Professor: | Julie Nguyen |
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Professor Julie Nguyen - BIOSCI-107-78745 - Molecular and Cellular Biology instructor for Fall 2024
Course Section Number: 78745
Format: Hybrid
Course Length: 16 Week – 19th, August 2024 to 6th, December 2024
Lecture / Disc: 100% Online
Required On-Ground Lab Meetings: Wednesday 6:00-9:05 PM / COC - ALLB 218
Tool(s) Used to Meet: Canvas Platform / ConferZoom
- To connect to Canvas you will need reliable access to the internet via a computer, tablet or phone.
- If you need help with computer questions, Canvas support, and/or computer loans, you can go to:
ASG Computer support: ASG Computer Labs (
or TLC Canvas support: The Learning Center ( - Stable internet access via a computer or tablet is required, and you should have basic computer skills, including how to attach files to emails or upload to Canvas. All lecture ppts, notes, videos, assignment and exams will be made available on Canvas via Module, Assignment, and Quizzes menu.
- We will be meeting through ConferZoom via log in to Canvas during our scheduled class meetings. A webcam is highly recommended but not mandatory. All lecture/lab assignments/videos, and lab activities and/or exams will require you to remain online for the duration of the synchronous class hours.
- You will submit all the required coursework, lab report assignments, and exams via the submission link portal via Canvas Module platform to receive proper credits.
Course Description
Biosci107: Units: 4.00 - UC:CSU, May Be Taken Once for Credit
Pre-Requisite: CHEM-201 or CHEM-201H and MATH-070 Recommended Preparation: ENGL-101 or ENGL-101H
Cells are the foundational unit of all living things. This course introduces the principles of cellular form and function including bioenergetics and metabolism, molecular structure and evolution, gene regulation, cellular anatomy and physiology, and the principles of biotechnology.
What to Expect in this Course
What to Expect:
- This course is for science majors. In order to do well in all student learning objectives (SLO) for Lecture and Lab, students are required to read all assigned assignment as indicated on syllabus and Canvas. In addition, students must be present on-ground to perform lab activity every Wednesday of each week.
- All text chapter reading materials, lecture study guide, individual lab report activity questions, portfolio, and special topic presentation are posted on Canvas Module. You are required to complete, upload, and present all assigned report questions on Canvas on indicated due dates as shown on the Class Syllabus.
- We will adhere as closely as possible to the course syllabus albeit that there are many assigned reading materials on the syllabus with so little time during our semester session course. Hence, if a topic is not covered during our meeting but it is listed on the syllabus, you are responsible for it.
Types of Assessments
Four Lecture Exams, 13 Pre-Lab Quizzes, 13 Post-Lab Reports, and a Cumulative Lab Practical Final Exam.
Office Hours (OH) - In person: Wednesday before class 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm, after class 9:05pm – 9:30 pm, or by appt. Online OH: Wed. 8:00 am – 9:00 am. You can also submit questions via email which I check on a daily basis through Canvas “inbox”. Note that I may not be able to promptly reply back to you and there may be a 24-hour turnaround time for me to get back to you.
Waiting list students will be notified of add-on enrollment immediately after first week of class.
Textbook Information
Textbook Information
(or Link to OER Textbook): Mandatory
LIFE: The Science of Biology, 12th Edition, Custom Volume 1, Chapters 1-18 ISBN: 9781319402532 available at COC bookstore
(6-month online e-book access is $38 from publisher (MacMillan / (or rent it on Amazon)
Other Relevant Course Information
Waiting list students will be notified of add-on enrollment immediately after first week of class.
The course can be accessed via Canvas at on the first day of the course. Follow the login instructions at the bottom of the screen to log in. Here, you can also access Canvas user guides with helpful tips for navigating and using Canvas. For any Canvas related issues please call the Canvas Student Support line at 877-889-9052 for 24/7 support.
Online Education:
Check out the Online Education website for more information on a variety of topics that can help you be a successful online student such as: exam proctoring, learning styles, computer skills, and tips for student success. If this is your first online course, feel free to take our online learning readiness assessment to assess your skills.
The Learning Center (TLC):
The TLC provides FREE online tutoring resources to COC students!
For tutoring in English, Math, Science, and other subjects on a walk-in basis, please visit the state-of-the-art TLC. Call for hours of operation at 661-362-3351. If you are having trouble--contact me, form a study group or study with a friend, and use the TLC services. Seek help as soon as you need it, the college has many resources, don’t wait until it’s too late!
Disabled Students Program & Services (DSPS):
College of the Canyons DSPS provides educational services and access for eligible students with documented disabilities who intend to pursue coursework at COC. A variety of programs and services are available which afford eligible students with disabilities the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of the college programs and activities through appropriate and reasonable accommodations. For more information on their services visit the Disabled Students Program & Services website. COC provides services for students with disabilities in compliance with the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If you need special accommodations please see me early in the semester. The DSP&S Office is located in Seco Hall, room 103 (behind financial aid). Phone Number: (661) 362-3341; Telephone Devise for the Deaf (TTY): (661) 255-7967
Online Counseling:
The Counseling Department offers appointments online. You can schedule an appointment by visiting the Online Counseling website. Counselors can help you map out a plan to reach your educational goals as well as advise you on course selection and registration:
Management of Stress and Mental Health:
College of the Canyons cares about your emotional and physical health. Learn more about the broad range of confidential student services, including free counseling and mental health services available during this time by visiting the Student Health & Wellness Center website or by calling them at: 661-362-3259.
The National Suicide Lifeline number is 1-800-273- 8255 (TALK). Please call it if you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or is in severe distress - it could save someone's life.
You can also use the Crisis Text Line: Just text "Courage" to 741741. It's free, available 24/7, and confidential.
Last updated: 06/10/2020
Important Degree Information:
Check out the Math-Sciences Division website to see which classes are required for various degree programs and/or to see if you qualify to graduate with one of these degrees:
Associate Degree Information:
Recent California Legislation guarantees admission to a California State University (CSU) campus for any community college student who completes an “associate degree for transfer”. The Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) in Math, Physics, Computer Science, and Geology, or the Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) in Geography, is intended for College of the Canyons students who plan to complete a bachelor's degree in a similar major at a CSU campus. Students must earn a C or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis. The College also offers associate degrees in Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, and Math. For more information on the suggested sequence of classes to be taken in order to obtain these degrees in two years, as well as information on when these courses are guaranteed to be offered, please visit:
MESA (MATHEMATICS, ENGINEERING, SCIENCE ACHIEVEMENT (MESA -ALLB 114) is a program that supports students to excel in math, engineering, and the sciences. MESA is based on a rigorous program that builds academic skills and encourages cooperative solving. There is access to technology, academic advisement, and other support services are available. For more information, please contact the MESA Program Director in ALLB-114 or call (661) 362-3448.
Additional Resources
This course can be accessed on the first day of class via Canvas at Log into Canvas using your CanyonsID single sign-on:
- CanyonsID Username is your COC student email address (Ex:
- CanyonsID Password is your COC student email password
Please visit the Get to Know Your Online Classroom page for help logging into Canvas and for tips on using Canvas and Zoom. Canvas Chat Support is also available 24/7 for any Canvas related issues.
Online Education
Check out the Online Education website for more information on a variety of topics that can help you be a successful online student such as: exam proctoring, learning styles, computer skills, and tips for student success. If this is your first online course, feel free to take our online learning readiness assessment to assess your skills.
The Learning Center (TLC)
The TLC provides FREE online tutoring resources to COC students!
Academic Accommodation Center (AAC)
College of the Canyons AAC provides educational services and access for eligible students with documented disabilities who intend to pursue coursework at COC. A variety of programs and services are available which afford eligible students with disabilities the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of the college programs and activities through appropriate and reasonable accommodations. For more information on their services visit the Academic Accomodation Center website.
Online Counseling
The Counseling Department offers appointments online. You can schedule an appointment by visiting the Online Counseling website. Counselors can help you map out a plan to reach your educational goals as well as advise you on course selection and registration.
Management of Stress and Mental Health
Often the pressure on our students is very strong, involving academic commitments, relationships, outside jobs and family pressure to name a few. The staff and faculty of College of the Canyons are here to see you succeed academically and care about your emotional and physical health. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential student services, including counseling and mental health services available on campus by visiting the Student Health & Wellness Center in the Student Services Building (across from the bookstore). The phone number is 661-362-3259 that you can call 24/7. You can also e mail for an appointment at At the Canyon Country Campus the Health Center will be in the new Student Services Building.
Also, the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number is now 988. All students at COC are encouraged to enter that phone number in their cells. You can call it when you, or someone you know, is having thoughts of suicide or is in severe distress.
You can also now use the Crisis Text Line: Just text "Courage" to 741741. Someone will get back to you immediately. Its free, 24/7, and confidential.
Veterans Resource Center
The College of the Canyons Veterans Resource Center is a department within the Student Services Division at the college, created to help veterans and veteran dependents with applying to College of the Canyons, enrolling in classes, and requesting VA Education or Vocational Benefits. For more information please visit the Veterans Resource Center website, email or phone (661) 362-3469.
The Library provides live online and in-person research help, access to a full range of e-resources and physical materials that support the curriculum, individual and group study areas, and much more!
Last updated: 08/19/2024 Sub#: 131