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Student Access, Learning, and Success

1. Student Access, Learning, and Success

1.1 - The Board will receive update reports on efforts to increase access, enrollment, completion, and transfer rates to include disaggregated data as evidence of progress toward closing the achievement gaps.

Measurement: Number of meeting reports and dates received and discussed.

1.2 - The Board will review and discuss report on alignment of educational and technical programs to student educational goals and workforce training needs.

Measurement: Number of meetings and dates of reports received and discussed.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access

2. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access

2.1 - The Board will review Board policies with an eye to how they address DEIA and the removal of systemic barriers in district policies and local practices.

Measurement: Number of policies and dates reviewed and approved by the Board which were identified as related to DEIA and removing barriers.

2.2 - The Board will analyze the results of a student campus to gauge student perception of and satisfaction with diversity, equity, inclusion, and access.

Measurement: Report on Student Survey.

2.3 - The Board will review the personnel hiring schedule with an eye to making progress toward a more diverse workforce.

Measurement: Diversity data as part of the personnel hiring schedule.

2.4 - The Board will review status of funding for DEIA efforts in achieving DEIA goals.

Measurement: Report on the expenditures of DEIA funds aligned to DEIA goals.

Fiscal Responsibility

3. Fiscal Responsibility

3.1 - The Board will review the Budget Parameters presented by PAC-B through Fiscal Services.

Measurement: Date of meeting report and date of Board approval.

3.2 - The Board will review the annual budget to ensure an appropriate reserve, final balance, and the paying of debt obligation.

Measurement: Number of meeting reports received and discussed and dates of Board approval.

3.3 - The Board will review monthly expenditures and budget transfers.

Measurement: Number of meeting reports received and discussed and dates of Board ratification.

3.4 - The Board will review expenditures from bond projects, grants, and facility plans.

Measurement: Number of meeting reports received and discussed and dates of Board approvals.

Campus Safety and Wellbeing

4. Campus Safety and Wellbeing

4.1 - The Board will review policies, practices, and services that promote physical and mental health and wellbeing on our campuses.

Measurement: Number and dates of meeting reports received and discussed.

4.2 - The Board will receive an annual report or Up, Close, and Personal presentation regarding Campus Safety to include the Clery Report and other campus safety incidents data.

Measurement: Number and dates of meeting reports received and discussed.

4.3 - The Board will receive an annual report or Up, Close, and Personal presentation regarding the Health and Wellness Center to include staff, services, and student usage for both physical and mental health.

Measurement: Number and dates of reports received and discussed.

4.4 - The board will receive a report to review the results of a Student Survey to ascertain the students' sense of campus safety and wellbeing.

The board will receive and review results of surveys from the campus community on Campus Climate (students, staff, faculty, administrators).

Measurement: Hold a Study Session to review results of the Surveys.

Responsible Governance

5. Responsible Governance

5.1 - The Board will receive a report on progress toward Board goals mid-year in November 2023 and at the end of the year self-evaluation meeting in May 2024.

Measurement: Date and minutes from the mid-year and the end-of-year self-evaluation and discussion on attainment of goals.

5.2 - The Board will review Chapter 2 policies on its established 3-year continuous cycle to keep current.

Measurement: Number of meetings and dates of Chapter 2 policies approvals.

Internal and External Communication and Relationships

6. Internal and External Communication and Relationships

6.1 - The Board will improve communication with the Wm. S. Hart HS District by holding a joint meeting to discuss common goals and challenges, best practices, career pathways, dual enrollment, and articulation agreements.

Measurement: Number and dates of joint meetings with the Hart District Board and any commitments as a result.

6.2 - The Board will improve communication and collaboration with the COC Foundation by holding a joint meeting of the Boards and by attending and supporting Foundation events.

Measurement: Number and dates of events attended and the joint meeting of the Board.

6.3 - The Board will support ASG and students by attending student activities and events, and hearing their voices.

Measurement: Number and dates of ASG sponsored and other student events attended by Board members.

6.4 - The Board will improve relationship with the community by attending city, business, non-profit organizations, and other community groups, including under-represented groups' events to promote communication and collaboration.

Measurement: Number and dates of community events attended by Board members.

Board Professional Development

7. Board Professional Development

7.1 - The Board will develop a Trustee Orientation Manual for a Board Mentor to use with a new trustee to include the role of trustees including advocacy, community engagement, officer roles, role of liaison(s), and the responsibility of mentoring a new trustee.

Measurement: Completion of "A Board Handbook: Responsibilities of A Board Mentor and The New Trustee."

7.2 - The Board members will attend at least one professional development workshop, webinar, or study session on one of the topics from the Trusteeship competencies.

Measurement: Number of professional development opportunities and dates of attendance.