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HRMGT 102 - Introduction to the Tourism Industry - Kevin v Anthony

Course:Introduction to the Tourism Industry
Professor:Kevin v Anthony
  • Online
Course Length:
  • 5 Week


Dear Student:


WELCOME to HRMGT 102 Introduction to the Tourism Industry.


This course will be online.  There is no requirement to attend any in-class, face-to-face meetings at any point during this semester. I will be conducting Confer Zoom class sessions that will be recorded. You will be invited to attend these sessions but if you do not attend these sessions I encourage you to listen to the recording.  Again, this is not a requirement. 


All readings, assignments, quizzes, exams, and papers will be entirely online and can be completed anywhere you have access to the internet. Although this is an online class you will find me to be regularly available to answer any questions you might have. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at any point during the semester. I will also be communicating with you through discussion boards and Confer Zoom, so my hope is that you will not feel as if you are taking this class alone, but rather that you are part of a team all working together to succeed and learn more about the tourism industry


To succeed in this class it is vital that you check the website on Monday.  When the work is assigned I will provide you with a due date for the completion of the work. Normally, you will have to complete 1 or 2 discussion boards and a quiz each week.

Course Description

Course Description and Student Learning Outcome

Course Description: Comprehensive analysis of the operations, principles and trends in the emerging tourism industry with an emphasis on the marketing and the competitive service strategies of major tourist attractions.

What to Expect in this Course

Tools for Success: Your regular accessing of Canvas and completing the assigned tasks is critical for your success. In fact, in order to complete this course, you must complete the first assignment by 11:59 PST on the first day of the semester. This first assignment will not require much beyond answering a few simple questions that let me know you are able to log in to Canvas and that you are participating on the first day. This is basically the same requirement for face-to-face classes, where students must be present on the first day.  Furthermore, you will be expected to regularly participate in online discussion boards, as well as to complete written assignments on time. This is not a self-paced, or correspondence course, so you will need complete all coursework by the due date, and you will not be allowed to go back and revise old assignments. For the first week of the semester, failure to complete the first assignment by the due date will result in you being dropped from the course.


Here are a few other tips for succeeding in this course that you might keep in mind:

  1. Check the Specs - Make sure you have the proper software and other technical requirements and specifications before the course begins. You don’t want to fall behind early or be dropped from the course, so check to see that you are able to log in to Canvas at least a few days prior to the beginning of the semester (even if your specific course isn’t yet available). Then, if there are any problems, you’ll have time to seek help and fix things.


  1. Create a schedule (and stick to it) - Make a calendar for the course, and plot all of the due dates and important assignments. By doing this, you’ll be able to keep up with the course and not have to log in to Canvas every time you’re wondering what’s coming up in the course. Online classes can move quickly, so it’s essential be aware of what’s happening. In addition, consider printing your syllabus so you’ll have a handy hard copy.


  1. Organize – This goes along with creating a schedule and is generally a good idea for all of your courses, whether online or not. One good way to organize is to create a dedicated workspace, notebook, or area in your home where you keep all of your online class materials.  This will help you stay on task and complete your coursework on time. 


  1. Stay connected – Don’t hesitate to contact your instructor with questions. There’s no such thing as a dumb question, and I am available to help and guide you through the course. Also, don’t be shy about connecting with your fellow students. If you’re unclear about something, post a question in the coffee shop forum in the discussion board; chances are, you’re not alone and others have the same question. By doing this, you’ll be doing yourself, and your peers, a favor.  I will answer these questions or other students might be able to answer and help you with your question.


  1. Find Your Motivation – Successful online students are self-starters, who set their own goals and try their best to meet them. But that doesn’t mean we were all born that way. Whatever your shortcomings as a student, this class is an opportunity to restart your academic career and succeed. If you would like to know about how to succeed in colleges classes of all types, contact your instructor, or your counselor, or both.

Textbook Information

OER There is no assigned textbook for this class but you will be assigned weekly reading assignments. There are no current Tourism textbooks because, I believe, the information rich internet has a multitude of resources that will address the course objectives. You will also be required to review case studies, powerpoints and videos.

Additional Resources


This course can be accessed on the first day of class via Canvas at Log into Canvas using your CanyonsID single sign-on:

  • CanyonsID Username is your COC student email address (Ex:
  • CanyonsID Password is your COC student email password

Please visit the Get to Know Your Online Classroom page for help logging into Canvas and for tips on using Canvas and Zoom. Canvas Chat Support is also available 24/7 for any Canvas related issues.

Online Education

Check out the Online Education website for more information on a variety of topics that can help you be a successful online student such as: exam proctoring, learning styles, computer skills, and tips for student success. If this is your first online course, feel free to take our online learning readiness assessment to assess your skills.

The Learning Center (TLC)

The TLC provides FREE online tutoring resources to COC students!

Academic Accommodation Center (AAC)

College of the Canyons AAC provides educational services and access for eligible students with documented disabilities who intend to pursue coursework at COC. A variety of programs and services are available which afford eligible students with disabilities the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of the college programs and activities through appropriate and reasonable accommodations. For more information on their services visit the Academic Accomodation Center website.

Online Counseling

The Counseling Department offers appointments online. You can schedule an appointment by visiting the Online Counseling website. Counselors can help you map out a plan to reach your educational goals as well as advise you on course selection and registration.

Management of Stress and Mental Health

Often the pressure on our students is very strong, involving academic commitments, relationships, outside jobs and family pressure to name a few. The staff and faculty of College of the Canyons are here to see you succeed academically and care about your emotional and physical health. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential student services, including counseling and mental health services available on campus by visiting the Student Health & Wellness Center in the Student Services Building (across from the bookstore). The phone number is 661-362-3259 that you can call 24/7. You can also e mail for an appointment at At the Canyon Country Campus the Health Center will be in the new Student Services Building.

Also, the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number is now 988. All students at COC are encouraged to enter that phone number in their cells. You can call it when you, or someone you know, is having thoughts of suicide or is in severe distress.

You can also now use the Crisis Text Line: Just text "Courage" to 741741. Someone will get back to you immediately. Its free, 24/7, and confidential.

Veterans Resource Center

The College of the Canyons Veterans Resource Center is a department within the Student Services Division at the college, created to help veterans and veteran dependents with applying to College of the Canyons, enrolling in classes, and requesting VA Education or Vocational Benefits. For more information please visit the Veterans Resource Center website, email or phone (661) 362-3469.


The Library provides live online and in-person research help, access to a full range of e-resources and physical materials that support the curriculum, individual and group study areas, and much more!

Last updated: 10/07/2021 Sub#: 777