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Powered On Nov 2024

Helping harness the power of filtered searching with Google

By Nathan Wagemann

When it comes to finding exactly what you need online, knowing how to effectively use Google Search operators can save you time and effort. These powerful tools help filter out irrelevant results and narrow down your search, allowing you to focus on the most relevant content. Here’s a breakdown of some useful search operators and tricks to help you harness the power of filtered searching with Google.

Google Search Operators and Tricks:

  • Use Quotes for Exact Phrases
    • Example: "web application development tutorial"
    • This will search for the exact phrase within the quotes, ensuring all words appear in the order specified.
  • Exclude Words with Minus Sign
    • Example: AI tools -chatbot
    • This will show results about AI tools but exclude any that mention chatbots.
  • Use Site Search
    • Example: Roman history
    • This restricts your search to a specific website, like Wikipedia in this case, for content related to Roman history.
  • Search for a Specific Keyword in the Text Body
    • Example: intext:fencing techniques
    • This ensures that the term "fencing techniques" appears in the body text of the page.
  • Search for Synonyms Using a Tilde (~)
    • Example: ~healthy recipes
    • This will search for "healthy" and related terms like "nutritious" or "low-calorie" recipes
  • Use Asterisk (*) as a Wildcard
    • Example: "the best * for web developers"
    • The * serves as a placeholder for any word, helping you find variations of a phrase.
  • Use before: and after: Tags
    • Find Results Before a Specific Date
    • Example: Olympics results before:2020-01-01
    • This finds results published before January 1, 2020.
  • Find Results After a Specific Date
    • Example: artificial intelligence news after:2022-01-01
    • This displays content published after January 1, 2022.
  • Combine before: and after: for a Date Range
    • Example: tech trends after:2019-01-01 before:2021-12-31
    • This finds content published between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2021.





Get back in the Zone…the Zoom Zone!

by Be Phan

Did you know that there are Zoom Zones on both campuses for students to use? It’s advantages if students need a quiet space to attend an online class while on campus. Zoom Zones are equipped with a computer, headphones, and webcam for student to use or they can use their own equipment. Come and check it out!

Zoom Zones are available on both campuses. Their locations are as follows:


  • Library – LIBR-224 (during open hours)

Canyons Country Campus:

  • Student Services Center
    • CCSS-302: Two group study rooms inside the Library
  • Takeda Science Center
    • CCLB-119: One group study room on the 1st floor 
    • CCLB-341 & 342: two rooms on the 3rd floor

Zoom Zone graphic with text, zoome zone, workstations available for online classes, individual desks, power outlets and charging stations, headsets with microphones, open computers with web-cameras.





Got Internet?

by Be Phan

T mobile logo, Project 10 Million, Working to connect every student

If you know of any students or families with kids in school that are struggling to get internet connection at home due to their various situations. There are programs out there that are providing free internet connections via a mobile hotspot. One company is T-Mobile and their “Project 10 MILLION” is “…working to connect 10 million students with free internet service.” Best yet, you don’t have to be a customer of T-Mobile to qualify. Their online form is quick and easy. Click the link to find out more:

More Info


SPOTLIGHT: Carlo Cannavale


Carlo Cannavale, an Information Technology Technician II in Computer Support Services, has been passionate about technology and sports since his early years in San Francisco. A die-hard fan of the San Francisco Giants, 49ers, and Golden State Warriors, Carlo moved to Los Angeles in 2008, where he met his wife, Kim, in 2010. The two married in 2012 and welcomed their daughter, Olivia, in 2014, who is now 10 years old and an avid soccer and volleyball player. When not cheering her on, Carlo enjoys woodworking, with his current project being a retro arcade cabinet, combining his love of gaming with his hands-on craftsmanship.

Carlo’s love for technology was sparked by the 80s classic film "War Games," which fueled his interest in computers. Although a 90s kid, his older brother’s influence gave him a strong connection to 80s music and pop culture, making him a trivia whiz from both decades. After studying business software and advertising in college, Carlo spent 15 years freelancing in computer repair and IT services for small businesses and individuals. He transitioned to education IT in 2015, working for K-12 charter schools in Los Angeles before joining Ventura and Fillmore Unified school districts. Since 2021, Carlo has brought his expertise to College of the Canyons, where he continues to be an invaluable part of the IT team.


A family photo on a bridge, two parents and one child surrounded by trees.




Tis the Season: The Importance of Cybersecurity during the Holidays

by Sarah Schnittker

A special thank you to everyone who participated in the Annual Phishing Tournament hosted by Hsiawen Hull and the Infrastructure & Information Security department during Cybersecurity Awareness Month. A series of workshops were offered highlighting the different ways our information may appear online, and how that information can be used by threat actors for profit. During the Holiday season, it is extra important to be aware of the heightened risk of cyber threats: more people are shopping online, sharing personal information, connecting with loved ones on digital platforms—the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated!

Part of cybersecurity means accessing the risks: most organizations that observe the holidays have less staff available to mitigate a cyberattack or are expending extra resources that may increase vulnerabilities like adding new temporary staff or equipment to the workflow. This, in addition to the surge of online shopping increases, means that more people are touching the internet, and less people are watching the back end. A data breach during the holiday season can lead to not only financial loss but also a damaged reputation; it is because of this that the District emphasizes strong cybersecurity best practices.

Here are some steps you can take during this holiday season to protect your personal information:

  1. Use Strong, Complex Passphrases,
  2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication,
  3. Be Wary of Phishing Scams,
    • Pushing through an election season and into a holiday season, you will likely have an uptick in ‘special offers’ received through text or email. Always verify the origin of these texts and avoid clicking on links that may put your information in danger; Smishing, or SMS Phishing, is when someone tricks users into providing personal information or clicking links by posing as someone you may know. Just a click is enough for a threat actor to see and steal your information.
  4. Verify every website you purchase from—some threat actors have gotten good at disguising their website to look like a brand or company you trust. Always verify it’s the correct site by:
    • looking for the https:// in the URL,
    • a padlock icon in the address bar (on most major Internet Browsers),
    • run the URL through URLVoid, a free ‘website checker’ that will confirm the content and reputation of a given site,
    • search directly through a search engine, and avoid links sent through email or text.
  5. Keep your devices and software up to date.

Phishing and Cybersecurity threats are an all-year-round issue users face despite the seasons. It is important to recognize how your increased activity can increase the risks for you and your personal information. By taking proactive measures to protect personal and business information, we can enjoy a safer and more secure holiday experience. Awareness and vigilance are key—together, we can combat the rising tide of cyber threats this festive season.



Ticket Status



: : : E V E N T S : : :


Technology Committee:

11/05/2024 at 3:15 pm


Ed-Tech Committee:

11/06/2024 at 2:15 pm


Standup Committee:

11/21/2024 at 9:30 pm


Web Committee:

11/21/24 at 1:00 pm


Information Security Committee:

11/22/2024 at 11 am