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Dr. Samuel Otoo

Dr. Otoo retired from the ESL program in 2022. He is sorely missed by the students and faculty but we hope to see him back soon helping in both the Credit ESL and Non-Credit ESL programs.

Dr. Otoo worked as an educator for almost twenty years. He taught English Language and Literature in Ghana and Nigeria after graduating from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana with a BA in English and Classics in 1981. In search of cross-cultural experience, he relocated to California where he pursued graduate studies. He has an MA in TESOL from Biola University and another MA in Education (Teaching and Learning) from Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego. He also has a doctoral degree in Higher Education from Nova Southeastern University. Dr. Otoo worked briefly for the Arcadia Unified School District as a substitute teacher and later as an instructor at Pasadena City College for six years. Currently, he teaches English and English as a Second Language (ESL) at College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita. He loves soccer, recreational walks, church music, and charity work. Dr. Otoo lives in Newhall, California with his wife and daughter.