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Cybersecurity in light of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Cybersecurity in light of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Hackers are leveraging the fear, panic and general curiosity of coronavirus news and information to launch attacks against individuals and organizations.

Here is some quick information to educate yourself on some of the various threats that you should watch out for in order to protect yourself and your information.

Johns Hopkins site impersonated for malintent
FBI warns of malicious websites and apps related to Coronavirus
Coronavirus related Android app is actually ransomware
CDC and WHO impersonation phishing attacks on the rise
Fraudulent Coronavirus cures
Fraudulent disaster relief donation sites
Secure your Zoom room from Zoom-Bombing

  • A malicious website (corona-virus-map[dot]com) looks similar to a legitimate site from Johns Hopkins showing worldwide COVID-19 cases. The malicious website hosts a map of COVID-19 cases but actually contains a virus that will steal information, including sensitive data.

  • The FBI is warning citizens to be wary of malicious websites and apps pretending to track COVID-19 cases worldwide. Criminals are using malicious websites and apps to infect and lock devices until payment is received. Learn more at the FBI PSA

  • A malicious Android app that pretends to be a "Coronavirus Tracking App" is actually ransomware that will infect the phone and lock it until payment is received. The malicious app is downloaded as (coronavirusapp[.]site).

  • Beware of hackers posing as CDC or WHO representatives in phishing attacks. To strengthen cybersecurity, please note the anti-phishing tips and advice from the Federal Trade Commission. Learn more at the FTC

  • Be cautious of anyone selling products that claim to prevent, treat, diagnose or cure COVID-19. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission issued a warning regarding seven companies selling fraudulent COVID-19 products. Learn more at the FBI PSA

  • Be cautious of disaster relief sites collecting donations for various causes. The FCC warns of fraudulent websites that appear shortly after disasters strike, purporting to collect donations to serve vicitims of the disaster. Read more about Disaster Relief scams at the FCC site.