theory, diagnosis and repair of engine systems such as Fuel Systems, Fuel Injection, Ignition Systems, Computer Systems including sensors and actuators, Turbo / Supercharging and others.  Lessons will include the use of the Electude interactive “Simulator” . The Simulator provides practical experience on how to use diagnostic tools and equipment to troubleshoot and repair engine performance problems on a state-of the art production vehicle and is similar to what you would experience in a real-world Auto-Shop setting.


Discussions will include topics which focus on key engine-performance problems and concepts and may also include an online video.

Textbook Information

Please log in to CANVAS at least once each week to take part in discussions and to help familiarize yourself of what to expect for the weekly assignments.

Canvas Access:


Course: Engine Performance - AUTECH-135-67978


Electude Access:

Username: Student ID

Password: 123456789


Additional Resources


This course can be accessed on the first day of class via Canvas at Log into Canvas using your CanyonsID single sign-on:

  • CanyonsID Username is your COC student email address (Ex:
  • CanyonsID Password is your COC student email password

Please visit the Get to Know Your Online Classroom page for help logging into Canvas and for tips on using Canvas and Zoom. Canvas Chat Support is also available 24/7 for any Canvas related issues.

Online Education

Check out the Online Education website for more information on a variety of topics that can help you be a successful online student such as: exam proctoring, learning styles, computer skills, and tips for student success. If this is your first online course, feel free to take our online learning readiness assessment to assess your skills.

The Learning Center (TLC)

The TLC provides FREE online tutoring resources to COC students!

Academic Accommodation Center (AAC)

College of the Canyons AAC provides educational services and access for eligible students with documented disabilities who intend to pursue coursework at COC. A variety of programs and services are available which afford eligible students with disabilities the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of the college programs and activities through appropriate and reasonable accommodations. For more information on their services visit the Academic Accomodation Center website.

Online Counseling

The Counseling Department offers appointments online. You can schedule an appointment by visiting the Online Counseling website. Counselors can help you map out a plan to reach your educational goals as well as advise you on course selection and registration.

Management of Stress and Mental Health

Often the pressure on our students is very strong, involving academic commitments, relationships, outside jobs and family pressure to name a few. The staff and faculty of College of the Canyons are here to see you succeed academically and care about your emotional and physical health. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential student services, including counseling and mental health services available on campus by visiting the Student Health & Wellness Center in the Student Services Building (across from the bookstore). The phone number is 661-362-3259 that you can call 24/7. You can also e mail for an appointment at At the Canyon Country Campus the Health Center will be in the new Student Services Building.

Also, the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number is now 988. All students at COC are encouraged to enter that phone number in their cells. You can call it when you, or someone you know, is having thoughts of suicide or is in severe distress.

You can also now use the Crisis Text Line: Just text "Courage" to 741741. Someone will get back to you immediately. Its free, 24/7, and confidential.

Veterans Resource Center

The College of the Canyons Veterans Resource Center is a department within the Student Services Division at the college, created to help veterans and veteran dependents with applying to College of the Canyons, enrolling in classes, and requesting VA Education or Vocational Benefits. For more information please visit the Veterans Resource Center website, email or phone (661) 362-3469.


The Library provides live online and in-person research help, access to a full range of e-resources and physical materials that support the curriculum, individual and group study areas, and much more!

Last updated: 07/19/2022 Sub#: 448