Scheduled Outages
10/29/19 Pending VP of IT Approval
11/01/19 VP of IT Approved
11/08/19 Upgrade Complete
What’s Happening
IT will be performing maintenance of its web content management system, OUCampus on November 8, 2019 from 10am to 2pm. This is intended to improve the functionality and performance of our system.
What This Means
You will not be able to edit your web pages during the maintenance window. The website will still be up and running.
What You Need To Do
Please wait for IT to send out a notification that the maintenance has completed. Please refrain from accessing the system during the outage.
Getting Help
Please call the Helpdesk at x3953 or 661-362-3953 if you have any questions. For a listing of all our scheduled outages or for more information, please visit: