CanyonsID Login for Staff
Logging In
The URL is:
Employees (staff, faculty, administrators)
Username: staff\lastname_first initial (e.g. staff\hernandez_p)
Password: <this is the same as your email password>
*If you do not remember your password, please contact us via phone or in office so that we can verify your account information and reset your
*Please note: the backslash goes from top left to bottom right. ( \ )
First Time Registration
The first time you log in, you will be prompted to specify a secondary email address and/or a cell phone number. This will provide us with the necessary information required for self-service password reset.
One Time Passcode
You will be sent a One Time Passcode (OTP) to verify your email address.
Enter in the OTP that was emailed to your secondary email address.
Enter your cellphone number and select Phone Provider.
*Please note that Cellphone enrollment is optional. If you prefer not to enroll your phone number, please click "Skip". Otherwise follow
the prompts.
Enter the One Time Passcode (OTP) that was texted to your phone.
Click "Try to continue logging in"
Account Management
Once succesfully logged in you will arrive at the account management window.
Once your Canyons ID has been activated please login to your email using
Username: staff\lastname_first initial (e.g. staff\hernandez_p)
Password: <same as above>
*Please note: the backslash goes from top left to bottom right. ( \ )
Email on Mobile Devices:
Get help with Email on Mobile Devices.
Call: (661) 362-3953