Orientation Letters
ADMJUS-101 Introduction to Administration of Justice - Jesse Perez - Online
ADMJUS-110 Principles and Procedures - Robert Gasior - Online
ADMJUS-110 Principles and Procedures - Brian Hospodar - OnlineLIVE
ADMJUS-120 Introduction to Corrections - Robert Farkas - Online
ADMJUS-125 Criminal Law - Brian Hospodar - Online, InPerson
ADMJUS-125 Criminal Law - Carlos Pinho - Online
ADMJUS-130 Report Writing for Law Enfcmnt - Robert Farkas - Online
ADMJUS-135 Criminal Evidence - Brian Hospodar - Online, OnlineLIVE, Hybrid, InPerson
ADMJUS-135 Criminal Evidence - Carlos Pinho - Online
ADMJUS-150 Police Field Operations - Brian Hospodar - OnlineLIVE
ADMJUS-155 Criminal Investigation - Romik Keshishi - Online
ADMJUS-155 Criminal Investigation - Zachary Shroyer
ADMJUS-175 Organized Crime, Gangs, & Vice - Romik Keshishi - Online
ADMJUS-180 Dangerous Drugs & Narcotics - Brian Hospodar - Online, OnlineLIVE, Hybrid, InPerson
ADMJUS-180 Dangerous Drugs and Narcotics - Zachary Shroyer
ADMJUS-185 Police-Community Relations - Romik Keshishi
ADMJUS-195 Terrorism and Counterterrorism - Brian Hospodar - OnlineLIVE
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Kia Atsales
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Matthew Curtis
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Sarah Etheridge - Online
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Kenneth Feldmeier - Online
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Oscar Hernandez - Online
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Stephanie Meredith
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Jessica Proctor
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Jessica Proctor - section 60746
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Laurie Solis - Online
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Laurie Rodriguez - Online
ANTHRO-101 Physical Anthropology - Nora Vlaszof - Online
ANTHRO-101L Physical Anthropology Lab - Jessica Proctor - Online, OnlineLIVE
ANTHRO-101L Physical Anthropology Lab - Jessica Proctor - 60813
ANTHRO-101L Physical Anthropology Lab - Kia Atsales - OnlineLIVE
ANTHRO-101L Physical Anthropology Lab - Nora Vlaszof - OnlineLIVE
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Jessica Proctor - online
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Oscar Hernandez - Online
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Kenneth Feldmeier - Online
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Amanda Keating - Online
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Angela Kirwin - OnlineLIVE
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Angela Kirwin - Online
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Stephanie Meredith - Online, OnlineLIVE, Hyflex, InPerson
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Laurie Rodriguez - 5 weeks
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Laurie Rodriguez - 8 weeks
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Laurie Solis - Online
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Laurie Solis - Online - 8 weeks
ANTHRO-103 Cultural Anthropology - Nora Vlaszof - Online
ANTHRO-210 Indians of California - Laurie Solis - OnlineLIVE
ANTHRO-220 Magic, Witchcraft and Religon - Kenneth Feldmeier - Online
ANTHRO-220 Magic, Witchcraft and Religon - Lisa Malley - OnlineLIVE
ANTHRO-220 Magic, Witchcraft and Religon - Jessica Proctor - Online
ANTHRO-220 Magic Witchcraft and Religion - Laurie Solis - Online, OnlineLIVE, HyFlex, InPerson
ARCHT-084 Dig Illus for Archt & ID - Alex Dorfman - Online
ARCHT-085 Introduction to the LEED Rating System - Jason Oliver - Online
ARCHT-086 Project Site Factors - Jason Oliver - Online
ARCHT-088 Innovation in Design and Regional Priorities - Jason Oliver - Online
ARCHT-089 Green Building Economics - Jason Oliver - Online
ARCHT-090 LEED Online Documentation & Processing - Jason Oliver - Online
ARCHT-100 Careers in Archt, Int Desgn - Holly Hitt-Zuniga
ARCHT-100 Careers in Archt, Int Desgn - Jason Oliver - Online
ARCHT-100 Careers in Archt, Int Desgn - Patrick Tremblay - Online
ARCHT-110 Architectural Drafting - Megan Janzen - HyFlex
ARCHT-110 Architectural Drafting - Jason Oliver - Online
ARCHT-140 Materials and Methods of Const - Jason Oliver
ARCHT-160 2-D CAD for Architecture and Interior Design - Cesia Lopez Angel - Online
ARCHT-160 2-D CAD for Arch & Int Design - Jason Oliver - Online
ARCHT-200A Sustainable Development and Environmental Design - Jason Oliver - Online
ARCHT-200B Design III-Envnmtl Desgn Lab - Carlos Gomez - OnlineLIVE
ARCHT-240 Architectural Design Portfolio - Carlos Gomez, Online, OnlineLIVE
ARCH-240 Architectural Portfolio - Debra Heller - OnlineLIVE, Hybrid
ARCHT-260 3-D Modeling/Rendering - Christian Cononico
ARCHT-260 3-D Modeling/Rendering - Orlando Flores - Online
ARCHT-270 Intro to Bldng Info Modeling - Orlando Flores - OnlineLIVE
ART-100 Landmarks of Art and Visual Culture - Elizabeth Mackey - Online
ART-100 Lndmrks of Art /Visual Culture - Michael McCaffrey - Online - 5 weeks
ART-100 Lndmrks of Art /Visual Culture - Michael McCaffrey - Online - 8 weeks
ART-100 Lndmrks of Art /Visual Culture - Molly Moody - Online
ART-110 Art Hist: Paleo to Renaissance - Elizabeth Mackey - Online
ART-110 Art Hist: Paleo to Renaissance - Necia Gelker - OnlineLIVE - 63597
ART-110 Art Hist: Paleo to Renaissance - Necia Gelker - OnlineLIVE - 63598
ART-110 Art Hist: Paleo to Renaissance - Michael McCaffrey - Online - 5 weeks
ART-110 Art Hist: Paleo to Renaissance - Michael McCaffrey - Online - 16 weeks
ART-110 Art Hist: Paleo to Renaissance - Carolyn Robertson - Online
ART-111 Art Hist: Renaissance to Modern - Necia Gelker - OnlineLIVE - 65170
ART-111 Art Hist: Renaissance to Modern - Necia Gelker - OnlineLIVE - 65171
ART-111 Art Hist: Renaissance to Moder - Elizabeth Mackey - OnlineLIVE
ART-111 Art Hist: Renaissance to Moder - Michael McCaffrey - Online - 5 weeks
ART-111 Art Hist: Renaissance to Moder - Michael McCaffrey - Online - 16 weeks
ART-112 Art of Americas/Africa/Oceania - Deborah Jenkins - Online
ART-112 Art of Americas/Africa/Oceania - Carolyn Robertson - Online
ART-115 Art Hist: U.S. and Euro Modern - Necia Gelker - OnlineLIVE
ART-116 Asian Art History - Elizabeth Mackey - OnlineLIVE
ART-116 Asian Art History - Molly Moody - Online
ART-116 Asian Art History - Molly Moody - OnlineLIVE
ART-124A Drawing I - Rebecca Edwards - OnlineLIVE
ART-124A Drawing I - Anna Hahn - OnlineLIVE
ART-124B - Drawing II - Rebecca Edwards - OnlineLIVE
ART-125A Fundamentals of Drawing - Pawel Vogler - OnlineLIVE
ART-125A Fundamentals of Drawing - Malisa Humphrey - OnlineLIVE
ART-125A Fundamentals of Drawing - Devora Orantes - OnlineLIVE
ART-125A Fundamentals of Drawing - Ashley Shellhause - InPerson
ART-125A Fundamentals of Drawing - Naomi Tarle - OnlineLIVE
ART-125A Fundamentals of Drawing - Naomi Tarle - Online
ART-140 Beginning Design: 2-D Media - Deborah Jenkins - InPerson
ART-140 Beginning Design: 2-D Media - Carolyn Robertson - Online
ART-141 Beginning Design: 3-D Media - Rebecca Edwards - OnlineLIVE
ART-220 Watercolor Painting - Erica Ryan Stallones - OnlineLIVE
ART-222 Illustration I - Mercedes McDonald - OnlineLIVE
ART-224A Drawing III - Life Drawing - Rebecca Edwards - OnlineLIVE
Art 225A & Art 225B Life Drawing I and II - Elena Roznovan - InPerson
ART-227 Painting I - Mercedes McDonald - OnlineLIVE
ART-228 Painting II - Mercedes McDonald - OnlineLIVE
ART-140 Beginning Design: 2-D Media - Carolyn Robertson - InPerson
ASTRON-100 Astronomy Survey of Universe - Elizabeth Bell - Online
ASTRON-100 Astronomy Survey of Universe - Teresa Ciardi - InPerson
ASTRON-100 Astronomy Survey of Universe - Corinna Jobe - Online
ASTRON-100 Astronomy Survey of Universe - David Michaels - Online
ASTRON-100 Astronomy Survey of Universe - Edith Soto - OnlineLIVE
ASTRON-101 Stellar & Galactic Evolution- Christine Hirst Bernhardt - Online
ASTRON-101 Stellar & Galactic Evolution - Corinna Jobe - Online
ASTRON-101 Stellar & Galactic Evolution - John Sepikas - Online
ASTRON-101 Stellar & Galactic Evolution - Peregrine McGehee - OnlineLIVE
ASTRON-101 Stellar & Galactic Evolution - Edith Soto - Online
ASTRON-101 Stellar & Galactic Evolution - David Michaels - Online
ASTRON-101L Observational Astronomy Lab - Michaela Blain - InPerson
ASTRON-101L Observational Astronomy Lab - Lori Hirst - OnlineLIVE
ASTRON-101L Observational Astronomy Lab - Peregrine McGehee - OnlineLIVE
AUTECH-110 Intro to Automotive Technology - Charles Angelis - Hybrid
AUTECH-112 Engine Fundamentals For Techs - Nick Briseno - Online
AUTECH-112 Engine Fundamentals for Techs - Kimberly Night-Strand - Online
AUTECH-113 Engine Overhaul - Gary Sornborger - InPerson
AUTECH-114 Basic Auto Electrical Systems - Steven Storey - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
AUTECH-135 Engine Performance - Nicolas Briseno - Hybrid
AUTECH-135 Engine Performance - Steven Storey - OnlineLIVE, Hybrid
AUTECH-150 Automotive Braking Systems - Gary Sornborger - Online, InPerson
AUTECH-170 Automotive Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Gary Sornborger
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Melania Abrahamian - Hybrid
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Danielle Amoroso - Hybrid
BIOSCI-100 - General Biology - Greg Avellis - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Ruma Banerjee - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Carri Biggle - OnlineLIVE - 8 week
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Carri Biggle - OnlineLIVE - 16 week
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Patricia Butterworth - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Le France Daniels Jr. - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Tara Gandomi - Online, InPerson
BIOSCI-100 - General Biology - Osvaldo Larios Perez - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 - General Biology - Michelle Le - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Alexandra Mokhnatkina - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Alexandra Mokhnatkina - Hybrid
BIOSCI-100: General Biology - Julie Nguyen - Hybrid
BIOSCI-100 - General Biology - C. Shane Ramey - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Mansour Rostami - Hybrid
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Marym Sanei - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 - General Biology - Barbara Sanchez - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Dilek Sanver-Wang - Online, InPerson
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Erica Seubert - Hybrid - 5 week
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Erica Seubert - Hybrid - 16 week
BIOSCI-119 Marine Biology - Erica Seubert - Hybrid - 16 week
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Thomas Smith - Hybrid
BIOSCI-100L General Biology Lecture & Lab - James Wolf - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Michelle Zakson - InPerson
BIOSCI-100 General Biology - Syeda Zaidi-Merchant - OnlineLive
BIOSCI-101 Intro Biology for Health Professions - Alexandra Mokhnatkina - Hybrid
BIOSCI-202 Introduction to Physiology - Mansour Rostami - Hybrid
BIOSCI-106 Organismal/Environmental Bio - Alexandra Mokhnatkina - Hybrid
BIOSCI-106 Organismal/Environmental Bio - Barbara Sanchez - Hybrid
BIOSCI-106 Organismal/Environmental Bio - Thomas Smith - Hybrid
BIOSCI-106 Organismal/Environmental Biology - Ben Vallejo - Hybrid
BIOSCI-106H Organismal/Environ Bio Honors - Jeannie Chari - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
BIOSCI-107 Molecular/Cellular Biology - Kelly Cude - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-107 Molecular/Cellular Biology - Kelly Cude - Online
BIOSCI-107 Molecular/Cellular Biology - Loni Hands - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-107 Molecular and Cellular Biology - Julie Nguyen - Hybrid
BIOSCI-107 Molecular/Cellular Biology - Julie Nguyen - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-107 Molecular/Cellular Biology - Thomas Smith - Hybrid
BIOSCI-107H Molecular and Cellular Biology Honors- Thomas Smith
BIOSCI-130 Environmental Biology - Jeannie Chari - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-140 Introduction to Human Genetics - Kelly Cude - Online
BIOSCI-140 Introduction to Human Genetics - Julie Nguyen - Online
BIOSCI-140 Introduction to Human Genetics - Ben Vallejo - Online
BIOSCI-180 Biology of Cancer - Kelly Cude - Online
BIOSCI-201 Introduction to Human Anatomy - LaFrance Daniels Jr - Hybrid
BIOSCI-201 Introduction to Human Anatomy - Ricardo Rosales - Online
BIOSCI-201 Introduction to Human Anatomy - Melania Abrahamian - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-201 Introduction to Human Anatomy - Tara Gandomi - Hybrid
BIOSCI-201 Introduction to Human Anatomy - Sania Zaidi-Merchant - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-201 Introduction to Human Anatomy - Thomas Smith - Hybrid
BIOSCI-202 - Intro to Human Physiology - Sean Gandomi - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-202 Intro to Human Physiology - Miriam Golbert - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-204 Human Anatomy/Physiology I - Behnaz Parhami-Seren - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-204 - Human Anatomy/Physiology I - Ricardo Rosales - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-204 Human Anatomy/Physiology I - Anna Almeda - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-204 Human Anatomy/Physiology I - Neema Nourian - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-205 Human Anatomy/Physiology II - Anna Almeda - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-205 Human Anatomy/Physiology II - Patricia Butterworth - Hybrid
BIOSCI-205 Human Anatomy/Physiology II - Shannon Patel - Online
BIOSCI-205 Human Anatomy/Physiology II - Ricardo Rosales - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-221 Introduction to Microbiology - Melania Abrahamian - InPerson
BIOSCI-221 Introduction to Microbiology - Cindee Robinson - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-221 Introduction to Microbiology - Loni Hands - Online, OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-221 Introduction to Microbiology - Julie Nguyen - OnlineLIVE
BIOSCI-221 Introduction to Microbiology - Erica Seubert - Online, InPerson
BIOSCI-221 Introduction to Microbiology - Erica Seubert - Hybrid
BIOSCI-221 - Introduction to Microbiology - Shane Ramey - InPerson
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Christina Chung - Online
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Anthony Clayton - Online
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - John Francis - Online
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Diane Grair - Online
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Yasser Issa - Hybrid
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Desiree Lee-Perry - Hybrid, InPerson
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Mirna Moncada
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Ali Naddafpour - Online
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Ara Norwood - OnlineLIVE
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Gary Quire - Online
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Diane Sionko - Online
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Diane Sionko - Hybrid
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Heaven Warner - Online
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Joan Washington - InPerson
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Joan Washington - Hybrid, InPerson
BUS-100 Introduction to Business - Joan Washington - HyFlex
BUS-101 Bookkeeping and Accounting - Maya Succar - Online
BUS-101 Bookkeeping and Accounting - Maya Succar - Hybrid - 61520
BUS-110 Principles of Management - Christina Chung - Online
BUS-110 Principles of Managment - John Francis - Online
BUS-110 Principles of Management - Yasser Issa - Hybrid
BUS-110 Principles of Management - Mirna Moncada - InPerson
BUS-110 Principles of Management - Diane Sionko - Online
BUS-110 Principles of Management - Joan Washington - OnlineLIVE
BUS-111 Human Relations in the Wrkplc - Christina Chung - Online
BUS-112 Human Resource Management - Christina Chung - Online
BUS-113 Retail Management - John Francis - Online
BUS-113 Retail Management - Valerie Stewart - Online
BUS-117 Business Entrepreneurship - Anthony Clayton - Online, InPerson
BUS-117 Business Entrepreneurship - Desireé Lee-Perry - Hybrid
BUS-117 Business Entrepreneurship - Gary Quire - OnlineLIVE
BUS-126 Managing Workplace Diversity - Christina Chung - Online
BUS-126 Managing Workplace Diversity - John Francis - Online
BUS-126 Managing Workplace Diversity - Yasser Issa - Online
BUS-140 Principles of Marketing - Christina Chung - Online
BUS-140 - Principles of Marketing - Diane Grair - Online
BUS-140 Principles of Marketing - Yasser Issa - Online, Hybrid
BUS-140 Principles of Marketing - Desireé Lee-Perry - Online
BUS-140 Principles of Marketing - Diane Sionko - Online
BUS-141 Principles of Advertising - Christina Chung - Online
BUS-141 Principles of Advertising - Yasser Issa - Online
BUS-142 Principles of Selling - Christina Chung - Online
BUS-154 Personal Finance - John Francis - Online
BUS-154 Personal Finance - Ali Naddafpour - Online - 5 week
BUS-154 Personal Finance - Donna Robert - Online, OnlineLIVE
BUS-156 Introduction to Investments - John Francis - Online
BUS-156 Introduction to Investments - Mirna Moncada - All Formats
BUS-156 Introduction to Investments - Maya Succar - Online
BUS-157 Entrepreneurial Finance - John Francis - Online
BUS-160 Business Ethics - Yasser Issa - Online
BUS-190 Principles/Electronic Commerce - Christina Chung - Online
BUS-190 Principles/Electronic Commerce - Sonja Ann Jones - Hybrid
BUS-190 Principles/Electronic Commerce - Desireé Lee-Perry - Hybrid
BUS-190 Principles/Electronic Commerce - Mirna Moncada - InPerson
BUS-192 E-Business Strategy - Christina Chung - Online
BUS-192 E-Business Strategy - John Francis - Online
BUS-192 E-Business Strategy - Yasser Issa - Online
BUS-201 Principles of Accounting I - Ed Alizadeh - OnlineLIVE
BUS-201 Principles of Accounting I - Daniel Friedman
BUS-201 Principles of Accounting I - Talar Hanounek - Hybrid
BUS-201 Principles of Accounting I - Samuel Mares - InPerson
BUS-201 Principles of Accounting I - Bob Maxwell - OnlineLIVE
BUS-201 Principles of Accounting I - Maya Succar - OnlineLIVE - 61528
BUS-201 Principles of Accounting I - Heaven Warner - Online
BUS-201 Principles of Accounting I - Heaven Warner - OnlineLIVE
BUS-202 Principles of Acctg. II - Samuel Mares - Online
BUS-202 Principles of Acctg. II - Bob Maxwell - Online
BUS-202 Principles of Acctg. II - Bob Maxwell - OnlineLIVE
BUS-202 Principles of Acctg. II - Ali Naddafpour - Online
BUS-202 Principles of Acctg. II - Daniel Friedman - Online
BUS-203 Cost Accounting - Samuel Mares - Online
BUS-204 Intermediate Accounting - Sameul Mares - Online
BUS-211 Business Law - Donna Brown-Hardnett - HyFlex
BUS-211 Business Law - Gary Collis - Online
BUS-211 Business Law - Susan Gilbert - OnlineLIVE
BUS-211 Business Law - Robert Johnson
BUS-211 Business Law - Mirna Moncada - All Formats
BUS-211 Business Law - Judith M. Sack - OnlineLIVE
BUS-211 Business Law - Barry Morinaka - Online - 8 week
CHEM-100 - Chemistry and Society - Rebecca Eikey - Online - 16 week
CHEM-100 Chemistry and Society - Rebecca Eikey - Online - 5 week
CHEM-100 - Chemistry and Society - Daniel Evans - Online
CHEM-100 Chemistry and Society - Heidi McMahon - Online - 5 week
CHEM-100 Chemistry and Society - Heidi McMahon - Online - 16 week
CHEM-151 Prep General Chemistry - Hind Ali - Hybrid
CHEM-151 Prep General Chemistry - Consuelo Beecher - Online, OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 Prepatory General Chemistry - David Feiler - Hybrid
CHEM-151 Prep General Chemistry - Thomas Gisel - Online, OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 Prep General Chemistry - Taiho Kim - Online, OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 - Prep General Chemistry - Isaac Koh - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 Prep General Chemistry - Heidi McMahon - Hybrid
CHEM-151 Prep General Chemistry - Heidi McMahon - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 Prepatory General Chemistry - Shadi Moghaddas - Hybrid
CHEM-151 Prep General Chemistry - Nobuko Nishimura - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 Prep General Chemistry - Farzaneh Paknia - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 Prep General Chemistry - Tiehua Piao - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 Prep General Chemistry - Miles Silverman - InPerson
CHEM-141 Prep General Chemistry - Mitra Sunsinsky - Hybrid
CHEM-151 - Prep General Chemistry - Muriel Walker Waugh - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 - Prep General Chemistry - Tara Williams - Online, OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 - Prep General Chemistry - Tara Williams & Dan Evans - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-151 - Prep General Chemistry - Tara Williams & Bhuvana Gopal - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-201 Hybrid General Chemistry I - Rana Akiel - Hybrid
CHEM-201 General Chemistry I - Jennifer Ardy - InPerson
CHEM-201 General Chemistry I - Daniel Evans - Hybrid, InPerson
CHEM-201 General Chemistry I - Patricia Foley - Online, OnlineLIVE
CHEM-201 - General Chemistry I - Isaac Koh - Online, OnlineLIVE - 8 week
CHEM-201 General Chemistry I - Alejandro Lichtscheidl - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-201 General Chemistry I - Heidi McMahon - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-201 General Chemistry I - Mitra Sushinsky - Online, OnlineLIVE
CHEM-201 - General Chemistry I - Dariush Vosooghi - Online
CHEM-201 - General Chemistry I - Ligia Zelaya - Online, OnlineLIVE
CHEM-201H General Chemistry I - Honors - Thomas Gisel - Online, OnlineLIVE
CHEM-202 General Chemistry II - Dilip Bhumralkar - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-202 General Chemistry II - Guatam Dhar - InPerson
CHEM-202 General Chemistry II - Rebecca Eikey - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-202 General Chemistry II - Steven Han - Online, OnlineLIVE
CHEM-202 General Chemistry II - Brian Sullivan
CHEM-202 General Chemistry II - Alejandro Lichtscheidl - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-202 General Chemistry II - Hui Sun Kim - Hybrid
CHEM-202 General Chemistry II - Miles Silverman - Hybrid
CHEM-202 general Chemistry II - Tiehua Piao/Dariush Vosooghi - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
CHEM-255 Organic Chemistry I - Dilip Bhumralkar - InPerson
CHEM-255 Organic Chemistry I - Gretchen Stanton - OnlineLIVE
CHEM-255 Organic Chemistry I - Patricia Foley - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
CHEM-256 Organic Chemistry II - Isaac Koh - Online, OnlineLIVE
CHEM-256 Organic Chemistry II - Gretchen Stanton - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
CINEMA-120 Film Aesthetics - Melinda Johnson - OnlineLIVE
CINEMA-120 Film Aesthetics - Gary Peterson - OnlineLIVE
CINEMA-120 Film Aesthetics - Benjamin Sampson - InPerson
CINEMA-120 Film Aesthetics - Max Keller - OnlineLIVE
CINEMA-121 History of American Cinema - Melinda Johnson - OnlineLIVE
CINEMA-121 History of American Cinema - Max Keller - OnlineLIVE
CINEMA-121 - History of American Cinema - Gary Peterson - Online, OnlineLIVE
CINEMA-122 History of Cinema - Max Keller - InPerson
CINEMA-122 - History of Cinema - Gary Peterson - Online, OnlineLIVE
CINEMA-123 American Cinema: Crossing Cult - Gary Peterson - OnlineLIVE
CINEMA-123 - American Cinema: Crossing Cult - Mindy Johnson - OnlineLIVE
CINEMA-123 American Cinema: Crossing Cult - Max Keller - OnlineLIVE
COMS-100 - Process of Communication - Adam Kaminsky - Online
COMS-100 Process of Communication - Karyl Kicenski - Online
COMS-100 - Process of Communication - Victoria Leonard - Online
COMS-100 Process of Communication - Tammera Stokes Rice - Online
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Larry Alva
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - M. Jane Arnett - OnlineLIVE - 8 week
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - M. Jane Arnett - OnlineLIVE - 16 week
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Hannah Carter - Online, OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Gigi Hessamian - OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Alexander Howard - OnlineLive
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Adam Kaminsky - OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Jenna Khouri - Online
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Karyl Kicenski - OnlineLIVE - 64678
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Karyl Kicenski - OnlineLIVE - 64679
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Michael Leach - OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Victoria Leonard - Hybrid, InPerson
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Ally Loprete - Hybrid, InPerson
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Jenna Lohse - OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Jenna Lohse - Online
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Asya Mazurova - Hybrid
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Asya Mazurova - Online, OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Scott McAfee - OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Matthew McKaig - Online, OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Michelle Menjivar - Hybrid
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Kerry Osborne - OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 - Fund. of Public Speaking - Lauren Rome - OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Athena Simpson
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - David Stevenson - OnlineLIVE - FA21
COM-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - David Stevenson - OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Tammera Stokes Rice - Online, OnlineLIVE
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Tammera Stokes Rice - Online
COMS-105 Fund. of Public Speaking - Traci Wargo-Lehman - InPerson
COMS-120 Small Group Communication - Melissa Arnett - OnlineLIVE
COMS-120 Small Group Communication - Jenna Lohse - OnlineLIVE, Hybrid
COMS-120 - Small Group Communication - Scott McAfee - Online, OnlineLIVE
COMS-120 - Small Group Communication - Kerry Osborne
COMS-120 Small Group Communication - Lauren Rome - Online, OnlineLIVE
COMS-120 Small Group Communication - Athena Simpson - InPerson
COMS-190 - Forensics - Michael Leach - Online
COMS-225 Strategies of Argumentation - David Stevenson - OnlineLIVE
COMS-235 Comm of Aging, Health, Society - Victoria Leonard - Online
COMS-246 - Interpersonal Communication - Victoria Leonard - Online
COMS-246 Interpersonal Communication - Tammera Stokes Rice - Online
COMS-256 Intercultural Communication - Adam Kaminsky - Online - 5 week
COMS-256 - Intercultural Communication - Tammera Stokes Rice - Online
COMS-260 - Communication and Gender - Tammera Stokes Rice - Online
COMS-260 - Communication and Gender - Lauren Rome - Online
COMS-270 Communcation & Leadership - Larry Alva - OnlineLIVE
COMS-270 Communcation & Leadership - Victoria Leonard - Online
CAWT-036 - Microsoft Outlook Brief - Alan Strozer - Online
CAWT-036 - Microsoft Outlook - Brief - Sara Stuart - Online
CAWT-074 Intro to Photoshop - Martin Pfeiffer - Online, Hybrid
CAWT-074 - Intro to Photoshop - Alan Strozer - Online
CAWT-074 Intro to Photoshop - Alan Strozer - Hybrid, 8 week
CAWT-074 - Intro to Photoshop - Sara Stuart - Online
CAWT-076 - Introduction to Wordpress - Sara Stuart - Online
CAWT-082 - Adobe Acrobat - Janet English - Online
CAWT-101 - Introduction to Computers - Victor Jadaon - Online
CAWT-101 - Introduction to Computers - Melanie Lipman - Online
CAWT-105 - Microsoft Windows - Janet English - Online
CAWT-110 - Keyboarding and Document Processing - Regina Roscigno - Online
CAWT-115 - Business English - Janet English - Online
CAWT-116 - Business Communications - Renee Hall
CAWT-116 - Business Communications - Svetlana Holt - Online
CAWT-120 - Administrative Office Procedures - Regina Roscigno - Online
CAWT-130 - Medical Office Procedures - Maral Markarian - Online
CAWT-131 Medical Transcription - Maral Markarian - Online
CAWT-132 - Medical Office Finances - Maral Markarian - Online
CAWT-140 - Microsoft Office - Victor Jadaon - Online
CAWT-140 - Microsoft Office - Melanie Lipman - Online
CAWT-140 - Microsoft Office - Regina Roscigno - Online
CAWT-140 - Microsoft Office - Alan Strozer - Online
CAWT-145 Quickbooks Pro - Renee Hall - Online
CAWT-150 - Microsoft Word I - Melanie Lipman - Online
CAWT-150 Microsoft Word I - Regina Roscigno - Online, InPerson
CAWT-151 - Microsoft Word II - Regina Roscigno - Online
CAWT-155 Microsoft Excel I - Victor Jadaon - Online
CAWT-156 - Microsoft Excel II - Janet English - Online
CAWT-160 - Microsoft Access I - Sara Stuart
CAWT-161 - Microsoft Access II - Sara Stuart - Online
CAWT-165 - Microsoft PowerPoint - Regina (Gina) Roscigno - Online
CAWT-166 - Desktop Publishing: Adobe InDesign - Janet English - Online
CAWT-170 Website Development I - Teresa Pelkie - Online
CAWT-171 Website Development II - Teresa Pelkie - Online
CAWT-173 - Web Development/Dreamweaver - Sarah Stuart - Online - 8 week
CMPSCI-111 - Intro Algorithms and Prog/Java - Benjamin Riveira - OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-111L Intro to Algorithms/Prog Lab - Benjamin Riveira - OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-122 Architecture/Assembly Language - Benjamin Riveira - Online, OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-122: Computer Architecture and Assembly Language - Dwight Sikkema - OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-182 Data Structures/Prog Design - Benjamin Riveira - OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-182 Data Structures/Prog Design - Bahram Zartoshty - OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-182L Data Structures/Pro. Dsgn. Lab - Benjamin Riveira - OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-235 - C Programming - Benjamin Riveira - OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-236 C++ Obj. Oriented Programming - Zahid Rafique - OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-236 C++ Obj. Oriented Programming - Bahram Zartoshty - Online
CMPSCI-256 Discrete Structures - Rupa Sinha - OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-282 - Advanced Data Structures - Zahid Rafique - OnlineLIVE
CMPSCI-282 Advanced Data Structure - Bahram Zartoshty - InPerson
CONST-025 Intro to Construction Tech - Daniel Bell - InPerson
CONST-025 Intro to Construction Tech - Xanth Stack - Hybrid
CONST-032 Framing/Exterior Finish - Michael Gollnick - InPerson
CONST-040 Fundamentals of Masonry - Daniel Bell - InPerson
CONST-050 Fund of Mech/Elec/Plumb/Const - Daniel Bell - InPerson
CONST-102 - Construction Management Principles - Claudenice Braga-McCalister - Online - 16 weeks
CONST-102 Constr Management Principles - Claudenice Braga-McCalister - Online - 8 weeks
CONST-103 - Blue Print Reading for Const - Claudenice Braga-Mccalister - Online
CONST-105 - Construction Estimating Pricpl - Claudenice Braga-McCalister - HyFlex
CONST-106 Survey Const Contracts & Law - Noah Hamouche - HyFlex
CONST-108 Intro to Const Inspctn & Codes - Claudenice Braga-McCalister - Online
CONST-120 California Mechanical Code - Jean-Claude Oliver - HyFlex
CONST-124 California Electrical Code - Daniel Bell - InPerson
COUNS-100 Succes Strat Reentry Adult - Patricia Garcia - Online
COUNS-100 Succes Strat Reentry Adult - Graciela Martinez - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Jennifer Anthony - OnlineLIVE
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Melissa Brandan - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Kerry Brown - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Samir Hamawe - InPerson
COUNS-110: Career & Life Planning - Samir Hamawe - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Angela Harris - Hybrid
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Lauren Imai - Hybrid
COUNS-110 - Career-Life Planning - Alisha Kaminsky - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Tony Law - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Gretchen Lindgreen - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Susan Ling - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Albert Loaiza - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Dora Lozano - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Ann Marchesan - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Ann Marchesan - Hybrid
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Graciela Martinez - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Emily Menjivar - Hybrid
COUNS-110 - Career-Life Planning - Anh Nguyen - Online
COUNS-110 - Career-Life Planning - Liz Shaker - Online
COUNS-110 - Career-Life Planning - Diane Solomon - Online - 5 week
COUNS-110 - Career-Life Planning - Diane Solomon - Online - 8 week
COUNS-110 - Career-Life Planning - Erika Torgeson - Online
COUNS-110 Career-Life Planning - Erika Torgeson - Online
COUNS-110 - Career-Life Planning - Sandra Zamudio - InPerson
COUNS-120 - University Transfer Planning - Dora Lozano - Online
COUNS-120 - University Transfer Planning - Aivee Ortega - Online
COUNS-120 - University Transfer Planning - Erika Torgeson - Online
COUNS-142 - Learning to Learn - Anh Nguyen - Online
COUNS-142 - Learning to Learn - Aivee Ortega - Online
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Kerry Brown - Online
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Patricia Garcia - Online
COUNS-150 Student Success - Jennifer Godzsak - Online
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Angela Harris - Online
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Garrett Hooper - Online
COUNS-150 Student Success - Lusine Koshkaryan - Hybrid
COUNS-150 Student Success - Lusine Koshkaryan - Online
COUNS-150 Student Success - Patricia Lara - OnlineLIVE
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Tony Law - Online
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Stephanie Lee - Online
COUNS-150 Student Success - Gretchen Lindgreen - Online, OnlineLIVE
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Albert Loaiza - Online
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Dora Lozano - Online
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Mireya Milian - Online
COUNS-150 Student Success - Anthony Morris - Online
COUNS-150 Student Success - Anh Nguyen - Online
COUNS-150 - Student Success - April Reardon - Online
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Thomas Requejo - Online
COUNS-150 Student Success - Diane Soloman - Online
COUNS-150 - Student Success - Erika Torgeson - Online
COUNS-200 Survey of the Counseling Professions- Anh Nguyen - Online
CULARTS-050 - Knife Skills - Christine Chang - Online
CULARTS-055 - Culinary Safety and Sanitation - Kristianne Descher - Online, OnlineLIVE
CULARTS-055 - Culinary Safety and Sanitation - David Schutz - Online
CULARTS-121 - Culinary Fundamentals I - Christine Chang - Online
CULARTS-127 - Principles of Baking - Cindy Schwanke - InPerson
CULARTS-130 - Pastry Art - Cindy Schwanke - InPerson
CULARTS-131 -Chocolates - Cindy Schwanke - InPerson
CULARTS-150 Food Service Costs & Controls - David Schutz - Online
DANCE-100 Dance Appreciation - Shelby Curtis - Online, OnlineLIVE, Hybrid
DANCE-100 - Dance Appreciation - Phylise Smith - Online
DANCE-100 - Dance Appreciation - Diana Stanich - Online
DANCE-107 - Dance Conditioning - Wendy Hassenpflug - Online
DANCE-108 - Pilates - Fredda Manzo - Online
DANCE-121 - Modern Dance 1 - Wendy Hassenpflug - Online
DANCE-141 - Beginning Ballet - Shelby Curtis - Online
DANCE-142 Intermediate Ballet - Shelby Curtis - InPerson
DANCE-180 Introduction to Yoga - Wendy Hassenpflug - InPerson
DANCE-180 - Introduction to Yoga - Phylise Smith - OnlineLIVE
ECE-100 - Principles & Practices of ECE - Sharon Eyrich - Online
ECE-100 - Principles & Practices of ECE - Michelle Hancock - Online
ECE-101 - Child Growth and Development - Michelle Hancock - Online
ECE-101 - Child Growth and Development - Rebecca Laff - Online
ECE-101 - Child Growth and Development - Jennifer Paris
ECE-101 - Child Growth and Development - Gina Peterson - OnlineLIVE
ECE-101 - Child Growth and Development - Antoinette Ricardo - Online
ECE-101 - Child Growth and Development - Antoinette Ricardo - InPerson
ECE-102 - Child, Family, and Community - Emily Elam - Online
ECE-102 Child, Family, and Community - Rebecca Laff - Online
ECE-102 Child, Family, and Community - London Robinson - Hybrid
ECE-103 - Observation and Assessment - Rebecca Laff - Online
ECE-103 - Observation and Assessment - Ashlei Snead - Online
ECE-104 Intro to Curriculum for ECE - Kristin Beeve - OnlineLIVE
ECE-104 Intro to Curriculum for ECE - Rebecca Laff - Online
ECE-104 - Intro to Curriculum for ECE - Ashlei Snead - Online
ECE-104 Intro to Curriculum for ECE - Ashlei Wright-Poullard - Online
ECE-105 - Hth, Safety, Nutrition in ECE - Ashlei Snead - OnlineLIVE
ECE-106 - Role Equity & Diversty in ECE - Emily Elam - Online
ECE-130 - Inf./Toddler Dev. and Curric. - Wendy Ruiz - Online
ECE-135 - School Age Chld. Care Pgrms. - London Robinson
ECE-160 Underst/Educ of Chldr Spec Nds - Michelle Wintermute - Online
ECON-170 Economic History of the U.S. - Gustavo Jimenez - Online - 8 week
ECON-170 Economic History of the U.S. - Gustavo Jimenez - Online - 16 week
ECON-170 Economic History of the U.S. - Gustavo Jimenez - OnlineLIVE
ECON-170 Economic History of the U.S. - Peter de Luca - Online
ECON-170 Economic History of the U.S. - Tyler Prante - Online
ECON-170H Economic History of the U.S. - Honors - Gustavo Jimenez - Online
ECON-170H Economic History U.S. - Honors - Peter de Luca - Online
ECON-201 Macroeconomics - Kathy Bakhit - Online
ECON-201 Macroeconomics - Guillermo Cruz - Online
ECON-201 Macroeconomics - Samuel Lee - Online
ECON-201 Macroeconomics - Un Leong - OnlineLIVE
ECON-201 Macroeconomics - Un Leong - Online
ECON-201 Macroeconomics - Peter de Luca - 12 week - Online
ECON-201 Macroeconomics - Peter de Luca - 8 week - Online
ECON-201 Macroeconomics - J. Roberto Rodriguez - Online
ECON-201 Macroeconomics - Boo Su - Online
ECON-201 Macroeconomics - Alina Seygalus-Gershkova - Online, Hybrid, InPerson
ECON-201H Macroeconomics - Honors - Alina Seygalus-Gershkova
ECON-202 Microeconomics - Rebecca Acosta - Online - 16 weeks
ECON-202 Microeconomics - Rebecca Acosta - Online - 5 weeks
ECON-202 Microeconomics - Un Leong - Online
ECON-202 Microeconomics - Roberto Rodriguez - Online
ECON-202 Microeconomics - Alina Seygalus-Gershkova
ECON-202 Microeconomics - Boo Su - Online
ECON-202 Microeconomics - Michael Trousdale - Online
ECON-291 Statistical Methods Bus/Econ - Rebecca Acosta - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Annie Aboulian - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - John Albert - Online, OnlineLIVE, InPerson
ENGL-101 English Composition - Mary Angelino - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Mary Angelino - Hybrid
ENGL-101 English Composition - Abram Antler - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-101 English Composition - Linda Beauregard-Vasquez - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-101 English Composition - Jennifer Brezina - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Juan Buriel - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Juan Buriel - Hybrid
ENGL-101 English Composition - Juan Buriel - InPerson
ENGL-101 English Composition - Leslie Burnett - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Kimberly Carroll - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Deanna Davis - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Michelle DeGraffenreid - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Yvette de la Vega - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Alexandra Dimakos - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Alexandra Dimakos - Hybrid
ENGL-101 English Composition - Chase Dimock - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Ron Dreiling - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Mike Edwards - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Jeremy Fannon - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Jeremy Fannon - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-101 English Composition - Angeli Francois - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Randall Gifford - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Ashley Granillo - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Kimberly Haglund - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Mike Harutunian - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Jennifer Hauss - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Nicole Hoelle - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-101 English Composition - Christine Iskander - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Arthur Kayzakian - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Jim Keller - Online
ENGL-101 English composition - Jim Keller - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-101 English Composition - Adam Kempler - Online - 5 & 16 week
ENGL-101 English Composition - Ericka Kent - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Abby McMillen - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Ann O'Bryan - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-101 English Composition - Caitlin Newcomer - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Amelia Norton-Cooke - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Samuel Otoo - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Anne Powell - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Mary Powell - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Laurisa Reyes - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Laurisa Reyes - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-101 English Composition - Christy Russell - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Tracey Sherard - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Tracey Sherard - Hybrid
ENGL-101 English Composition - Alene Terzian-Zeitounian - Online
ENGL-101 English Composition - Lisa Wallace - Online
English 101 English Composition - Aquil Yorke - Online, OnlineLIVE, InPerson
ENGL-101H Honors English Composition - Mary Powell - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Annie Aboulian - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Abram Antler - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - John Albert - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Eric Barnhart - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Jennifer Brezina - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Kimberly Carroll - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Larry Carstens - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Deanna Davis - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Michele DeGraffenreid - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Erin Delaney - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Alexandra Dimakos - Online - 5 week
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Alexandra Dimakos - Online - 16 week
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Chase Dimock - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Ron Dreiling - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Randy Gifford - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Tricia George - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Ashley Jean Granillo - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Kim Haglund - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Kim Haglund - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Mike Harutunian - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Jennifer Hauss - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Christine Iskander - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Ron Kasdorf - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Jim Keller - Hybrid
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Jim Keller - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Adam Kempler - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Ericka Kent - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Elana Kent-Stacy - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Adam Kaiserman - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Abby McMillen - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Ann O'Bryan - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Samuel Otoo - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Dan Portillo - OnlineLIVE
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Anne Powell - Online - 5 week
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Kathleen Powell - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Mary Powell - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Ruth Rassool - Online, OnlineLIVE
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Ruth Rassool - Online - 16 week
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Laurisa Reyes - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Christy Russell - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Tracey Sherard - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Kirk Server - Hybrid
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Jessica Small - Online - 16 week
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Jessica Small - Online - 5 week
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Joshua Spurgeon - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Naomi Tarle - Online
ENGL-103 Critical Read/Writ/Thinking - Lorrie Wood - Online
ENGL-103H Critical Read/Writ/Thinking, Honors - Jim Keller - Online
ENGL-104 Technical Reading & Writing - Leslie Burnett - Online
ENGL-105 Intro to Creative Writing - Mary Angelino - Online
ENGL-106 Creative Writing - Nonfiction - Mary Angelino - Online
ENGL-108 Creative Writing - Poetry - Mary Angelino - Online
ENGL-110 Composition and Literature - Chase Dimock - Online
ENGL-110 Composition and Literature - Adam Kaiserman - Online
ENGL-110 Composition and Literature - Jim Keller - InPerson
ENGL-110 English Composition and Literature - Ruth Rassool - Online
ENGL-110 Composition and Literature - Naomi Tarle - Online
ENGL-110 Composition and Literature - Ruth Rassool - Online
ENGL-112 Int. Comp./Lit./Critical Think - Juan Buriel - Online
ENGL-200 Intro to U.S. Latina/o Literature - Erin Delaney - Online
ENGL-200 Intro to U.S. Latina/o Literature - Adam Kaiserman - Online
ENGL-250 British Literature I - Ruth Rassool - Online, OnlineLIVE & InPerson
ENGL-250 British Literature I - Ruth Rassool - Online - 16 week
ENGL-251 British Literature II - Tracey Sherard - Online
ENGL-260 American Literature I - Chase Dimock - Online
ENGL-260 American Literature I - Adam Kaiserman - Online
ENGL-261 American Literature II - Caitlin Newcomer - Online
ENGL-261 American Literature II - Tracey Sherard - Online
ENGL-262 American Multicultural Literature - Tracey Sherard - Online
ENGL-236 Introduction to Poetry - Chase Dimock - Online
ENGL-261 American Literature II - Adam Kaiserman - Online
ENGL-262 American Multicultural Literature - Adam Kaiserman - Online
ENGL-264 Study of Fiction - Chase Dimock - Online
ENGL-271 Mythology - Annie Aboulian - Online
ENGL-273 World Literature I - Chase Dimock - Online
ENGL-247 World Literature II - Chase Dimock - Online
ENGL-281 Intro to Sci Fiction & Fantasy - Erin Delaney - Online
ENGL-281 Intro to Sci Fiction & Fantasy - Jim Keller - Online
ENVRMT-101 Intro Environmental Studies - Phoebe Gimple - Online
ENVRMT-101 - Intro Environmental Studies - Nazanin Naraghi - Online
ENVRMT-101 Intro Environmental Studies - Ben Vallejo - Online
ENVRMT-101 Intro Environmental Studies - Jessica Vannatta - Online
ENVRMT-103 Intro Environmental Science - Odette Alsen - Online
ENVRMT-103 Intro Environmental Science - Jessica Vannatta - Online, OnlineLIVE
ENVRMT-104 Energy Resource Conservation - Jeannie Chari - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-101 Principles of Emergency Serv - Darin Hebert - Online
FIRETC-101 Principles of Emergency Serv - Keith Kawamoto - Online - 16 week
FIRETC-101 Principles of Emergency Serv - Keith Kawamoto - Online - 8 week
FIRETC-101 Principles of Emergency Serv - Keith Kawamoto - Online - 5 week
FIRETC-101 Principles of Emergency Serv - Keith Kawamoto - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-101 Principles of Emergency Serv - John Eric Pearce - Online
FIRETC-101 Principles of Emergency Serv - Travont White - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-102 Fire Prevention - Keith Kawamoto - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-102 Fire Prevention - Foster McLean - Online
FIRETC-102 Fire Prevention - Randall Osborne - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-102 Fire Prevention - Randall Osborne - Online - 5 week
FIRETC-103 Fire Protection Systems - Darin Hebert - Online
FIRETC-103 Fire Protection Systems - Keith Kawamoto - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-103 Fire Protection Systems - Randall Osborne - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-104 Building Constr/Fire Protect - Keith Kawamoto - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-104 Building Constr/Fire Protect - Randall Osborne - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-104 Building Constr/Fire Protect - John Pearce - Online
FIRETC-105 Fire Behavior and Combustion - Keith Kawamoto - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-105 Fire Behavior and Combustion - Randall Osborne - Online
FIRETC-105 Fire Behavior and Combustion - Randall Osborne - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-105 Fire Behavior and Combustion - John Pearce - Online
FIRETC-106 Princ of Fire & Emerg Serv Adm - Darin Hebert - Online
FIRETC-106 Prin of Fire & Emerg Serv Adm -John Eric Pearce - Online
FIRETC-109 Prin Fire Emer Serv Sft & Sur - Darin Hebert - Online
FIRETC-109 Prin Fire Emer Serv Sft & Sur - Randall Osborne - Online
FIRETC-109 Prin Fire Emer Serv Sft & Sur - Rrandall Osborne - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-109 Prin Fire Emer Serv Sft & Sur - Travont White - all sections
FIRETC-110 Wildland Fire Behavior - Darin Hebert - Online
FIRETC-110 Wildland Fire Behavior - Randall Osborne - OnlineLIVE
FIRETC-123 Fire Investigation - John Eric Pearce - Online
FIRETC-125 Firefighting Strategies and Tactics - Travont White - InPerson
GEOGRPH-100 Physical Geography - Mary Bates - Online - 5 week
GEOGRPH-100 Physical Geography - Mary Bates - Online - 8 & 16 week
GEOGRPH-100 Physical Geography - Vincent Devlahovich - Online
GEOGRPH-100 Physical Geography - Jeremy Patrich - Online
GEOGRPH-100 Physical Geography - Tina White - Online
GEOGRPH-101 Physical Geography with Lab - Mary Bates - Online, OnlineLIVE
GEOGRPH-101 Physical Geography with Lab - Kathy Duret - Online & InPerson
GEOGRPH-101 Physical Geography with Lab- Jeremy Patrich - Online, Hybrid & InPerson
GEOG-101 Physical Geography with Lab- Nazanin Naraghi - Online, Hybrid, & InPerson
GEOGRPH-102 Human Geography - Jason Burgdorfer - OnlineLIVE
GEOGRPH-102 Human Geography - Nazanin Naraghi - Online
GEOGRPH-102 Human Geography - Jeremy Patrich - Online, Hybrid, & InPerson
GEOGRPH-103 Weather & Climate - Mary Bates - Online - 5 week
GEOGRPH-103 Weatehr & Climate - Viincent Devlahovich - Online
GEOGRPH-103 Weather & Climate - Jeremy Patrich - Online, Hybrid, & InPerson
GEOGRPH-104 World Regional Geography - Jeremy Patrich - Online
GEOGRPH-105 California Geography - Jeremy Patrich - Online
GEOGRPH-110 Maps and Spatial Reasoning - Michael Carson - Online
GEOLOGY-100 Physical Geology - Jason Burgdorfer - Online
GEOLOGY-100 Physical Geology - Vincent Devlahovich - Online
GEOLOGY-100 Physical Geology - Brittany Huerta - Online
GEOLOGY-100 Physical Geology - Jeremy Patrich - Online
GEOLOGY-100 Physical Geology - Martha Peggye Ahlstrom - Online
GEOLOGY-100 Physical Geology - Ziad Sedki - Online - 16 weeks
GEOLOGY-100 Physical Geology - Ziad Sedki - Online - 5, 8 & 16 weeks
GEOLOGY-100 Physical Geology - Jessica Seemayer - Online
GEOLOGY-101 Physical Geology with Lab - Vincent Devlahovich - Online, OnlineLIVE
GEOLOGY-101 Physical Geology with Lab - Brittany Huerta - Online, OnlineLIVE
GEOLOGY-101 Physical Geology with Lab - Carly Perl - Online
GEOLOGY-103 Dinosaurs - Martha Peggye Ahlstrom - Online
GEOLOGY-103 Dinosaurs - Carly Perl - Online
GEOLOGY-104 Environmental Geology - Jessica Seemayer - Online
GEOLOGY-104 Environmental Geology - Jessica Seemayer - Hybrid
GEOLOGY-110 Earth Science with Lab - Jeremy Patrich - Online
GMD-101 Intro to Graph/Multimed Design - Mark Daybell - InPerson
GMD-101 Intro to Graph/Multimed Design - Mark Daybell - Online
GMD-101 Intro to Graph/Multimed Design - Mark Flanders - OnlineLIVE
GMD-104 Graph Design for Web & Soc Med - Vitaliy Gnezdilov - OnlineLIVE
GMD-120 History of Graphic Design - Mark Daybell - Online
GMD-120 History of Graphic Design - Shannon Doronio - Online
GMD-120 History of Graphic Design - Mark Flanders - Online - 16 week
GMD-120 History of Graphic Design - Mark Flanders - Online - 5 week
GMD-120 History of Graphic Design - Ana Penaranda - Online
GMD-142 Digital Illustration - Mark Flanders -InPerson - 16 week
GMD-145 - Type and Typography - Shannon Doronio - OnlineLIVE
GMD-173 Motion Design - Lin Wilde - OnlineLIVE
GMD-177 Web and Interactive Design - Vitaliy Gnezdilov - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-100 Health Education - Howard Fisher - Online
HLHSCI-100 Health Education - Leora Gabay - Online
HLHSCI-100 Health Education - Ted Iacenda - Online
HLHSCI-100 Health Education - Belinda Kane - Online
HLHSCI-100 Health Education - Justin Lundin - Online
HLHSCI-100 Health Education - Philip Marcellin - Online
HLHSCI-100 Health Education - John Wissmath - Online
HLHSCI-101 Intro to Health Professions - Kelly Bronco - Hybrid
HLHSCI-101 Intro to Health Professions - Velia Jimenez - InPerson
HLHSCI-101 Intro to Health Professions - Velia Jimenez - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-101 Intro to Health Professions - Nardeen Shafik - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-101 Intro to Health Professions - Veronica Ward - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-140 Introduction to Public Health - Shoghig Manoukian - InPerson
HLHSCI-140 Into to Public Health - Shoghig Manoukian - Online
HLHSCI-140 Introduction to Public Health - Shoghig Manoukian - Online - 5 week, 8 week
HLHSCI-140 Introduction to Public Health - Christopher Rogers - Online
HLHSCI-140 Introduction to Public Health - Jeanae Ruddell - Online
HLHSCI-140 Into to Public Health - Nardeen Shafik - Online
HLHSCI-140 Introduction to Public Health - Teresa Sullivan - Online
HLHSCI-046 Emergency Medical Responder -S.B. Tucker - InPerson
HLHSCI-046 Emergency Medical Responder - Erik Pinnell - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-149 Nutrition and Fitness for Balanced Living - Velia Jimenez - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-149 Nutrition/Fitness/Bal. Living - Sarah Morris - Online
HLHSCI-149 Nutrition/Fitness/Bal. Living - Jessica Schulman - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-150 Nutrition - Kelly Bronco - Online
HLHSCI-150 Nutrition - Kelly Bronco - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-150 Nutrition - Natalie Dalessio - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-150 Nutrition - Velia Jimenez - Online, OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-150 Nutrition - Cristina Joros - Online
HLHSCI-150 Nutrition - Cristina Joros - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-150 Nutrition - Jessica Schulman - Online
HLHSCI-150 Nutrition - Jessica Schulman - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-151 Emergency Medical Technician - Christopher Rogers - InPerson
HLHSCI-151 Emergency Medical Technician - S.B. Tucker - InPerson
HLHSCI-243 Women and Health - Sarah Morris - Online
HLHSCI-243 Women and Health - Jeanae Ruddell - Online, InPerson
HLHSCI-243 Women and Health - Nardeen Shafik - OnlineLIVE
HLHSCI-243 Women and Health - Vickie Valenziano - InPerson
HLHSCI-249 Medical Terminology - Sarah Morris - Online - 16 week
HLHSCI-249 Medical Terminology - Sarah Morris - Online - 8 week
HIST-101 Western Civ: Pre-Indust. West - Kathleen Hitt - OnlineLIVE
HIST-102 Western Civ: The Modern Era - Christian Beam - Online
HIST-102 - Western Civ: The Modern Era - Adam Morgenstern - Online
HIST-111 - United States History I - Erik Altenbernd - Online
HIST-111 - United States History I - Erik Altenbernd - Online
HIST-111 - United States History I - Christian Beam - Online
HIST-111 - United States History I - Lissa Brassfield - Online, InPerson
HIST-111 United States History I - Laura Carlone-Mooslin - Online
HIST-111 - United States History I - Richard Dyke - Online
HIST-111 United States History I - Richard Dyke - Online - 5 weeks
HIST-111 - United States History I - Michael Felix - Online
HIST-111 United States History I - Anthony Galvan
HIST-111 United States History I - Griselda Guillen - Online
HIST-111 - United States History I - Kathleen Hitt - OnlineLIVE
HIST-111 United States History I - Kathleen Hitt - Online
HIST-111 United States History I - Gustavo Jimenez - OnlineLIVE
HIST-111 - United States History I - Julianne Johnson - Online
HIST-111 United States History I - Adam Morgenstern - Online
HIST-111 - United States History I - Sherrill Pennington
HIST-111 United States History I - Brad Reynolds - Online
HIST-111 - United States History I - Brent Riffel - Online
HIST-111 United States History I - Aaron Silveman
HIST-111 United States History I - John Varga - Online - 5 week
HIST-111 United States History I - John Varga - 16 week
HIST-112 - United States History II - Erik Altenbernd - Online
HIST-112 - United States History II - Christian Beam - Online
HIST-112 United States History II - Mark Capehart - Online
HIST-112 United States History II - Frank Chartrand - Online
HIST-112 United States History II - Richard Dyke - Online
HIST-112 United States History II - Anthony Galvan - Online
HIST-112 - United States History II - Griselda Guillen - Online
HIST-112 United States History II - Kathleen Hitt - OnlineLIVE
HIST-112 - United States History II - Julianne Johnson - Online
HIST-112 - United States History II - Sherrill Pennington - Online
HIST-112 United States History II - Laura Carlone-Mooslin - Online
HIST-112 United States History II - Brad Reynolds - Online
HIST-112 - United States History II - Brent Riffel - Online
HIST-112H - U.S. History II - Honors - Adam Morgenstern - Online
HIST-112 United States History II - John Varga - Online
HIST-117 African American History Since 1877 - Michael Felix - Online
HIST-120 - Role of Women-History of US - Christian Beam - Online
HIST-120 - Role of Women-History of US - Lissa Brassfield - Online
HIST-120 - Role of Women-History of US - Sarah Burns - Online
HIST-120 Role of Women- History of US - Mark Capehart - InPerson
HIST-120 - Role of Women-History of US - Anthony Galvan - Online
HIST-120 - Role of Women-History of US - Julianne Johnson
HIST-120H Role of Women-History of US Honors - Julianne Johnson - Online
HIST-130 Social/Cultural History, U.S. - Erik Altenbernd - Online
HIST-161 World History I - Mark Capehart - InPerson
HIST-161 World History - Michael Felix - Online
HIST-161 - World History I - Anthony Galvan - Online
HIST-161 World History I - Brian McConnell - InPerson
HIST-161 World History I - Aaron Silveman - Online
HIST-161 World History I - Laura Carlone-Mooslin - Online
HIST-191 - Eastern Civilization I - Sherrill Pennington - Online
HIST-210 - History of California - Erik Altenbernd - Online
HIST-210 History of California - Gustavo Jimenez - OnlineLIVE
HIST-243 History of Mexico/Mexican and Chicano Peoples - John Varga - Online
HRMGT-102 Intro to the Tourism Industry - Kevin Anthony - Online
HRMGT-210 Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Law - Steve Eisner - Online
Additional letters will be posted soon.
HUMAN-100 Intro to Studies in Humanities - Adam Kaiserman - Online
HUMAN-100 Intro to Studies in Humanities - Tracey Sherard - Online
HUMAN-115 - Survey of Humanities I - Alexandra Dimakos - Online
HUMAN-116 Survey of Humanities II - Adam Kaiserman - Online
HUMAN-150 Introduction to Great Ideas - Adam Kaiserman - Online
ID-084 Dig Illus for Archt & ID - Alex Dorfman - Online
ID-091 Art & Accessories/Int. Design - Lindsey McPhail - InPerson
ID-091 Art & Accessories/Int. Design - Patrick Tremblay - OnlineLIVE
ID-092 Merchandising/Int. Design - Lindsey McPhail - Online
ID-100 Careers in Archt, Int Desgn - Patrick Tremblay - Online
ID-101A Introduction to Int. Design - Patrick Tremblay - Hybrid
ID-101B Intro to Interior Design Lab - Debra Heller - OnlineLIVE
ID-102 Applied Color for Designers - Debra Heller - OnlineLIVE
ID-102 Applied Color for Designers - Patrick Tremblay - OnlineLIVE
ID-104 - Rapid Visual/Persp Illustation - Alex Dorfman - Online
ID-105 - Intro to Production Design - Leigh Nicolai-Moon - OnlineLIVE
ID-110 Architectural Drafting - Lindsey McPhail - InPerson
ID-110 Architectural Drafting - Megan Janzen - HyFlex
ID-240 Interior Design Portfolio - Debra Heller - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
ID-295 - Professional Practices for Interior Design - Holly Hitt-Zuniga - Online
KPEA-100A Beginning Circuit Training - Leora Gabay - InPerson
KPEB-100B Advanced Circuit Training - Leora Gabay - InPerson
KPEA-102 - Running for Fitness - Chris Cota - Online
KPEA-103 - Cardio Cross-Training - Robert dos Remedios - Online
KPEA-103 Cardio Cross-Training - John Wissmath - Online
KPEA-107-Stretching for Flexibility and Relaxation - Leora Gabay - Online
KPEA-125 - Walking for Fitness - John Wissmath - Online
KPEA-150 - Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced Basketball - Gregory Herrick - Online
KPEI-153 - Off-Season Cond Inter Sports - Chris Cota - Online
KPEI-280B - Off-Season Swimming Training - Sean Kakumu - InPerson
KPET-120 Emergency Procedures - Chad Peters - InPerson
KPET-200 Introduction to Kinesiology - Lisa Hooper - Online
KPET-200 - Introduction to Kinesiology - Robert Dos Remedios - Online
KPET-201 - Princ. of Phys. Fitness/Cond. - Robert Dos Remedios
KPET-209 American Sports in Film - Chad Peters - Online
KPET-212 Sports Medicine Clinical Exp - Sarah Ehrsam - InPerson
MFGT-090 Measurements and Computations - Scott Lubell - InPerson
MFGT-101 Print Reading for Machine Trades - Kevin Larsen
MFGT-103 Metrology for the Trades - Kevin Larson - OnlineLIVE, Hybrid, InPerson
MFGT-104 Metallurgy for Machine Trades - Kevin Larsen - OnlineLIVE
MFGT-112 Introduction to Manufacturing Technology - Kevin Larson - InPerson
MFGT-112 Intro to Manufacturing Technology - Gregory Poteat - InPerson
MFGT-113 Manufacturing Fundamentals - Kevin Larsen - InPerson
MATH-075 Int Algebra for Stats - Hasmik Mkrtchyan
MATH-075 Int Algebra for Stats - Mohamadreza Riasati - OnlineLIVE
MATH-090 Support for Statistics - Nathan Agassi - OnlineLIVE
MATH-090 Support for Statistics - Siranush Grigoryan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-090 Support for Statistics - Beverly Gunderson - OnlineLIVE
MATH-090 Support for Statistics - Duhwa Jung - OnlineLIVE
MATH-090 Support for Statistics - Asawari Kelkar - OnlineLIVE
MATH-090 Support for Statistics - Vrej Mikaelian - OnlineLIVE
MATH-093 Support for College Algebra - Brandon Hilst - OnlineLIVE
MATH-093 Support for College Algebra - Iveta Toneryan
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Eli Barbullushi - Online
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Ingrid Barbullushi - Online
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Kahroline Di Passero - Online
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Collette Gibson - InPerson
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Jeremy Goodman - Online
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Siranush Grigoryan - Online
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Mike Hubbard - Online
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Duhwa Jung - OnlineLIVE
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Saburo Matsumoto - Hybrid
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Saburo Matsumoto - Online 8 week
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Saburo Matsumoto - Online 16 week
MATH-100 Liberal Arts Mathematics - Saida Shows - Online
MATH-102 Trigonometry - Matthew Aivazian - OnlineLIVE
MATH-102 Trigonometry - Jeremy Goodman - Online
MATH-102 Trigonometry - Julio Herrera - OnlineLIVE
MATH-102 Trigonometry - Brandon Hilst - OnlineLIVE
MATH-102 Trigonometry - Anupama Chandran - InPerson
MATH-102 Trigonometry - Dilip Purohit - Online
MATH-102 Trigonometry - Rupa Sinha - OnlineLIVE
MATH-102 Trigonometry - Rupa Sinha - Online
MATH-102 Trigonometry - Lusine Tadevosyan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-102X Trigonometry with Support - Matthew Aivazian - InPerson
MATH-102X Trigonometry With Support - Alvard Adamyan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-102X Trigonometry with Support - Gagik Barsegian - OnlineLIVE
MATH-102X Trigonometry with Support - Anupama Chandran - InPerson
MATH-102X Trigonometry with Support - Duhwa Jung - InPerson
MATH-102X Trigonometry With Support - Chinh Tran - OnlineLIVE
MATH-103X College Algebra with Support - Matthew Aivazian - OnlineLIVE
MATH-103X College Algebra with Support - Brandon Hilst - InPerson
MATH-103 College Algebra - Gagik Barsegian - InPerson
MATH-103 College Algebra - Brandon Hilst - OnlineLIVE
MATH-103 College Algebra - Dilip Purohit - InPerson
MATH-103 College Algebra - Mustafa Said - OnlineLIVE
MATH-103 College Algebra - Lusine Tadevosyan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-103 College Algebra - Iveta Toneryan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-104 Precalculus - Kelly Aceves - Hybrid
MATH-104 Precalculus - Matthew Aivazian - OnlineLIVE
MATH-104 Precalculus - Tigran Alikhanyan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-104 Precalculus - Anupama Chandran - OnlineLIVE
MATH-104 Precalculus - Anzhela Grigoryan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-104 Precalculus - Siranush Grigoryan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-104 Precalculus - Roy Erickson - InPerson
MATH-104 Precalculus - Susan Milne - OnlineLIVE
MATH-104 Precalculus - Hasmik Mkrtchyan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-104 Precalculus - Dilip Purohit - InPerson - 16 week
MATH-104 Precalculus - Iveta Toneryan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-130 Math for Elementary School Teachers - Alvard Adamyan - OnlineLIVE
Math-130 Math for Elementary Teachers - Siranush Grigoryan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-130 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers - Amy Hildrew - Online
MATH-130 Math for Elementary School Teachers - Duhwa Jung - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Nathan Agassi - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Tigran Alikhanyan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Anahit Asadyan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Alexander Bojkov - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Alexander Bojkov - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Anupama Chandran - InPerson
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Anupama Chandran - Hybrid
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Anupama Chandran - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Elizabeth Flynn
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Collette Gibson - InPerson
MATH-140 - Introductory Statistics - Siranush Grigoryan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Beverly Gunderson - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Andranik Hakobyan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Andranik Hakobyan - OnlineLIVE - 8 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Julio Herrera - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Juliana Howe - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Charlie Johnson - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Duhwa Jung - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Asawari Kelkar - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Kathy Kubo - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Karen Lewers - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Karen Lewers - Hybrid
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Mario Martinez - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Mario Martinez - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Vrej Mikaelian - OnlineLIVE - 16 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Vrej Mikaelian - OnlineLIVE - 8 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Jason Moss - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Gregory Mucha - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Gregory Mucha - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Said Najafi - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics (w/ MATH-090) - Said Najafi - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Ana Palmer - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Dilip Purohit - Online - 16 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Ciro Ramirez - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Udani Ranasinghe
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Saida Shows - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Ambika Silva - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Ambika Silva - Hybrid
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Dustin Silva - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Dustin Silva - Hybrid
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Rupa Sinha - InPerson - 16 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Rupa Sinha - Hybrid - 16 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Rupa Sinha - OnlineLIVE - 16 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Rupa Sinha - OnlineLIVE - 8 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Rupa Sinha - OnlineLIVE - 5 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Matt Teachout - InPerson
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Matt Teachout - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Udani Ranasinghe - Online, OnlineLIVE - 16 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Udani Ranasinghe - Online, OnlineLIVE - 5 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Rupa Sinha - InPerson - 16 week
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Rupa Sinha - Online
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Rupa Sinha - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introduction to Statistics - Lusine Tadevosyan - Online
MATH-140 Introduction to Statistics - Lusine Tadevosyan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140 Introductory Statistics - Juliana Yankey - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140H Introductory Statistics - Juliana Yankey - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140X Statistics with Support - Matthew Aivazian - InPerson
MATH-140X Statistics with Support - Randy Ades - InPerson
MATH-140X Statistics with Support - Andranik Hakobyan - InPerson
MATH-140X Statistics With Support - Duhwa Jung - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140X Statistics with Support - Kathy Kubo - Online, OnlineLIVE
MATH-140X Statistics with Support - Mohamadreza Riasati - OnlineLIVE
MATH-140X Statistics with Support - Mohamadreza Riasati - InPerson
MATH140X Statistics with Support - Jason Moss - InPerson
MATH-140X Introductory Statistics - Rupa Sinha - InPerson
MATH-211 Calculus I - Eli Barbullushi - OnlineLIVE
MATH-211 Calculus I - Ggaik Barsegian - OnlineLIVE
MATH-211 Calculus I - Ruzanna Baytaryan - OnlineLIVE
MATH-211 Calculus I - Gheorghe Craciun - OnlineLIVE - 8 week
MATH-211 Calculus I - Anzhela Grigoryan - Online, OnlineLIVE - 8 week
MATH-211 Calculus I - Anzhela Grigoryan - OnlineLIVE - 16 week
MATH-211 Calculus I - Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic - OnlineLIVE
MATH-211 Calculus I - Julio Herrera - Online
MATH-211 Calculus I - Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic - InPerson
MATH-211 Calculus I - Saburo Matsumoto - Hybrid
MATH-211 Calculus I - Mustafa Said - OnlineLIVE
MATH-212 Calculus II - Gagik Barsegian
MATH-212 Calculus II - Roy Erickson - InPerson
MATH-212 Calculus II - Julio Herrera - InPerson
MATH-212 Calculus II - Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic - OnlineLIVE
MATH-213 Calculus III - Matthew Aivazian - OnlineLIVE
MATH-213 Calculus III - Matthew Aivazian - InPerson
MATH-213 Calculus III - Kahroline Dipassero - OnlineLIVE
MATH-213 Calculus III - Juliana Howe - OnlineLIVE
MATH-213 Calculus III - Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic - OnlineLIVE
MATH-213-Calculus III - Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic - InPerson
MATH-213 Calculus III - Saburo Matsumoto - Hybrid
MATH-214 Linear Algebra - Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic - InPerson
MATH-214 Linear Algebra - Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic - OnlineLIVE
MATH-215 Differential Equations - Kahroline Di Passero - OnlineLIVE
MATH-215 Differential Equations - Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic - InPerson
MATH-215 Differential Equations - Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic - OnlineLIVE
MATH-215 Differential Equations - Gagik Barsegian - InPerson
MATH-240 Calculus for Bus & Social Sci - Brandon Hilst - OnlineLIVE
MEA-100 Mass Media and Society - David Brill - InPerson
MEA-100 Mass Media and Society - David Brill - OnlineLIVE
MEA-100 Mass Media and Society - Jeffrey Baker - Online
MEA-100 Mass Media and Society - Jean Miller - Online - 8 week
MEA-100 Mass Media and Society - Jean Miller - Online - 16 week
MEA-101 Television and Film Media Aesthetics - Jean Miller - Hybrid
MEA-101 Television and Film Media Aesthetics - Jennifer Overdevest - Hybrid
MEA-101 Television and Film Media Aesthetics - Jennifer Overdevest - Online, Hybrid
MEA-102 History of Animation - Jeffrey Baker - Online
MEA-102 History of Animation - Laura Markarian - OnlineLive
MEA-106 Introduction to Animation - Maria Vasilkovsky - OnlineLIVE
MEA-106 Introduction to Animation - Maria Vasilkovsky - Online
MEA-108 Scriptwriting Fundamentals - Ronald Mita - OnlineLIVE
MEA-108 Scriptwriting Fundamentals - Ron Mita - InPerson
MEA-109 Story Develop./Storyboarding - Maria Vasilkovsky - OnlineLIVE
MEA-114 Digital Sound Editing - Anthony Zeller - InPerson
MEA-118 Introduction - 2D Animation - Laura Markarian - OnlineLive
MEA-120 Intro to Cinematography - Frederick Thornton - InPerson
MEA-125 Intro Multimedia Journalism - David Brill - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
MEA-159 Music Prod/Scoring Film/TV - Jonathan Lacroix - Online
MEA-180 Filmmaking I - Sara Caldwell - InPerson
MEA-180 Filmmaking I - Ron Mita - InPerson
MEA-208 Advanced Screenwriting - Ron Mita - OnlineLIVE
MEA-225 News Media Production I - David Brill - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
MEA-230 News Production II - David Brill - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
MEA-232 Charact./Prop Design/Anim. - Miles Horst - OnlineLIVE
MEA-295 Professional Practices/Portfolio - Jean Miller - OnlineLIVE
MEA-295 Professional Practices/Portfolio - Jean Miller - InPerson - 4 week
MLT-110 Clinical Hematology Lecture - Hencelyn Chu - OnlineLIVE
MLT-118L Immunology: Clinical Immunology and Serology - Desiree Tan-Castillo - InPerson
MLT-120 Clinical Chemistry I Lecture - Hencelyn Chu - OnlineLIVE
MLT-128 Clinc Hema/Urin/Coag Prac - Hencelyn Chu - OnlineLIVE
MLT-131 Clinical Chemistry Practicum - Hencelyn Chu - OnlineLIVE
MUSIC-100 Fundamentals of Music - Julie Lawson - InPerson
MUSIC-100 Fundamentals of Music - Julie Lawson - OnlineLIVE
MUSIC-100 Fundamentals of Music - Lydia Lee - Online
MUSIC-100 - Fundamentals of Music - Lori Marie Rios - OnlineLIVE
MUSIC-100 Fundamentals of Music - Andrea Vibe - Online
MUSIC-100 - Fundamentals of Music - Shanon Zusman - Online
MUSIC-102 Musicianship Skills II - Erica Lazerow Davis - Hybrid
MUSIC-105 Music Appreciation - Andrea Vibe - Online
MUS-105 Music Appreciation - Shanon Zusman - Online
MUSIC-106 Development of Jazz - William Macpherson - OnlineLIVE
MUSIC-107 History of Rock & Roll - Jonathan Amador - Online
MUSIC-107 History of Rock & Roll - Andrea Vibe - Online
MUSIC-108 World Music - Bernardo Feldman - Online
MUSIC-109 History of Hip Hop Music/Culture - Jon Amador - Online
MUSIC-112 Music History - Christian Coulter - Online
MUSIC-118 Popular Songwriting - William Macpherson - OnlineLIVE
MUSIC-131 Keyboard Instruction I - Julie Lawson - In Person
MUSIC-132 Keyboard Instruction II - Julie Lawson - InPerson
MUSIC-140 Vocal Devl for Popular Music - Andrea Vibe - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
MUSIC-142 Electronic Music Composition - Bernardo Feldman - OnlineLIVE
MUSIC-160 Guitar Studies I - Joseph LoPiccolo - Online
MUSIC-161 Guitar Studies II - Joseph LoPiccolo - Online
MUSIC-173 Jazz Vocal Ensemble - Julie Lawson - InPerson
MUSIC-187 Commercial Music Ensemble - William Macpherson - OnlineLIVE
MUSIC-189 Individualized Music Lessons - William Macpherson - OnlineLIVE
MUSIC-192 Music Business - William Mapherson - OnlineLIVE
MUSIC-193A Introduction to Pro Tools - Anthony Zeller - InPerson
MUSIC-193B Intermediate Pro Tools - Anthony Zeller - InPerson
NC Basic Skills
NC.BCSK-001 College Research Skills - Jennifer Thompson - Online
NC.BCSK-002 Internet Research Strategies - Collette Salvatierra - Online
NC.BCSK-003 Generative AI: Research and Study Skills - Sara Breshears - Online
NC.BCSK-004 Generative AI: Navigating Bias, Evaluation and Transparency - Chloe McGinley - Online
NC.BCSK-100 GED Preparation - Maggie Lofton - Online
NC.BCSK-100 GED Preparation - Susan Prier - Online
NC.BCSK-100 GED Preparation - Yessica Salcido - Online
NC.BCSK-110 GED Preparation - Math/Scien - Susan Prier - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
NC.BCSK-120 GED Prep Lang Arts/Soc Stud - Jamie Hawn - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
NC Business
NC.BUS-1A Fundamentals fo Human Resource Management - Christina Chung - Online
NC.BUS-1B Employment Law Fundamentals - Christina Chung - Online
NC.BUS-1C Human Resources Management Support Activities - Christina Chung - Online
NC.BUS-1C Human Resources Management Support Activities - Mylene Noceda - Online
NC.BUS-2A Supervisor's Role Wrkpl Cmplnc - Christina Chung - Online
NC.BUS-2B Strategic Human Resources Management - Christina Chung - Online
NC.BUS-2B People Management - Yasser Issa - Online
NC.BUS-2B People Management - Mylene Noceda - Online
NC.BUS-3A Legal for H.R. Mgmt Profess. - Christina Chung - Online
NC.BUS-3A Legal for H.R. Mgmt Profess. - Mylene Noceda - Online
NC.BUS-3B Strategic H.R. Managemnt - Christina Chung - Online
NC.BUS-3B Strategic H.R. Managemnt - Yasser Issa - Online
NC.BUS-3B Strategic H.R. Managemnt - Mylene Noceda - Online
NC.BUS-10A Introduction to Project Mgmt. - Ruben Aguayo - Online
NC Comp Apps and Web Tech (CAWT)
NC.CAWT-012A Keyboarding (Typing) - Maral Markarian - Online, OnlineLIVE
NC.CAWT-10A Computing & Internet Fundament - Maral Markarian - OnlineLIVE
NC.CAWT-10A Computing & Internet Fundament - Frank De Los Reyes - OnlineLIVE
NC.CAWT-10B Word Processing Basics - Frank De Los Reyes - OnlineLIVE
NC.CAWT-10B Word Processing Basics - Maral Markarian - OnlineLIVE
NC.CAWT-10C Spreadsheet Basics - Frank De Los Reyes - OnlineLIVE
NC.CAWT-10C Spreadsheet Basics - Maral Markarian - OnlineLIVE
NC.CAWT-10D Digital Comm for the Office - Maral Markarian - OnlineLIVE
NC.CAWT-10E Introduction to Access - Maral Markarian - OnlineLIVE
NC CSEC Training
NC.CSEC-001 CSEC Training Part 1 - Melanie Cross - OnlineLIVE
NC.CSEC-001 CSEC Training Part 1 - Makesha Jones-Chambers - OnlineLIVE
NC.CSEC-002 CSEC Training Part 2 - Makesha Jones-Chambers - OnlineLIVE
NC College Skills (CGSL)
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Kerry Brown - Online, OnlineLIVE
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Patricia Garcia - Online
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Garrett Hooper - Online
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Alisha Kaminsky - Online
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Albert Loaiza - Online
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Concepcion Perez - Online
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Anh Nguyen - Online
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Aivee Ortega - Online
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Liz Shaker - Online
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Diane Solomon - Online
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Erika Torgeson - Online
NC.CGSL-001 Resources/Strategies College - Lauren Yeh - Online
NC.CGSL-002 Online Learning and Strategies - Kerry Brown - Online
NC.CGSL-002 Online Learning and Strategies - Angela Harris - Online
NC.CGSL-002 Online Learning and Strategies - Garrett Hooper - Online
NC.CGSL-002 Online Learning and Strategies - Alisha Kaminsky - Online
NC.CGSL-002 Online Learning and Strategies - Albert Loaiza - Online
NC.CGSL-002 Online Learning and Strategies - Susan Ling - Online
NC.CGSL-002 Online Learning and Strategies - Anh Nguyen - Online
NC.CGSL-002 Online Learning and Strategies - April Reardon - Online
NC.CGSL-002 Online Learning and Strategies - Liz Shaker - Online
NC.CGSL - 002 Online Learning and Strategies for Success - Diane Solomon - Online
NC.CGSL-002 Online Learning and Strategies - Erika Torgeson - Online
NC.CGSL-003 Money Mgmt College & Beyond - Kerry Brown - Online
NC.CGSL-003 Money Mgmt College & Beyond - Tony Law - Online
NC.CGSL-003 Money Mgmt College & Beyond - Aivee Ortega - Online
NC.CGSL 004 Career Exploration - Jennifer Anthony - OnlineLIVE
NC.CGSL-004 Career Exploration - Anh Nguyen - Online
NC Communication (COMM)
NC.COMM-001 Strategies/Tactics of Public Relations - Carol Stevenson - Online, OnlineLIVE
NC Career Skills (CSKL)
NC.CSKL-001 Time Management - Cindy Pollack - Online
NC.CSKL-001 Time Management - Jennifer Ryan - OnlineLIVE
NC.CSKL-002 Business Writing in the Tech Age - Kim Haglund - Online
NC.CSKL-003 Critical Thinking (Prob Solv) - Cindy Pollack - Onine
NC.CSKL-004 Customer Service - Yasser Issa - Online
NC.CSKL-004 Customer Service - Linda Tubb - Online
NC.CSKL-004 Customer Service - Linda Tubb - Online
NC.CSKL-005 Negotiation - Yasser Issa - Online
NC.CSKL-005 Negotiation - John Francis - Online
NC.CSKL-006 Personality Styles - Yasser Issa - Online
NC.CSKL-006 Personality Styles - John Francis - Online
NC.CSKL-007 Successfly Mangng & Dev People - Yasser Issa
NC.CSKL-008 Workplace Commun Strategies - John Francis - Online
NC.CSKL-008 Workplace Commun Strategies - Yasser Issa - Online
NC.CSKL-008 Workplace Commun Strategies - Cynthia Haiduk-Pollack
NC.CSKL-011 LinkedIn for Business - Kerry Brown - Online
NC.CSKL-011 LinkedIn for Business - Gophar Srapyan - Online
NC.CSKL-014 Public Speaking in Workplace - Carol Stevenson - Online, OnlineLIVE
NC.CSKL-015 Adaptability - Kim Haglund - Online
NC.CSKL-016 Digital Fluency - Yasser Issa - Online
NC.CSKL-016 Digital Fluency - Cindy Pollack - Online
NC.CSKL-017 Empathy - Cindy Pollack - Online
NC.CSKL-018 Entrepreneurial Mindset - Yasser Issa - Online
NC.CSKL-018 Entrepreneurial Mindset - Gohar Srapyan - Online
NC.CSKL-020 Self-Awareness - Ally Loprete - Hybrid, InPerson
NC.CSKL-020 Self-Awareness - Garrett Rieck - Online
NC.CSKL-020 Self-Awareness - Gohar Srapyan - Online
NC.CSKL-020 Self-Awareness - Lynn Suh - Hybrid, InPerson
NC.CSKL-021 Social-Diversity Awareness - Yasser Issa - Online
NC.CSKL-021 Workplace Diversity Awareness - Ally Loprete - Hybrid, InPerson
NC.CSKL-021 Workplace Diversity Awareness - Lynn Suh - Hybrid, InPerson
NC.CSKL-023 Organizational Leadership - Cindy Pollack - Online
NC Citizenship
NC.CITZ-01 Citizenship for Naturalization - Brian Cassady - Online
NC Counseling
NC.COUNS-015 Upgrade to Good Academic Standing - Aivee Ortega - Online
NC.COUNS-015 Upgrade to Good Academic Standing - Diane Solomon - Online
NC.COUNS-015 Upgrade to Good Academic Standing - Erika Torgeson - Online
NC.COUN-050 Undstnding CA Criminal Record - Marcy Calnan - Online
NC Education
NC.EDUC-102 Assessment Strategies - Julianne Johnson - Online
NC.EDU-103 Critical Thinking Strategies - Christopher Blakey - OnlineLIVE - 5 week
NC.EDUC-105 Intro to Online Instruction - Katie Coleman - Online - 5 week
NC.EDUC-105 Intro to Online Instruction - Michelle LaBrie - Online - 5 week
NC Emeritus
NC.OAD-001 Healthy Aging for Older Adults - Minoo Pakgohar - InPerson
NC.OAD-001 Healthy Aging for Older Adults - Minoo Pakgohar - OnlineLIVE
NC.OAD-001 Healthy Aging for Older Adults - Minoo Pakgohar - Online
NC.OAD-020 Current Events-Older Adults - Minoo Pakgohar - OnlineLIVE
NC.OAD-020 Current Events-Older Adults - Minoo Pakgohar - InPerson
NC.OAD-100 Health/Fitness Older Adults - Minoo Pakgohar - InPerson
NC.OAD-100 Health/Fitness Older Adults - Minoo Pakgohar - OnlineLIVE
NC English
NC.ENGL-001 Essential Reading and Writing Skills I - Colleen Daly - Online
NC.ENGL-001 Essential Reading & Writing I - Mike Edwards - OnlineLIVE
NC.ENGL-001 Essential Reading & Writing I - Angeli Francois
NC.ENGL-002 Essential Reading and Writing Skills II - Colleen Daly - Online
NC.ENGL-002 Essential Reading & Writing II - Mike Edwards - OnlineLIVE
NC.ENGL-002 Reading and Writing Skills II - Ashley Granillo - Online
NC.ENGL-002 Essential Reading & Writing II - Aquil Yorke - Online, InPerson
NC English as a Second Languange (ESL)
NC.ESL-010 Beg Conv Skills Everyday Needs - Romina Golbert - InPerson
NC.ESL-010 Beg Conv Skills Everyday Needs - Dyan Collings Ralph - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-011 Beg Conv Skills Socializing - Romina Golbert - InPerson
NC.ESL-020 Intermediate Conversational Skills Everyday Needs - Najla Yagan Akel - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-051 American Language and Culture through American Idioms - Zorik Baghoomian - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL.051 American Language and Culture Through American Idioms - Romina Golbert - InPerson
NC.ESL-060 College Read/Writ/Grammar I - Anna Glapa-Grossklag - Online, OnlineLIVE, InPerson
NC.ESL-060 College Read/Writ/Grammar I - Kathryn Simpson - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-060 College Read/Writ/Grammar I - Lorraine Zapata - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-061 College Listening/Speaking I - Ana Glapa-Grossklag - Online, OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-061 College Listening/Speaking I - Heather Maclean - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-061 College Listening/Speaking I - Kathryn Simpson - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-070 College Read/Writ/Grammar II - Peggy Khoury - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-070 College Read/Writ/Grammar II - Heather Maclean - Online
NC.ESL-070 College Read/Writ/Grammar II - Nandini Patnaik - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-071 College Listening/Speaking II - Heather Maclean - OnlineLIVE, Hybrid
NC.ESL-071 College Listening/Speaking II - Nandini Patnaik - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-1A Beginning Low A - Joseph Boylan - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-1A Beginning Low A - Romina Golbert - InPerson
NC.ESL-1A Beginning Low A - Andralena Panczenko - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-1A Beginning Low A - Yara Wright - Online
NC.ESL-1A Beginning Low A - Lorraine Zapata - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-1B Beginning Low B - Zorik Baghoomian - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-1B Beginning Low B - Joseph Boylan - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-1B Beginning Low B - Michelle Cordero - InPerson
NC.ESL-1B Beginning Low B - Romina Golbert - InPerson
NC.ESL-1B Beginning Low B - Thomas Rix - Online
NC.ESL-2A Beginning High A - Zorik Baghoomian - OnlineLive - 8 week
NC.ESL-2A Beginning High A - Michelle Cordero - InPerson
NC.ESL-2A Beginning High A - Romina Golbert - InPerson
NC.ESL-2A Beginning High A - Cynthia Martinsson - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-2A Beginning High A - Yara Wright - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-2B Beginning High B - Romina Golbert - InPerson
NC.ESL-2B Beginning High B - Sharlene Flestado - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-2B Beginning High B - Cynthia Martinsson - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-3A Intermediate Low A - Zorik Baghoomian - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-3A Intermediate Low A - Joseph Eddie Boylan - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-3A Intermediate Low A - Michelle Cordero - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-3A Intermediate Low A - Anna Glapa-Grossklag - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-3A Intermediate Low A - Cynthia Martinsson - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-3A Intermediate Low A - Yara Wright - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-3B Intermediate Low B - Joseph Eddie Boylan - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-3B Intermediate Low B - Michelle Cordero - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-3B Intermediate Low B - Cynthia Martinsson
NC.ESL-3B Intermediate Low B - Ying Fisher - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-3B Intermediate Low B - Anna Glapa-Grossklag - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-4A Intermediate High A - Najla Yagan Akel - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-4A Intermediate High A - Michelle Cordero - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-4A Intermediate High A - Jessica Edmond - InPerson
NC.ESL-4A Intermediate High A - Ying Fisher - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-4A Intermediate High A - Cynthia Martinsson - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-4A Intermediate High A - Andralena Panczenko - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-4A Intermediate High A - Katie Simpson - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-4B Intermediate High B - Najla Yagan Akel - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL-4B Intermediate High B - Jessica Edmond - InPerson
NC.ESL-4B Intermediate High B - Michelle Cordero - OnlineLIVE
NC.ESL.4B Intermediate High B - Ying Fisher - OnlineLIVE
NC General Studies (NGST)
NC.GNST-082 Individ Computer Applications - Terri Goldstein - Online
NC.GNST-091 Individual Studies/Lang. Skill - Terri Goldstein - Online
NC.GNST-092 Indiv Learning Assitanc - Math - Terri Goldstein - Online
NC Health Education
NC.HLTH-001 Adult/Ped CPR/FIrst Aid/AED - Garrett Rieck - Hybrid
NC.HLTH-002 Personal Trainer Cert Prep - David Tripoli - Online
NC.HLTH-010 Personal Health Care Aide - Minoo Pakgohar - Hybrid
NC.HLTH-011 Health Prof. Workforce Skills - Mary Corbett - Online
NC.HLTH-249 Medical Terminology - Vickie Valenziano - Online
NC Life Skills
NC.LSKL-101 Mindfulness Strategies for Stress Management - Susan Chapman - OnlineLIVE
NC Mathematics
NC.MATH-001 Whole Numbers - Tanya Paraon - Online
NC.MATH-002 Fractions and Mixed Numbers - Tanya Paraon - Online
NC.MATH-003 Decimal Numbers - Tanya Paraon - Online
NC.MATH-004 Percentages - Tanya Paraon - Online
NC.MATH-005 Rates and Proportions - Tanya Paraon - Online
NC.MATH-006 Signed Numbers - Tanya Paraon - Online
NC.MATH-007 Algebraic Expressions - Tanya Paraon - Online
NC.MATH-008 Graphs and Lines - Tanya Paraon - Online
NC.MATH-011 Factoring Polynomials - Collette Gibson - Online
NC.MATH-015 Radicals and Rational Exponents - Collette Gibson - Online
NC.MATH-018 Conic Sections - Collette Gibson - Online
NC Paralegal
NC.PLGL-001 Paralegal Test Prep: Knowledge Section - Christine Oshian - OnlineLIVE
NC.PLGL-001 Paralegal Test Prep: Knowledge Section - Terry Wright - OnlineLIVE
NC.PLGL-002 Paralegal Test Prep: Skills Section - Christine Oshian - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-106: Legal Analysis and Writing - Corey Carter - HyFlex
PARLGL-112: Civil Litigation 2 - Corey Carter - Corey Carter - HyFlex
NC Survey
NC.SURV-040 Control Surveys Using GNSS - Daniel Eisengart - Online, OnlineLIVE, InPerson
NC Spanish
NC.SPAN-021 Spanish Healthcare Workers I - Claudia Rocío Colville - Online, OnlineLIVE, Hybrid
NC.SPAN-022 Spanish Healthcare Workers II - Claudia Rocío Colville - Online, OnlineLIVE, Hybrid
NC.VOC-021A Adobe Phot Cert Training I - Alma Juarez - Online
NC.VOC-021B Adobe Phot Cert Training II - Alma Juarez - Online
NC.VOC-021C Adobe Phot Cert Training III - Alma Juarez - Online
NC.WELD-001 Welding Safety - David Thrasher - Online
NC Yoga
NC.YOGA-001 Yoga History and Culture - Phylise Smith - Online
NURSING-045 Basic EKG Interpretation - Stephen Brown - Hybrid
NURSNG-045 Basic EKG Interpretation - Kristi Miura
NURSNG-089 Success: Fundamental Nursing - Anh Vo
NURSING-093 Success in Maternal & Pediatric Nursing - Tina Rorick - Hybrid
NURSING-124 Begin Med-Surgical Nursing - Deborah Klein - OnlineLIVE
NURSING-126 Psychiatric Nursing - Tammy Bathke - Online
NURSNG-212 Physical Assessment - Shaunasey Lane
NURSNG-236 Maternal Child Nursing - Rachael Houghton - Hybrid
PARLGL-101 Introduction to Law - Marcy Calnan - Online, OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-101 Introduction to Law - Corey Carter - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-101 Introduction to Law - Nicole Faudree - Online, OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-101 Introduction to Law - Lori Young - Online, OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-104 Contract Law - Marcy Calnan - Online
PARLGL-104 Contract Law - Lori Young - Online, OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-105 Tort Law - Gary Collis - Online, OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-105 Tort Law - Marcy Calnan - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-105 Tort Law - Judith Sack - Online
PARLGL-106 Legal Analysis and Writing - Corey Carter - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-106 Legal Analysis and Writing - Judith Sack - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-107 Legal Ethics - Marcy Calnan - Online
PARLGL-107 Legal Ethics - Kim Gundlach - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-108 Legal Research - Nicole Faudree - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-108 Legal Research - Kim Gundlach - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-109 Legal Technology - Lori Young - Online, OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-111 Civil Litigation - Marcy Calnan - HyFlex
PARLGL-111 Civil Litigation I - Corey Carter - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-112 Civil Litigation 2 - Corey Carter - HyFlex
PARLGL-140 Bankruptcy - Taylor Williams-Moniz - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-150 Family Law - Sanaz Nikbakhsh - OnlineLIVE
PARLGL-160 Workers' Compensation in CA - Nikki Mehrpoo - Online
PARLGL-180 Estate Planning - Judith Sack - OnlineLIVE
PHILOS-101 Introduction to Philosophy - Christopher Blakey - 8 week
PHILOS-101 Introduction to Philosophy - Christopher Blakey - Online - 16 week
PHILOS-101 Introduction to Philosophy - Christopher Blakey - OnlineLIVE - 16 week
PHILOS-101 Introduction to Philosophy - Andrew Jones-Cathcart - Online
PHILOS-101 Introduction to Philosophy - Marco Llaguno - Online
PHILOS-106 Critical Reasoning - Christopher Blakey - OnlineLIVE
PHILOS-106 Critical Reasoning - Christopher Blakey - Online
PHILOS-106 Critical Reasoning - Marco Llaguno - Online - 5 weeks
PHILOS-106 Critical Reasoning - Marco Llaguno - Online
PHILOS-120 Introduction to Ethics - Andrew Jones-Cathcart - Online
PHILOS-120 Introduction to Ethics - Michael McMahan - Online
PHILOS 206 Critical Reasoning/Analytical Writing - Chris Blakey - Online
PHILOS-220 Intro to Comparative Religion - Andrew John Jones-Cathcart -Online
PHOTO-120 Photographic Studio Etiquette - Amy Tierney - Online
PHOTO-140 History of Photography - Juan Renteria - OnlineLIVE
PHOTO-140 History of Photography - Wendy Brill-Wynkoop - Online
PHOTO-150 Cameras and Composition - Wendy Brill-Wynkoop - Online
PHOTO-150 Cameras and Composition - Geir Foshaug - Online
PHOTO-150 Cameras and Composition - Alma Jaurez - Online
PHOTO-150 Cameras and Composition - Clover Leary - Online, OnlineLIVE, Hybrid, InPerson
PHOTO-150 Cameras and Composition - Ethan Pines - InPerson
PHOTO-150 Cameras and Composition - Juan Renteria - InPerson
PHOTO-150 Cameras and Composition - Juan Renteria - OnlineLIVE
PHOTO-150 Cameras and Composition - Amy Tierney - Hybrid, InPerson
PHOTO-155 Photography I - Syl Arena - Online
PHOTO-155 Photography I - Amy Tierney - OnlineLIVE
PHOTO-156 Photography II - Syl Arena - Online
PHOTO-156 Photography II - Amy Tierney - HybridPHOTO-157 Digital Imaging - Becky Brister - Online
PHOTO-157 Digital Imaging - Syl Arena - Online
PHOTO-195 Color Photography - Syl Arena - Online
PHOTO-220 Business of Photography - Syl Arena - Online
PHOTO-215 Photojournalism and News Photography - Amy Tierney - Online
PHYSIC-101 Introductory Physics - David Michaels - Online
PHYSIC-110 General Physics I - Veronica Galang - Hybrid
PHYSIC-110 General Physics I - Seiji Takemae - OnlineLIVE
PHYSIC-110 General Physics I - Karapet Karapetyan - Online, OnlineLIVE
PHYSIC-110 General Physics I - Karapet Karapetyan - OnlineLIVE - 5 weeks
PHYSIC-110 General Physics I - Veronica Galang - InPerson
PHYSIC-110 General Physics I - Om Tripathi - OnlineLIVE
PHYSIC-111 General Physics II - Simon Slutsky - InPerson
PHYSIC-220 Mechanics of Solids and Fluids - Veronica Galang - InPerson
PHYSIC-220 Mechanics of Solids and Fluids - Karapet Karapetyan - Online, OnlineLIVE
PHYSIC-220 Mechanics of Solids and Fluids - David Michaels - Hybrid
PHYSIC-220 Mechanics of Solids and Fluids - Kemal Yassin - OnlineLIVE
PHYSIC-221 Physics: Electricity/Magnetism - Ismail Gobulukoglu - OnlineLIVE
PHYSIC-221 Physics: Electricity/Magnetism - Masoumeh Arabi - Online
PHYSIC-221 Physics: Electricity/Magnetism - Ola Nusierat - Online, OnlineLIVE
PHYSIC-221 Physics: Electricity/Magnetism - Om Tripathi - OnlineLIVE
PHYSIC-222 Wave Motion, Heat, Optics - David Martinez - Online
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - David Andrus - Online
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Brooke Collins - Online
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Richard Dyke - OnlineLIVE
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Richard Dyke - Online
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Brian Goldberg - OnlineLIVE
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Phil Gussin - Online
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Samuel John - OnlineLIVE
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - William Mark - Online
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Majid Mosleh - Online
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Deems Morrione - OnlineLIVE
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Steven Reti - Online
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Steven Reti - OnlineLIVE
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Razmig Shirinian - Online, OnlineLIVE
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Lena Smyth - Online
POLISC-150 Intro-Amer Government/Politics - Jim Starkey - Online
POLISC-250 Comp. Government/Politics - David Andrus - Online
POLISC-270 International Relations - David Andrus - Online
POLISC-290 Ethnic and Gender Politics - Deems Morrione - OnlineLIVE
POLISC-290 Ethnic and Gender Politics - Razmig Shirinian - Online
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Siane Holland - Online
PSYCH- 101 Intro to Psychology - Siane Holland - OnlineLIVE
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Micheal Huff - Online
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Michelle LaBrie - Online
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Michelle LaBrie - Hybrid
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Matthew Lorenzen - OnlineLIVE
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Tammy Mahan - Online, In-Person
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Kathryn McGill-Gartner - Online
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Kimberly Monica - Online
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Nadia Monosov -Online
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Deanna Riveira - Online
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Deanna Riveira - OnlineLIVE
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Chante Rogers - OnlineLIVE
PSYCH-101 Intro to Psychology - Kelly Spillman - OnlineLIVE
PSYCH-102 Physiological Psychology - Rebecca Shepherd - Online
PSYCH-103 Intro to Behavioral Research - Deanna Riveira - OnlineLIVE
PSYCH-103 Intro to Behavioral Research - Deanna Riveira - Hybrid
PSYCH-104 Stats for Behavior Science - Nadia Monosov -Online
PSYCH-104 Stats for Behavior Science - Nadia Monosov -OnlineLIVE
PSYCH-109 Social Psychology - Michelle LaBrie - Online
PSYCH-109 Social Psychology - Michelle LaBrie - InPerson
PSYCH-172 Developmental Psychology - Allison Evans - Online
PSYCH-172 Developmental Psychology - Georgia Estrada - Online, OnlineLIVE, InPerson
PSYCH-172 Developmental Psychology - Siane Holland - OnlineLIVE
PSYCH-172 Developmental Psychology - Micheal Huff - Online
PSYCH-172 Developmental Psychology - Tammy Mahan - Online
PSYCH-172 Developmental Psychology - Kimberly Monica - Hybrid, InPerson
PSYCH-172H Developmental Psychology Honors - Mehgen Andrade - OnlineLIVE
PSYCH-225 Psych of Learning & Behavior - Rebecca Shepherd - Online
PSYCH-230 Human Sexuality - Michelle LaBrie - Online
PSYCH-235 Psychology of Gender - Nadia Monosov - Online
PSYCH-240 Abnormal Psychology - Mehgen Andrade - Online - 5 week
PSYCH-240 Abnormal Psychology - Mehgen Andrade - Online - 16 week
SIGN-101 American Sign Language I - Sandra Ayoub - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-101 American Sign Language I - Deborah Gear Sison - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-101 American Sign Language I - Esteban Gomez - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-101 American Sign Language I - Kristine Hall - Online & OnlineLIVE
SIGN-101 American Sign Language I - Merry Clark - Online
SIGN-101 American Sign Language I - Jared Perez-Debusk - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-101 American Sign Language I - Wendy Wiewel - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-102 American Sign Language II - Desiree Duong - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-102 American Sign Language II - Kristine Hall - Online, OnlineLIVE
SIGN-102 American Sign Language II - Patty Ivankovic - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-103 American Sign Language III - Patty Ivankovic - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-103 American Sign Language III - Lisa McNicoll - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-104 American Sign Language IV - Patricia Ivankovic - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-104 American Sign Language IV - Lisa McNicill - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-110 American Deaf Culture - Patricia Ivankovic - Online, OnlineLIVE
SIGN-111 Fingerspelling - Patty Ivankovic - Online, OnlineLIVE
SIGN-112 Interpreting Principles and Practices - Deborah Gear Sison - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-201 Interpreting I - Brittany Applen - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-202 Transliterating I - Deborah Gear Sison - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-203 Sign-Engl Interpt-Transltr I - Deborah Gear Sison - OnlineLIVE
SIGN-205 Transliterating II - Deborah Gear Sison - OnlineLIVE, Hybrid
SIGN-206 Sign-English Transliterating and Interpreting II - Deborah Gear Sison - OnlineLIVE, Hybrid
SIGN-212 Deaf Education - Patty Ivankovic - Hybrid, InPerson
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Cecillia Barron - Online
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Kimberly Bonfiglio - Online
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Mariana Branda-Gherardi - Online
SOCI-101 Introduction to Sociology - Kathryn Coleman - Online
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Sheldon Helfing - Online - 16 wk
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Sheldon Helfing - Online - 5 wk
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Katie Lookholder - Online
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Anne Marenco - Online
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Esther Villegas-Sandoval - Online
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Pamela Williams-Paez - Online - 5 week
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Pamela Williams-Paez - Online - 8 week
SOCI-101 - Introduction to Sociology - Robert Wonser - Online
SOCI-102 - Intro to Research Methods - Kimberly Bonfiglio- Online
SOCI-102 Introduction to Research Methods - Briauna Johnson - Online - 8 week
SOCI-102 Intro to Research Methods - Briauna Johnson - Online - 16 week
SOCI-103 - Intimate Relationshps/Families - Kimberly Bonfiglio - Online
SOCI-103 - Intimate Relationshps/Families - Sheldon Helfing - Online
SOCI-103 - Intimate Relationshps/Families - Anne Marenco - Online
SOCI-104 Intro Social Justice Studies - Pamela Williams-Paez - Online
SOCI-104 - Intro Social Justice Studies - Karith Meyers - Online
SOCI-105 Multiculturalism in the U.S. - Kimberly Bonfiglio - Online
SOCI-106 Intro to Race and Ethnicity - Pamela Williams-Paez - Online
SOCI-108 - Thinking Critically/Soc. Issue - Karith Meyers - OnlineLIVE
SOCI-110 - Self and Society - Sheldon Helfing - Online
SOCI-110 - Self and Society - Anne Marenco - Online
SOCI-110 Self and Society - Esther Villegas-Sandoval
SOCI-110 - Self and Society - Robert Wonser - Online
SOCI-130 - Intro to LGBTQ+ Studies - Emily Prior - Online
SOCI-200 - Intro to Women's Studies - Kimberly Bonfiglio - Online
SOCI-200 - Intro to Women's Studies - Cecillia Barron - Online
SOCI-200 - Intro to Women's Studies - Katie Coleman - Online
SOCI-200 - Intro to Women's Studies - Sheldon Helfing - Online
SOCI-200 - Intro to Women's Studies - Karith Meyers - Online
SOCI-200 - Intro to Women's Studies - Pamela Williams-Paez - InPerson
SOCI-200 - Intro to Women's Studies - Pamela Williams-Paez - Online - 5 week
SOCI-200 - Intro to Women's Studies - Robert Wonser - Online
SOCI-200H Sociology of Gender - Honors - Briauna Johnson - InPerson
SOCI-205 - Society and the Environment - Karith Meyers - Online
SOCI-207 - Social Problems - Katie Coleman - Online
SOCI-207 - Social Problems - Anne Marenco - Online
SOCI-207 - Social Problems - Hernan Ramirez - Online
SOCI-207 - Social Problems - Esther Villegas-Sandoval - Online
SOCI-207 - Social Problems - Robert Wonser - Online
SOCI-208 Death & Dying - Karith Meyers - Online
SOCI-208 - Death & Dying - Emily Prior - Online
SOCI-210 Deviance, Crime/Social Control - Kathryn Coleman - Online
SOCI-210 Deviance, Crime/Social Control - Pamela Williams-Paez - Online
SOCI-230 Sociology of Sexualities - Katie Coleman - Online
SOCI-230 Sociology of Sexualities - Sheldon Helfing - Online
SOCI-230 Sociology of Sexualities - Karen Sabbah - Online
SOCI-233 Socio. Issues Life/Longevity - Kimberly Bonfiglio - Online
SOCI-233 - Socio. Issues Life/Longevity - Emily Prior - Online
SOCI-250 - Introduction to Criminology - Kimberly Bonfiglio - Online
SOCI-250 - Introduction to Criminology - Katie Coleman - Online
SOCI-250 - Introduction to Criminology - Robert Wonser - Online
SOCI - All Sociology classes taught by Anne Marenco - Online
Additional letters will be posted soon.
SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I - Fiorella Chauca - Online, OnlineLIVE
SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I - Romina Golbert - Hybrid, InPerson
SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I - Claudia Rocio Colville - OnlineLIVE
SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I - Maria Hernandez - Online
SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I - Maria Hernandez - Online - 5 & 8 week
SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I - Luis Lara - Online, OnlineLIVE, InPerson
SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I - Lucia Pozo-Gravatt - Online, InPerson
SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I - Romero Renato - Online - 5 & 8 week
SPAN-102 Elementary Spanish II - Gabriela Aprato - Online, OnlineLIVE, & InPerson
SPAN-102 Elementary Spanish II - Fiorella Chauca - Online, OnlineLIVE, Hybrid, & InPerson
SPAN-102 Elementary Spanish II - Claudia Rocio Colville - Online, OnlineLIVE, InPerson
SPAN-102 Elementary Spanish II - Joao Junqueira - Online
SPAN-102 Elementary Spanish II - Romero Renato - Online - 5 & 8 week
SPAN-150 Beg. Conversational Spanish - Fiorella Chauca - Hybrid
SPAN-201 Intermediate Spanish I - Claudia Acosta - Online
SPAN-202 Intermediate Spanish II - Claudia Acosta - Online
SPAN-211 Span for Heritage Speakers I - Lucia Pozo-Gravatt - Online
SPAN-240 Introduction to Latin American Literature - Claudia Acosta - OnlineLIVE
SURV-101A Introduction to Land Surveying - Jeremiah Farrell - HyFlex, InPerson
SURV-101A Intro to Land Surveying - Lecture - Kyle Gatlin - HyFlex, InPerson
SURV-101L Intro to Land Surveying Lab - Kyle Gatlin - InPerson
SURV-102L Advanced Land Surveying Lab - Kyle Gatlin - InPerson
SURV-102A Advanced Land Surveying - Lecture - Kyle Gatlin - HyFlex, InPerson
SURV-103 Advanced Applications in Surveying I - Danny Bauder - HyFlex
SURV-103 - Adv Applications in Srvying I - Ronald Koester - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
SURV-104 - Adv Applications in Srvying II - Ronald Koester - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
SURV-110 - Compt Aided Drft for Surveyors - XanTh Stack - Online, Hybrid
SURV-260 - Boundry Contrl & Lgl Prncpl I - Ronald Koester - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
THEATR-110 Understanding Theatre - Diana Jellinek - Online
THEATR-110 Understanding Theatre - Erin McBride Africa - Online
THEATR-110 Understanding Theatre - David Stears - OnlineLIVE
THEATR-110 Understanding Theatre - Susan Hinshaw - Online
THEATR-110 Understanding Theatre - Allan Trautman - Online
THEATR-120 Stagecraft - Christopher Boltz - Online, OnlinelIVE, InPerson
THEATR-120 Stagecraft - Christopher Boltz - InPerson
THEATR-130 Fundamentals of Costume Design - Kimberly DeShazo Wilkinson
THEATR-140 Acting Fundamentals - David Stears - OnlineLIVE
THEATR-141 Scene Performance - Susan Hinshaw - OnlineLIVE
THEATR-150 Introduction to Lighting Design - Christopher Boltz - Hybrid, InPerson
THEATR-161 Musical Theatre Techniques I - Matthew McCray - InPerson
THEATR-162 Musical Theatre Techniques II - Matthew McCray - InPerson
THEATR-184A Rehrs/Perfrm:(Mus Tht) Ensmbl - Matthew McCray - InPerson
THEATR-186A Technical Theatre I (Beginning) - Christopher Boltz & David Stears - InPerson
THEATR-184B Rehrs/Perfrm:(Mus Tht) Sup Rl- Matthew McCray - InPerson
THEATR-184C Rehrs/Perfrm:(Mus Tht) Prncpl - Matthew McCray - InPerson
THEATR-186B Technical Theatre II (Intermediate) - Christopher Boltz & David Stears - InPerson
THEATR-196 Theatre Festival Comp Prep - David Stears - OnlineLIVE
THEATR-210 Script Analysis - Christopher Boltz - Online, OnlineLIVE, Hybrid, InPerson
THEATR-220 Theatre History I - Christopher boltz - Online, Hybrid, InPerson
WATER-135 Water Quality - Cristoval Perez - Online
WATER-140 Water Distribution Operator I - Donald Kendall - HyFlex, Hybrid
WATER-141 Water Distribution Operator II - Don Kendall - HyFlex, Hybrid
WATER-150 Water Treat. Plant Op. Proc. I - Don Dendall - HyFlex, Hybrid
WATER-150 Water Treat. Plant Op. Proc. I - Silvia Lanza - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WATER-151 Water Treat. Plant Op. Processes II - Don Kendall - HyFlex, Hybrid
WATER-151 Water Treat. Plant Op.Proc. II - Silvia Lanza - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WELD-096 - Welding Cert & Lisence Prep - David Thrasher - InPerson
WELD-100A Intro to Metal Fabrication - Ryan Seymour - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WELD-100C Advanced Metal Fabrication - Ryan Seymour - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WELD-101A Intro to Shield. Metal Arc Wel - David Bell - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WELD-101A Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Todd Fatta - InPerson
WELD-101A - Intro to Shield. Metal Arc Wel - Ryan Seymour - Hybrid
WELD-101A - Intro to Shield. Metal Arc Wel - David Thrasher - 5 week - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WELD-101A - Intro to Shield. Metal Arc Wel - William Mouton - Online, InPerson
WELD-101B - Int. Shielded Metal Arc Weld - William Mouton - Online, InPerson
WELD-111A Intro to to Semiautomatic Weld - Tim Baber - OnlineLIVE
WELD-111B - Intermed Semiautomatic Welding - Tim Baber - OnlineLIVE
WELD-112A Intro to Gas Tung Arc Welding - David Bell - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WELD-112A Intro to Gas Tung Arc Welding - Andres Carrillo - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WELD-112A Intro to Gas Tung Arc Welding - Ryan Seymour - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WELD-113A Introduction to Pipe Welding - David Thrasher - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WELD-113B Pipe Layout and Fabrication - David Thrasher - OnlineLIVE, InPerson
WELD-130 - Welding Metallurgy - David Bell - OnlineLIVE
WELD-130 - Welding Metallurgy - Lloyd Carder - InPerson
WELD-132 - Blueprint Read. Welders/Fabric - David Bell - OnlineLIVE
WELD-132 - Blueprint Read. Welders/Fabric - Donna Gutierrez - InPerson
Letters will be posted soon.