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Chem 256-57780 - Organic Chemistry 2 - Isaac Koh

Course:Organic Chemistry 2
Professor:Isaac Koh
  • Online
  • OnlineLive
Course Length:
  • 16 Week


The instructor is a man, wearing a pair of glasses and smiling to the students.

Welcome to Summer 2021 session! I am your instructor, Dr. Isaac Koh. This is my eighth year as an adjunct faculty in Chemistry at College of the Canyons (COC) since Fall of 2014.

My major is located at the intertwined intersection of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Biotechnology, and Nanotechnology. My academic credentials include a bachelor's and a master's degree in Chemical Technology at the College of Engineering of Seoul National University in South Korea, a leading research university in East Asia. I pursued a graduate study in the United States and received PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at University of Maryland College Park. I have a tract record of academia, researches in major institutions, and a commercial sector. I worked at a hospital-research setting for states of the art facilities in NMR-based diagnostics of diseases at Harvard Medical School. I contributed to translate my research results into commercial products as a scientist at a start-up company.

This Orientation Letter includes information for this Chemistry 256 class. Please take time to read through this orientation letter completely. 

This course is offered as 16-week Distance Education this Fall, Tuesday and Thursday: 

Lecture TTH 9:30 am ~ 10:50 am Online Live

Lab TTH 11:00 am~2:05 pm Online Live

It is required that students check the Canvas shell frequently for keeping up with the progress of the class, downloading the lecture and lab materials, and uploading the assignments. Log on to the OnlineLive class in time to perform the class activities including discussion, Virtual Lab management and analysis of data. The course will present contents synchronously and asynchronously. Lecture contents will be recorded and uploaded on Canvas shell in time. OnlineLive class for lecture will mainly be used for problem solving and discussion. OnlineLive classes will be recorded and uploaded in time, usually the following day.

Course Description

Organic Chemistry 2 (Chem 256) is offered to students as the second and final semester, following Organic Chemistry 1 (Chem 255), in the two-semester Organic Chemistry sequence at College of the Canyons. The contents of this course include the followings:

(1) Conjugated unsaturated systems including aromatic compounds and reactions of aromatic compounds

(2) Carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, reactions at the alpha-carbon of carbonyl compounds, and condensation and conjugate addition reactions of carbonyl compounds)

(3) Amines

What to Expect in this Course

A Skills-Based Approach in Learning.   A skills-based approach is designed to offer a bridge the disparities between theory (concepts) and practice (problem-solving skills). The instructor will employ this approach to instruction through SkillBuilders, which contains three parts of Learn the SkillPractice the Skill, and Apply the Skill. The instructor will prepare his own lecture notes with this skills-based approach and post the lecture notes in time, so the students may print the documents out to attend the online class. The instructor will guide the students step-by-step in synchronous class about how to build up and master the concepts. The students will gain problem-solving skills through this guided stepwise approach. This skills-based approach may bridge the gap between theory and practice and thus induce students to think like organic chemists.

OnlineLive lecture and lab: The instructor will use Zoom lecturing for synchronous delivery of the lectures and virtual lab experiments. Canvas as the learning management system will be organized in a weekly basis for lecture and lab, so the students can easily follow the instructions and scheduled events such as due dates, lecture and lab contents, group presentations, quizzes, or exams.  Recorded Zoom contents will be posted in time with audio transcript, so the students may get access to the recorded materials for review of the educational contents.  A live and engaging interaction in lecture and lab between the students and the instructor will be possible with the adoption of the electronic instrument of Microsoft Surface Pro. The instructor will draw the chemical structures and mechanisms synchronously to the lecture and lab experiment sheets, so the students were able to see the processes lively.

Assessments: Students are instructed to write directly on multiple choices in quizzes and multiple-choice section of exams, while a file-uploading is required for free response problems. All the submission of homework, lab reports, and a project report will be done electronically on the Canvas shell. Make sure to convert the submission into a single PDF file for uploading as much as possible to facilitate grading and maintain a proper workload for the instructor. 

Types of Assessments

Online exams: Students will take online exams in time, three hourly exams, and a a final exam (cumulative). 

Quizzes: Quizzes (multiple choices) will be given in time to test students' understanding of the concepts in a chapter. 

Discussion board: The instructor will set up discussion topics on the Discussion Board, including group projects.

Group projects: Gaining problem solving skills on Synthesis Problems is one of the core student learning objectives in Organic Chemistry 2. As we progress into Organic Chemistry 2, we will add more synthesis schemes in our toolbox of organic synthesis. Students will be grouped two-by-two and given a synthesis problem for presentation to the whole class. 

Textbook Information

David Klein, Organic Chemistry, 3rd edition (WileyPlus)

ISBN-13: 978-1119340577

ISBN-10: 1119340578

Other Relevant Course Information

Beyond Labz: Beyond Labz is a virtual lab platform. Students will use Beyond Labz for online lab and data analysis. 

Lab manual will be available as PDF files on Canvas. Download and print out a copy of the lab manual in time. 

How to submit your assignment: There are two options to submit your work. 

First, print out a PDF form, fill up the blanks, take a picture and convert it to a single PDF file (Adobe Scan is recommended for the purpose). When ready, submit the PDF document onto the Canvas. 

Second, you may directly write on a PDF file, if a tablet PC or an iPad is available. Then submit your work as PDF on Canvas. 

Additional Resources


This course can be accessed on the first day of class via Canvas at Log into Canvas using your CanyonsID single sign-on:

  • CanyonsID Username is your COC student email address (Ex:
  • CanyonsID Password is your COC student email password

Please visit the Get to Know Your Online Classroom page for help logging into Canvas and for tips on using Canvas and Zoom. Canvas Chat Support is also available 24/7 for any Canvas related issues.

Online Education

Check out the Online Education website for more information on a variety of topics that can help you be a successful online student such as: exam proctoring, learning styles, computer skills, and tips for student success. If this is your first online course, feel free to take our online learning readiness assessment to assess your skills.

The Learning Center (TLC)

The TLC provides FREE online tutoring resources to COC students!

Academic Accommodation Center (AAC)

College of the Canyons AAC provides educational services and access for eligible students with documented disabilities who intend to pursue coursework at COC. A variety of programs and services are available which afford eligible students with disabilities the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of the college programs and activities through appropriate and reasonable accommodations. For more information on their services visit the Academic Accomodation Center website.

Online Counseling

The Counseling Department offers appointments online. You can schedule an appointment by visiting the Online Counseling website. Counselors can help you map out a plan to reach your educational goals as well as advise you on course selection and registration.

Management of Stress and Mental Health

Often the pressure on our students is very strong, involving academic commitments, relationships, outside jobs and family pressure to name a few. The staff and faculty of College of the Canyons are here to see you succeed academically and care about your emotional and physical health. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential student services, including counseling and mental health services available on campus by visiting the Student Health & Wellness Center in the Student Services Building (across from the bookstore). The phone number is 661-362-3259 that you can call 24/7. You can also e mail for an appointment at At the Canyon Country Campus the Health Center will be in the new Student Services Building.

Also, the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number is now 988. All students at COC are encouraged to enter that phone number in their cells. You can call it when you, or someone you know, is having thoughts of suicide or is in severe distress.

You can also now use the Crisis Text Line: Just text "Courage" to 741741. Someone will get back to you immediately. Its free, 24/7, and confidential.

Veterans Resource Center

The College of the Canyons Veterans Resource Center is a department within the Student Services Division at the college, created to help veterans and veteran dependents with applying to College of the Canyons, enrolling in classes, and requesting VA Education or Vocational Benefits. For more information please visit the Veterans Resource Center website, email or phone (661) 362-3469.


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Last updated: 05/25/2021 Sub#: 27