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Institutional Effectiveness and Inclusive Excellence is a Sub-Committee of the College Planning Team and works in partnership across constituencies to ensure commitment to its mission, vision, theoretical framework, and goals.

  • Develop and articulate the institutional approach to fostering an equity-minded, learning-centered and inclusive community for all students, faculty and staff. To fulfill its mission the Institutional Effectiveness and Inclusive Excellence Steering Committee will facilitate streamlined processes, improved communication and improved collaboration through its regular, coordination meetings between student government, academic senate, student equity, S4S (basic skills), non-credit, student success and support program, and other groups as applicable (e.g., grant funded projects).
  • The Institutional Effectiveness and Inclusive Excellence Steering Committee is dedicated to leveraging resources, both fiscal and human, equity and inclusion as catalysts for institutional effectiveness and student success, which are aligned with the College’s institutional mission to be an institution of excellence and its strategic goal for student support to “…provide student support to facilitate equitable student success and maximize opportunity for all students.”


  • The Learning-and-Effectiveness Paradigm focuses on Inclusion, Integration, and Engagement and aims to explore how identity-group difference affect relationships among individuals and the way work gets done, while looking for ways to remove barriers that block constituents from using the full range of their competencies.
    • Establish a framework to direct the Institutional Effectiveness and Inclusive Excellence plan.
    • Increase collaboration among constituents on activities designed to improve student outcomes.
    • Develop a common understanding of the areas where efforts are needed to improve student outcomes.
    • Foster a culture of inclusive excellence among staff, faculty, and administrators.
    • Institute accountability measures, evaluate progress, and celebrate successes.

 Redesigning the Student Experience

Our Vision 

We want...

  • all degree, transfer and certificate seeking students to have a dedicated student success team.
  • the student experience to be less fragmented, including reorganizing faculty, services and programs so that the structures are student-centered.
  • students' onboarding and advising experiences to connect to our Canyons Completes (Guided Pathways) framework.
  • students to have a personalized, long-term connection to their success team.
  • to purposefully identify essential experiences for all students coupled with individualized support based on student needs.

The Guiding Principles 

We must...

  • design a highly supporting and welcoming environment from the front door to the back door.
  • make the student experience less fragmented.
  • structurally support students to address the broader life challenges that affect their ability to focus on and complete their educational goals.
  • engage all faculty and staff in the Guided Pathways work through monthly forums and podcasts.
  • not let the perfect become an enemy of the good as we redesign the student experience.


    • Tri-chair leadership from Student Services, Academic Affairs, and Institutional Research
    • Improved communication, collaboration, and integrated planning
    • Improved coordination of research, evaluation, and development of CCCCO plans
    • Common inventory of activities supporting COC's student outcome and institutional goals
    • Streamlined processes through utilization of a common solution form
    • Ongoing review of progress on indicators relative to goals, establishment of new goals, review of strategies for achieving goals within Equity, S4S, SSSP and other efforts, as well as discussion of unmet needs and ways to meet those needs
    • Meeting and workgroups three times per semester with additional, specific workgroup meetings
    • Assistance with review of proposed projects
    • The (IE)2 committee provides a forum for coordination of student success activities around common data and institution-set standards
    • Agreed to focus on activities, programs and services that can help improve student completion called the "Canyons Completes" Initiative
    • Defined "Canyons Completes":
    • Canyons Completes will advance completion of degrees, certificates, and skills-building courses for students through new and improved instruction, programs, processes, and services
    • Developed a Discipline-Specific Professional Development Request form for faculty
    • Developed a general (IE)2 Professional Development Request and Travel Report forms