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Current Fees

All students are required to pay the State Enrollment Fee. The enrollment fee and other fees are subject to change during the academic year.

Santa Clarita Community College District Board Policy 501.5 exempts CALIFORNIA high school students from paying the enrollment fee.


California Resident


Enrollment Fee



Non-California Resident/International Tuition*


Enrollment Fee

Non-Resident/International Tuition

Capital Outlay Fee

Total Tuition






College Fees


Health Summer / Winter

Health Spring / Fall

Student Representation Fee (Optional)

Student Center Fee

Student Support Fee (Optional) Summer / Winter

Student Support Fee (Optional) Spring / Fall

Parking (Optional) Summer / Winter

Parking (Optional) Spring / Fall

Motorcycle Parking

Daily Parking





$1.00/unit ($10 max/year)







Other Fees


Baccalaureate Degree Program Fee (Upper division course fee)

Credit for Prior Learning

Material Fees

Official Transcripts - Regular

Official Transcripts - Rush

Official Transcripts - On Demand

Duplicate Diploma

Returned Check Fee





$5.00 (First 2 are free)





*Non-California Resident/International Tuition

Fees decreased in 2024-2025, beginning with 2024 Fall Registration. Classes Enrolled in 2024 Summer are billed at the 2023-2024 rate.

Enrollment $46.00/unit, Non-California Resident / International Tuition $414.00 and Capital Outlay Fee $5.00/unit. Total Tuition is $465.00/unit.


Fee Waivers and Special Programs

California College Promise Grant (CCPG) (Please see link for application and information)

  • Method A - Students who qualify will have the enrollment fee, college fees and fees for one (1) auto or motorcycle parking pass waived. All additional passes will be sold at the regular posted rate. The optional student support fee is paid by the student.
  • Method B, C or D - Students who qualify will have the enrollment fee waived. Required to pay the college fees and may purchase one (1) optional discounted auto or motorcycle parking pass. (Summer/Winter $10, Spring/Fall $20 or motorcycle $7.50) Any additional passes will be sold at the regular posted rate.

Students who apply and are granted a CCPG, have to re-apply annually beginning with the Fall Semester.

High School Early College Programs (Please see links for application and information)

  • Concurrent Enrollment - High school students enrolled in COC classes taught on campus outside the regular school day will have the tuition enrollment fee waived. Required to pay the college fees and if applicable, non-resident tuition.
  • College NOW - High school students enrolled in COC classes taught on the high school campus outside the regular school day will have the enrollment fee waived. Required to pay the college fees and if applicable, non-resident tuition.
  • Dual Enrollment Program - High school students enrolled in COC classes taught on their high school campus during the regular school day will have the enrollment fee and college fees waived. If applicable, required to pay non-resident tuition.

Canyons Promise Program (Please see link for application and information)

  • Students who apply, are accepted into the Canyons Promise Program and maintain program requirements will have their enrollment fee, college fees and parking pass (first year only) covered for the Fall and Spring semesters for up to two years. Summer and Winter terms are not covered through the program, students choosing to register in Summer and Winter courses are responsible for payment of all tuition, including enrollment fees, college fees and parking.

All fees are subject to change.