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Health & Wellness Resources

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Fostering Resilience

How resilient are you? During a personal crisis, some people are more resilient than others. Resilience is more than coping; it’s about confronting crises and difficult situations without getting overwhelmed by them. Resilient people are better able to handle life’s stressors and adapt to changing situations. Being resilient can help protect you from depression, stress and anxiety, too.

Tips for improving resiliency

Resilience can be strengthened and nurtured in adults and children by improving self-esteem, developing a strong system of social support, and taking care of your physical and mental health.

Maintain connections with family and friends

Having strong, positive relationships with others provides a cushion of acceptance and support that can help you weather tough times. When you cannot be physically present with your support network, find other ways to connect – call, video chat, send an email or write a card.

Avoid viewing problems as insurmountable

You have probably handled and survived difficult situations in the past—and maybe even learned from those difficult experiences. Learn from these past experiences and be confident that you will get through a current crisis, too.

Accept that change is part of living

The reality is that certain things cannot be controlled. What’s important is how you respond to the situation. Accepting the change makes it easier to move forward with your life.

Take care of your physical and mental health

It’s especially important when you are feeling stressed to continue to eat a healthy diet and get adequate sleep and regular exercise. Alcohol and caffeine can increase stress levels; avoid or reduce consumption.

Get support from an employee assistance program

If you need help dealing with a personal crisis or would like additional resources and strategies for improving your resilience, contact your employee assistance program for confidential counseling and other services.